Chapter 7: Burial Grounds

After daggering Elijah for the second time that night, Damon and Stefan had carried his body into their dungeon. Comforting Elena, Stefan watched as Damon searched through Elijah's jacket to finally find the moonstone.

"What do we have here? A little moonstone bar of soap," Damon says, holding the stone out. "I'll hold on to this."

"So that's it. I mean, as long as we keep the dagger in there, he stays dead." Elena says looking at the dead original.

"Pretty much," Damon assures her.

After demanding that things would go her way, Elena leaves the two brothers alone.

"Come on, 'Lijah, I've called you 4 bloody times already. Pick up the bloody phone," Henrik says leaving another voicemail to his brother.

"Henrik. We both know the likely outcome now since he left to find the doppelgänger," Marisol tells him as she was sitting down on the couch with an open grimoire on her lap. "Daggered and dead."

Henrik turned to her with a bothered look on his face. "There's a side of me that wants to believe you're wrong but then again that lovestruck vampire probably knew where she was and took the dagger with him."

"Vampires die if they use it on the originals," Marisol says, flipping a page.

"It was probably the doppelbitch, who daggered him, so annoying," Henrik concludes, ruffling his hair in annoyance and exhaustion. "I'm going to sleep. I'm not in the mood in looking for him."

"Are you now? Or is it you're out of serpents blood." Marisol says giving him a grin as she shut the book.

"We both know that I don't need serpents blood to find my family," Henrik tells her and throws a pillow at her. "You coming?"

"You don't seem worried that those lovestruck vampires and that doppelganger now have the moonstone in their possession," Marisol says remembering the little stone.

"Listen, love, there's no need to worry. No newbie witch can unspell a thousand-year-old talisman," Henrik assures her. "Plus I've already created a failsafe if anything happens."

"So, love, you coming?"

"I love it when you speak in that accent," Marisol smiles at him.

"You just love it when I call you 'love'," Henrik smirks and motions towards his room. "Come on. It's late."


"Wait... When were you going to tell me that already got yourself enrolled?" Henrik questioned Marisol as they were got onto campus.

"If I had told you, it wouldn't have been a surprise," Marisol says arming her arm around his. "Besides I can't have other girls trying to get a chance with my man."

"Heh... Trust me, love. There's no other girl that is exquisite like you," Henrik says into her ear before speaking in an American accent. "But since we're on school grounds. We've got the doppelganger's merry band of supernaturals to deal with."

Henrik stops them as he sees one of the Salvatore brothers with the doppelganger getting out of a red car and points to them. 

"Want me to play with them?" Marisol asked, smiling to the older witch.

"Of course, love. Do befriend the witch of the group, Bonnie Bennett," Henrik says as they continue their way into the school. "From what I was told from Luka, Dr. Martin locked away her magic last night."

"So she'll be vulnerable. That'll defiantly get me in the circle. Lossing the ability to do magic after just grasping the reins will do a number to a witch," Marisol says before catching her eyes on a blonde vampire. "But why not the blonde vampire? She seems friendly."

Leaning his head against hers, Henrik quietly whispers to her. "Any of the two will work, just be wary of Mr. Saltzman, he's a vampire hunter but also a groupie with the doppelganger."

"Alright. Save the flirting for lunch," Marisol laughs as she moves away from him. Adjusting her bag, she kisses Henrik on the cheek and heads off to her class. "See ya, Henry."

At lunch in the cafeteria where every student was eating and chatting with their friends, Marisol and Henrik were sleeping. Henrik was hugging Marisol as she rested on top of a textbook. It wasn't until Luka came over and shook Henrik's shoulder, that they both woke up.

"Ahh? Seriously, man?" Henrik complained rubbing his eye as he removed himself from Marisol and sat upright.

"Hey,  I'm not the one that didn't get enough sleep last night," Luka says sitting down next to him. "So... Who's your friend?"

"Uh. Luka, this is Marisol, my girlfriend. Marisol, Luka." Henrik introduces the two to each other. 

"Is she-"

"A witch? Yes." Henrik replies. "What's up?"

"Stefan Salvatore and Bonnie Bennett want me and my dad to have a chat at the Grill after school," Luka tells him. 

