Chapter 5: Vampires Ploting

After undoing the spell the kept vampires from leaving the tomb underneath the church ruins, Henrik and Elijah had returned to their apartment before the moon had gone down.

"So, now what?" Henrik asked placing his grimoire on his desk as he faced his brother. "Wait till Saint Nik comes to town?"

"Yes, it was the terms that Elena and I agreed to," Elijah explains. Taking out a white creamy stone from his pocket, Elijah held it out to his brother. "There is one more thing I need you to do."

Staring at the stone then back to his brother, Henrik took the stone in his hand. "That's-"

"The Moonstone that Niklaus has been searching for 500 years," Elijah finished his sentence. "Luca, was successful retrieving it for us from Elena's friend, Bonnie."

"So much trouble for a whee little stone," Henrik smirked and hands the stone back to his brother. "What do you want me to do?"


"Luka, I swear if you don't answer this time I'm going to have to assume the worse," Henrik says to Luca's voicemail after attempting to call him and looking for him all over the grill for him. With a snap of his fingers, three grimoires magically opened themselves. Henrik huffed in annoyance as he walked over to the books with candles in hand.

Lighting them with a match, Henrik grips onto Luca's dog tag, that he managed to snatch from him when he wasn't looking.

"Please let there no be any repercussions after I do this," Henrik hoped before shutting his eyes and start to recite a spell. "Où tu fuis, A pouvoir la trouver. Yonn souri nan zeb."

The candles' grew harsh as he continues to chants before he mentally appeared in a well-decorated house. Looking around, Henrik soon sees three other people with Luca on the ground with candles and a bowl.

He immediately notices Bonnie hold Luca's head, trying to get into his mind. Walking in front of them, Henrik knelt down and carefully watched what they were doing. Due to his experience in magic, Henrik was able to make sure none of them were aware of his presence. As soon as Bonnie was able to access Luca's mind, Henrik cast a spell that would block out certain things from the Bennett Witch.

"What has Elijah promised you?" Bonnie asked, still keeping Luca in his sleep trance.

"If we help Elijah and his other witch kill Klaus, they've promised to return her to us," Luca tells them in response to Bonnie's spell. Bonnie looked to Caroline and Jeremy in surprise.

"Elijah's got another witch up his sleeve?" Caroline says in confusion.

"Who's the other witch?" Bonnie asked before Luca broke from his trance.

"You'll be in danger if I tell you. He hates Bennett Witches the most than anything else," Luka pleads.

"Who's the witch?" Bonnie demands, getting Luca under her spell again.

"I don't know," Luca says. Bonnie looks up in disbelief at her friends.

"I don't understand. I can't access any more information about Elijah's witch," Bonnie says before Jeremy places a hand on her shoulder.

"We'll figure out who the witch is but we need to know more about Elijah's plan," Jeremy tells her. Nodding in response, Bonnie drove back in and questioned Luca about how Elijah was planning to kill Klaus. Knowing that they had gotten most of what they needed, Henrik stopped his spell and opened his eyes back to his apartment.

Touching his upper lip, Henrik sighed in relief after seeing no blood on his fingers.


"So he planned to kill her all along," Damon says to Bonnie over the phone as he cleans up the mess that was made by the werewolves, who were now dead thanks to Elijah.

"Yeah. The sacrifice is part of Elijah's plan," Bonnie replies.

"Got it loud and clear," Damon says looking around the room for anything else but before he could end the call, Bonnie mentioned something else.

"Damon, there's also more. Luca mentioned another witch allied with Elijah," Bonnie tells him. "But I couldn't get a name from him. It as if something was preventing me from accessing any more information."

"So we've got Elijah's plan to worry about as well as another unnamed witch of his," Damon listed then ending the call with her. Eventually, Damon informed Stefan and Elena about Elijah's plan and his unnamed witch.


Looking through the spells in his grimoire, Henrik waited for his big brother to return from one of his 'errands'. A glass of whiskey sat on the end table next to him. Sensing someone's presence, Henrik sighed heavily before speaking.

"Ash, what a surprise. Didn't expect you to be here, I thought you'd be chatting with your vampire hunter friends." After receiving no response, Henrik looked behind him and saw no one. "Ash? Asher? Is this some type of joke?"

Getting up from his seat, Henrik walks around the apartment.

"Elijah? Is anyone he-" His sentence was cut short when he was forcefully shoved to a wall. Henrik grunt in pain feeling the stabbing pain on his back.

"Hey Henrik, miss me?" Upon hearing that bittersweet tone from his attacker, a smirk grew on his face as he opened his eyes to see a brunette haired shorter girl in front of him.

"Hello, love," Henrik replies and snaps his fingers, releasing himself from the girl's magical hold against the wall. "Before you release your anger built at me, know that I love you dearly with my heart's content and the reason why I didn't immediately go and find you is that basically my brother, Elijah- the one I've told you about- need my help in taking down Niklaus."

"Niklaus? Your other brother?" The girl asked putting her hands on her hips.

"That'll be one, my love," Henrik says before shooting her puppy eyes. "Now can I get a long needed hug from girlfriend?"

