It was about 7pm I had just got to my apartment after a shoot and all I wanted to do was get into bed and watch gossip girl. I get a message from my best friend Isabelle.


omg lena have u seen the article written about you?

                                                                   no what article?

let me send it to you one second

Model Elena Sainz seen with Landon Norris her cousins old teammate and they were seen out for dinner last week and two days later Lando and his girlfriend Holly split up after being together for nearly two years.Is it because of elena?

WTF, me and lando are just friends and we have been for soo long. I'm not the reason they broke up.

Ikk you would never do that but a lot of people seem to think your the reason, there all such idiots everyone knows you and Lando are really close friends.

this is just great I don't want to be involved in another scandal.

I know it's so annoying, ignore them babe !

I swear I can't catch a break, girls and guys can't be friends these days without everyone making assumptions and of course I'm being blamed for them breaking up. Just as I'm lying in bed I get a message from mase.


LENA you busy rn
                                                                              very why
what you doing
watching gossip girl and eating sushi

that's not being busy

yes it is now what do you want
come to mine I'm having a little get together

no soz I'm enjoying myself rn

mase:                                                                                  WOW looks so much fun now plz come

ugh no I'm tired and today has not been the best day

cmon you haven't even come to see me since you've come back from Spain and I miss youu

I'll come see you another day :)
mase:                                                                                I'll take u out to eat tomorrow

fine I'm coming

always works


London, United Kingdom

LIKED BY masonmount, nicolewallace

Elenasainz : I am currently being forced out my apartment someone save me.

View comments

Username : yay she's back in London

Username: girl are you ok
-Elenasainz: no girl😭 mason is stopping me from watching gossip girl

Username: how dare he interrupt GOSSIP GIRL
-Elenasainz: RIGHT!

Nicolewallace: miss you pretty!
-Elenasainz: I miss your gorg face

Masonmount: your so dramatic lena, everyone ignore her
-Elenasainz: so rude for what?

Username: love their friendship^

Sophiaaemlia: can't wait to see you tonight
-Elenasainz: only reason I'm coming is to see you!

Charlottesine: coming to London next week for a couple days,need to see youu!
-Elenasainz: omg are you actually yes yes, come stay at mine!

Username: omg I've missed seeing them together.

Username: she's such a hoe, goes through Carlos's teammates

Username: I knoww can't believe she broke Lando and holly up

Username: we don't know what happened so let's not assume

Username: how many guys is she going to get with


I get into my car and head to masons house wishing I didn't reply to his message as I already want to get back into bed. I get there after 10 minutes and head inside and the house is already packed with people I laugh remembering mase saying this is a little get together which it is far from.

"Elena hii" I hear someone shout I turn around and see Sophia I immediately smile and bring her into a hug.

"Hi how are you I've missed you" I tell her whilst she brings me to sit on a sofa. I became friends with Sophia through mason as her boyfriend kai is teammates with mason, we got on and become friends as soon as we met and now she is one of my best friends here in London. I began speaking to her for a while until Kai and mason come over. Kai brings me into a hug and so does mason.

"I've been looking for you for ages, thought you didn't come" mason says to me.

"I've been sat here with soph having a catch up"I tell him, he nods while Sophia and Kai leave to get a drink.

"Soo I saw that article on you" he says giving me a sympathetic smile. I groan throwing my head back

"It's not true" I quickly tell him he starts laughing

"I know it's not true lena you'd never do that" he says I smile at him.

"What shall I do, everyone thinks he was cheating on her with me when that didn't happen" I say to him thinking about all the mean comments and DMs I'm getting over something I didn't do.

"I really don't know, but it will be okay" he says with a reassuring smile and pulls me into a hug.

"Hey mase" I hear someone shout I turn around and see Jude Bellingham approach us, I groan again could this day get any worse.

Me and Jude have only met 3 or 4 times but that is more than enough time for me to hate him. He's just so arrogant and rude.

"Hey man glad you could make it" mason says pulling him into a hug. They start having a conversation but I just zone out not wanting to listen to anything Jude has to say.

"hello to you to Sainz" he says to me I roll my eyes at his stupid smirk.

"I'm going to get a drink mase" I say ignoring jude not being in to mood to entertain him today, he just laughs as I walk of.

It's about an hour later and I already know I'm drunk as hell, I can't seem to see anyone I know so I just sit on the sofa as I feel tired now and about 10 minutes later someone joins me I turn my head and see Jude I'm too drunk to care that he's sat next to me and by the looks of it he's pretty drunk as well.

"What's up with you today" he says to me breaking the silence.

"Nothing" I bluntly reply he laughs

"Somethings up, your extra bitchy" he slurs I roll my eyes.

" I am not" I say and hit his shoulder. Feeling tired and bored of this conversation I get up and start to walk to the door.

"Hey where you going" he runs after me stumbling a bit.

"Home, your boring me" I tell him carrying on walking out the house. He follows me.

"How you getting home you can't drive your drunk as fuck, so am I so I can't drive you" he says

"I'm walking home now leave me alone your giving me a headache" I say walking the way to my apartment.

"Ok I'll walk with you" he says I stop walking and turn to him.

"Since when do you care about me how drunk are you" I reply him.

He rolls his eyes "get over yourself I don't care about you but mase would kill me if I let you walk home by yourself" he says I don't reply and just carry on walking.

I stumble into him he wraps his arm around my waist to keep my up straight, I began tickling his stomach which does nothing to him but he starts tickling me I try run away from him he chases after me laughing as well, this wouldn't be happening if we were sober I wouldn't even let him touch me but I'm too drunk to care right now.

Author note:
Hey guys this is the first chapter please let me know what you think x
also ignore the layout of her and masons messages it's being really weird.