"That bitch wants to make a deal to get her powers back," Henrik scoffs, figuring out that now his brother was out of the picture, the Scooby gang would attempt to seek aid from the Martin's.

"Deny them. When the doppelganger's dead, we'll have one less to deal with," Marisol tells Luka. "Trust me, when men fall in love with one nothing good ever happens."

"Preach. A doppelganger's presence caused the brothers I love dearly to grow estrange to one another," Henrik agrees to his girlfriend's comment. "But either way, it's your choice to meet with them. Just don't involve me or Marisol."

Getting up from his seat and grabbing his things, Henrik looked back at Luka. "We've got spells to cast to find the burial grounds of the dead witches."

"As in 'we' he means himself," Marisol says packing her stuff. "I've got a vampire to befriend."


At The Martin's apartment, Henrik was at the table with a circle of salt around a map of the town. As he was chanting a spell, Henrik could hear Luka and his father talking to each other from outside as a trail of serpent's blood marked a location on the map. Stopping his chant, he looked towards the door as the father and son entered.

"We will save her. But Elijah is the answer, not Stefan and his brother. Those people, they're our enemies," Jonas tells his son. "They need to be dealt with."

"What, you're going to kill them?" Luka questioning his father's intentions.

"No," Jonas assures his son. But Henrik raises his hand and comments. "But I will. I can handle people messing around with me but not when it comes to my family."

"Henrik, do happen to have a spell that's able to find Elijah?" Jonas asked turning to the thousand-year-old witch.

"Light some candles and I'll grab the grimoire." Walking over to one of the shelves, Henrik goes and retrieve the book. "Also, one of you are going to have to send the other to remove the dagger in my brother's chest."

"What about you?" Luka asked Henrik.

"Going to see whether or not I found the burial grounds," Henrik explains as he walks back to the table to place the book down and to grab the map. "Call me, if you need anything."

Henrik looks to them as he throws his bag over his shoulder and leaves the apartment. Arriving at a very secluded part of Mystic Falls, Henrik held a flashlight to guide himself towards a run-down, abandoned home.

"This is definitely the graveyard," Henrik says to himself as he could feel the presence of the powers of the dead witches who were killed. He pulled out his phone and tried Luka's phone but only to be sent to voicemail. "Luka? Seriously, answer the damn phone!"

"Fuck it." Henrik groaned and entered the house, heading down to the basement. "Better wake these restless witches." Taking candles from his bag, Henrik places them around the basement before beginning to chant. Whispers of the dead began to echo throughout the house before Henrik's phone rang.

Breaking from his chant, Henrik huffed as he went to grab his phone from his bag. He instantly sighed as he saw it was Marisol that was calling him.

"Hello, love," Henrik says after answering the call. 

"The Martin's are dead."

"I'm sorry, love. What do you mean the Martin's are dead?" Henrik says anxiously.

"I went by The Martin's home and saw Luka dead with serious burns on the ground," Marisol explains.

Closing his eyes, Henrik leaned his head back. "What about Dr. Martin?"

"Killed by the vampire doppelganger in the human one's home," Marisol tells him. "What do now?"

Henrik stayed quiet and looked around the basement as he listens to the spirits of the dead witches. "Go back to The Martin's apartment and gather the grimoires. The only way that Bennett witch can get more powers is by channeling the dead witches graveyard energy." He tells her.

"I'm guessing by that knowledge, that you found the burial grounds," Marisol says.

"Yea, but these witches are driven and angry. I can feel every emotion that they felt when they died..." Henrik grips his phone as he still feels the pain of the witches. "The fear, the anger, and the rage."

"Henrik, listen to me. I know how much you want to set them free but they're vengeful spirits." Marisol explains to him. "They won't let their powers be used unless it suits their needs. Remember?"

"Yeah." Henrik nodded and opens his eyes. "I and Iggy taught you and others that. I- I'll meet you back at my place."

"Love you, Henrik," Marisol says.

"Love you too," Henrik says ending the call. Looking around once again, Henrik shivered from the emotional vibes he was still feeling before grabbing his things quickly and heading back to his apartment.