Henrik held out his arms waiting for a hug from the girl. Huffing in defeat, the girl reluctantly walked over and gave her boyfriend a long overdue hug.

"You're lucky that I my love for you trumps my need to stab you for neglecting me," She muttered into his chest.

Chuckling at her comment, Henrik pecked her forehead before looking behind her to see a red candle left out on the table with a burning flame. "Marisol... Did you light this candle?"
Moving away from each other, Henrik walked over to the candle as Marisol replied to his question.

"No... It's a warning candle in case someone comes before I leave." Running a hand through her hair.

"Which means Elijah's going to be here soon... Hide in my room, there's no time to get out of here. Go!" Henrik quietly yells to her, urging her into his room. After doing that, he quickly acts normal and sits in his seat with his grimoire opened.

Hearing the door opened, Henrik turns to see his big brother at the door.

"Brother, nice for you to come back." Henrik greets him, closing his book as he stands from his seat and grabs his glass of Whiskey.

"Has someone else been here?" Elijah asked after an unfamiliar scent hit him as he enters.

"No." Giving a blank and confused look to his brother, Henrik plays off his lie and follows Elijah to his room. "Going somewhere?

"Regrettably yes. Damon Salvatore had invited me to a little dinner party with a few of his friends including Elena's aunt, Jenna," Elijah tells his brother as he looks through his closet.

"Sounds like a party waiting to be ruined," Henrik says drinking his whiskey which led Elijah to glare at him. "I'm joking, big brother. I can think of way more fun things to do instead."

As Elijah turned his head away from Henrik and pulled out a blue shirt, Henrik says something else.

"And I was pretty much talking about Damon."

"Why's that? You gave me your word that you'll stay away from the doppelganger and the brothers," Elijah says turning to his brother.

"I may or may not have dosed the young Gilbert boy's drink with a very effective mind potion." Henrik looks down at his glass as he tilts the glass around then looks at Elijah, who was waiting for him to continue. "From that, I learned a little about his sister, the Salvatore as well as their undying love to protect his dear sister."

"Point is Damon and Stefan aren't ever going to go with your plan in allowing Nik's curse to break with Elena dying in the process."

"They don't know that par-"

"That Bennett Witch, Bonnie, basically mind raped Luka the other day to find out what was really planned, 'Lijah," Henrik cuts off his brother as he pushes himself off the doorframe. "And that little bitch no doubt tattled to those lovestruck vampires."

The two brothers looked at each other in silence; Elijah frustrated and annoyed. Breaking the pregnant silence between them, Elijah speaks. "I'll deal with them. If they so happen to plan something reckless, the deal I've made with Elena shall become null and void; and I will kill the lot of them."

"As well as taking her into our custody till Nik comes around to break his curse," Henrik says as Elijah had changed his clothes and walks over to him.

"That will be very much the case if they to intend to cross me," He says and snatches Henrik's whiskey from him. "And I'm certain that you aren't allowed to drink."

"I'm over 10 centuries old and I'm pretty sure you and the others allow Bekah to drink," Henrik complains as Elijah walks passed him to the main room after he drank the rest of the whiskey in Henrik's glass.

"Although that is true, I'm still responsible for you and I may possibly need you sober not buzzed for assistance later on," Elijah explains as setting the empty glass on the table.

"Now you're just being mean, 'lijah," Henrik says sitting on the sofa's armrest. Watching his brother heading towards the door, he brings one of his hands into a fist, magically moving a table to block the door. The two brothers faced each other, giving each other different looks of disapproval.

"You're not at least concerned that this may be a trap?" Henrik questioning his brother.

"Most of the dinner guests are human, plus the lovely Jenna is unaware of our supernatural community. I doubt anyone of them would dare put her in danger or allow her to know of us," Elijah explains then points to the blocked door. "Now if you don't mind, Henrik."

Sighing heavily, Henrik waves his hand moving the table that was blocking the door back to where it originally was. "At least assure me that you'll watch your back, brother. Young vampires are arrogant... and stupid."

"Don't worry, I'll be back later tonight. Try not to burn the apartment down."

"That was one time!" Henrik yells to Elijah, who smirked at him and shut the door behind him as he left. Turning to the red candle, he sighed and looked at the Father clock in the room. "Should be out of the building in. 5... 4... 3... 2. 1. You can come out now."

Peeking her head out from Henrik's room, Marisol looks at to Henrik before walking over to him.

"You haven't told him about me and basically our relationship, have you?" Marisol asked. Biting his lip, Henrik shakes his head 'No'.

"Planned to tell him after we deal with Nik, but I feel like he's just going to find out a different way," Henrik explain and looks back at the door. "... But now that my big brother is on his way to a dinner party, I suppose we can catch up with each other."

Cupping Marisol's face in his hand, Henrik pecks her forehead. "But over a movie first. Can't do things too fast... Unless you-"

"We're binge-watching Doctor Who together before we get into anything else," Marisol places a finger on Henrik's lips to stop him from talking. "Bedding each other can wait a bit. Now grab some popcorn while I get my Doctor Who series 2 DVD from my bag."

Moving away and running back into Henrik's room, Marisol left him to get the popcorn. Henrik smirks and heads to the kitchen.
