Chapter 24: Family's back together

Not going to lie for the last few weeks, I've been too busy to write due to my older sister being back from College and the holiday.

Plus I did had to take care of her needy weenier dog for a week.

This chapter is almost at 2000 words my god.

Only a few hours had passed since Damon killed Henrik. Marisol had brought him back to their apartment since finding him in the alley. So she waited patiently for him to awaken from his death. She slowly flipped through the many pages of a thick weathered down grimoire at the table across from Henrik's body.

A small breath of air escaping the 'dead' witch's lips was the start of the awakening. Jolting up in a sitting position. Henrik began a coughing fit until it slowly died down to him gasping for his breath.

Closing her book, Mar walked over to him and sat next to him. A glass of brown liquid in her hand.

"Have a nice nap?" She asked, handing him the glass.

"I'm so going to kill Damon." That was all the was said by the Mikaelson. Henrik rubbed his very sore neck with his hand as he chugged the liquid down. "Where's my bag?"

"No. You know the rules. Can't have any of the potion until an hour after waking up," Marisol stops him. "Also Klaus called. Twice. He left you a message."

Being handed his home, Henrik saw the voice message left by his brother.


"What the bloody hell happened while I was gone?! Oh hey, Elijah," Their younger brother appears at the entrance of the broken door.

"Henrik. Where were you? I called twice." Klaus questions.

"Waking up from the other side. I think you pissed Damon off too much that he decides to snap my neck few hours ago." Henrik explains. "Im getting him back for that. And for that I need to start plotting."

"Come again? What did Damon Salvatore do?" Klaus walks over to his baby brother.

"Doesn't matter. Damon will get more than he bargained for killing me." Henrik tells him. "But first I need a drink."


"A dinner party? Are you mad, Elijah?!" Henrik exclaimed. His elder brother had returned from a morning stroll with news that the Salvatore's brothers wanted to make an arrangement with them. "Did you forget what they did?"

"I agree with Henrik. Both Stefan and Damon have only shown ill intent towards us, so why trust that they'll be modest?" Klaus adds.

"Of course, I haven't forgotten. Damon has agreed that this will be as peaceful as it can be," Elijah assured his little brothers

Klaus looked grimly at his big brother before sighing heavily. "Alright then since you're so sure of yourself. I'll get the dinner sorted out."

The hybrid soon walked out of the room to get the food sorted, leaving Elijah and Henrik alone.

"You're lying, Elijah. And you know it. Damon wouldn't have undaggered you unless he knew there was a chance of you turning on Nik," Henrik states after pulling out a already burning sage from the corner of the room.

"Then there really isn't a point for me to lie to you," said Elijah. "But you must know Niklaus won't free our family even if he gets what he wants from Stefan."

"I'm not dense, Elijah, I know what Nik's capable of. It's just that vengeance trumps my concern on Niklaus's reckless behavior," Henrik explains.

"And as the brother that's experienced Niklaus's rage and unpredictable behavior, I ask you to stay your hand," Elijah advised. "You'll get your revenge on Damon another day but not tonight. Unless you see vengeance important than our own family?"

"The family card, really?" The youngest raised an eyebrow. "Elijah, I spent 1000 years without any of you and died over a handful of times from many causes. How many times do you think I constantly think- or even wish I was with you?"

A strong silence was held between the two brothers as the 'Noble' one thought about his little brother's question.

"I love you idiots but it's just hard for me to readjust being with everyone once more." Henrik confessed. "I've been traveling around the world with other witches learning about everything for 400 years until I was locked away in the mirror."

Elijah continued to listen to his little brother as he went off in his rant.

"I've seen terrible things that Nicklaus is probably capable of and have possible done some myself." Henrik continued. "No one in this family is innocent. We've all done terrible things. Even you, Elijah, you can't deny have a hand in any wrong doing."

Knowing that Henrik was right, Elijah sighs heavily. "You are right. Our family isn't free from any wrong doing; even myself. And that I have no idea of what you went through since we left. And I have no say in your future actions but I ask for you to stay your hand for just tonight," he said. "But I need Klaus to believe in this ruse, so that we can undagger our family. Then you are free to get back at Damon."

Once Elijah's bargain with his brother was accepted under the condition that Henrik didn't have to attend dinner but instead to free their siblings from the silver daggers, the Original left to help organize the dinner. Henrik remained in silence before taking out a vile of orange liquid and chugging it down.


"Though Elijah had expressed that this dinner was to come to some sort of agreement concerning Elena. I am very curious in the quick suggestion not after a day since you removed the dagger. Was it to remove suspicion off you when we discovered that you killed our little brother," Klaus says looking at Damon.

"Killed? No idea what you're talking about," Damon denies.

"It's funny that you say that because Henrik awoke from death and said that you snapped his neck," Klaus explained. "Apparently, likely most of our family, we don't take to death that easily."


"Who's who? Cuz all I see is playboy and Shakespeare," Marisol asked as she looked between Henrik's brothers. The two witches were alone with the coffins of the remaining Original vampires. The daggers were already taken from the corpses and laid on a silver plater with bags of blood.

"That's Finn. That's Kol." Henrik explains as he pointed out his brothers. "I think they've slept enough. All there is to do is wait."

"Do you think Klaus is going to skin them?" Marisol asked.

"I hope not." Henrik says earning a look of his girlfriend. "I still need to kill Damon."

"Decided how?"

"Not yet... Don't know whether or not kill him permanently," Henrik confessed before hearing a small little shuffle sound from behind him. The witch looked behind him and stared at the motionless form of Kol.

"Did you hear that?" Henrik asked as he walked over to the coffin.

The grey skin and exposed veins had fade away from Kol complexion returning to its normal normal tone. But that wasn't the thing that worried the witch, it was the veins that still out near his eyes.

"I know your pretending." Henrik says. "I swear if I get ki-"

His sentence was interrupted by Kol yanking him down by his jacket, draining him of his blood.
(Sorry of this shitty death description)


Gasping for air, Henrik jolted upright. The thumbing pain in his neck was still present when he woke. It took him a good minute to register what was happening in the room. Marisol had two of his brothers under a pain infliction spell. Rebekah, however, was besides him and helped him to his feet.

"You good?" Rebekah asked.

Henrik nodded as he held his bloodied neck. "Mar, can you stop? I think their brains are already rattled up."

The door was pushed opened just as Marisol to drop her spell on the brothers.

"What happened?" Elijah asked upon returning to his once daggered siblings and his still living brother who was now holding a handkerchief to his neck with Marisol next to him.

"Kol killed me!" Henrik says in pain as he pointed at Kol.

"Sorry but a century in a coffin can get one very peckish," Kol says. "Little witch."

"And that 'little witch' you bit into is Henrik!" Rebekah yells at him.

"What?!" Both Kol And Finn questioned and looked back at the bleeding witch.

"How?" Finn asked.

"Long story," Henrik groaned as he looked at the blood stained cloth. "This is the second time I've been killed by someone ripping through my throat."

"Wait what? Never mind-We'll talk about that after we deal with Niklaus," Elijah says not wanting to delay anything further with stories that could wait. 

"Go on ahead, Lijah, I'll be there in a moment. I woke from the dead not two minutes ago give me some time to get my bearings," Henrik tells him tossing the blooded cloth to a table.

It took his siblings a moment to fully leave their baby brother alone with Marisol, to attend to Klaus. When the affects of returning to live dulled to a bearable pain, Henrik decided to join his siblings but not before attempting to convince Marisol to go back to their apartment.

Needless to say, she didn't agree it and decided to keep out of sibling drama.

"Bekah!" Henrik said surprised as a vase flew past him and shattered against a painting on the wall. "Watch where you're throwing things. And I see we're talking now."

"I wanted it to be for all of us. A place we can all call home; a place we could all be a family." Klaus says as Elijah looked between all of his other siblings. "None of us would have to be alone again."

"Oh, you're right. None of us will be." Elijah says as Kol, Finn, and Rebekah stood besides him. "You're staying behind."

"We're leaving you, Nik." Rebekah explains. "Right after I kill that doppelgänger wench. And you will be alone. Always and forever."

"You run. I will hunt all of you down," Klaus threatens.

"And then you'll be everything you hate. Our father," Elijah points out.

"I'm the Hybrid! I can't be killed! I have nothing to fear from any of you!" Klaus claimed.

"You will when we have that coffin."

The door behind them clicked opened and as the door swung open, the siblings looked in shocked as they saw who entered. A blonde haired woman dressed in old Viking attire.

"Mother?" Rebekah spoke. She walked past them before standing before Klaus, who had lowered his head down.

"Look at me." She demands from her son. Klaus obliges and look at his mother. "Do you know why I'm here?"

"You're here to kill me." He answers quietly.

"Niklaus, you are my son. And I'm here to forgive you." She claims and turns around to face her other children. Though most of their faces remain as same through out the centuries, she was still able to recognize her youngest child though he had aged only a few years.

"I want us to be a family again."

I'm really tempted to give Henrik a line after the final line.

Also I just realized I almost didn't write down or mentioned that Henrik took his special potion before killed him. 😅

Plus I wanted to get this out as soon as possible with the amount of distraction that had happened.
