Chapter 4: Boundary Spell

"Luka, are you idiot?" Henrik questioned his dark-skinned friend after his little 'chat' with the Bennett witch.

"Henry, my dad said to gain Bonnie's trust," Luka explains as they headed towards his car.

"And letting her keep a personal item of yours?" Henrik rose an eyebrow as he stood in front of him. "You are a bloody insane?!"

"Easy, Henry. Your English side is showing," Luka tells him. "What damage can a witch that's just gasped the ropes of witchcraft?"

Crossing his arms, Henrik shot a skeptical look at his friend. "I've seen 10 years old witches cause forest fires and made the earth shake." He says reverting back into his American accent.

"Don't worry, Henry. I've got it handled," Luka assures him.

Sighing heavily, Henrik shook his head and looked at his friend as they got to the car. "Fine. But you better hope that she doesn't siphon or use magic through that object."

"Relax, man. Nothing going to happen," Luka tells him as they got into the car and drove off.


"Dude, are you seriously always hungry?" Luka asked Henrik, who was eating an open bag of chips as they got to his apartment.

"Listen, mate, food today is very different from my time," Henrik tells him as Luka unlocks the door. "So don't question my sudden need for food." The two enter the small apartment, dropping their bags in the living room.

"'Lijah, Dr. Martin, you here?" Henrik called out taking out his grimoire from his bag while looking around to see Luka's father coming out of his room

"Your brother left to attend to some business," Dr. Martin replies before turning towards his son. "How was school?"

"Riveting," Luka replies before shaking from an unsettling chill. Which caught the concern from both his father and Henrik.

"What's wrong?" Dr. Martin asked his son as Henrik sat down at the table flipping through the many spells that were written down.

"Nothing," Luka lies as Henrik darts his eyes at him with a glare before shaking his head and returning to his grimoire. Being curious, Luka looks over Henrik's shoulder to the grimoire. "I've never see spells like that."

Turning his head to the young witch- warlock-, Henrik sits up straight. "That's because it's at least a thousand years old. Spells were very different from how they are now." He tells Luka.

"But with at least 400 years of spells."

"Oh.. Because of the mir-," Luka starts remembering a bit of Henrik's past he was told about before being interrupted by him.

"Exactly," Henrik nods his head. "Let's not talk about that bloody dark object, shall we."

After at least 15 minutes had passed, Luka started to act strangely. Getting the attention of both his father and Henrik, who was repeatedly relighting a candle in front of him.

"What's going on?" Luka's father asked him leaning towards him.

Struggling with the pain, Luka manages to speak. "It's Bonnie Bennett. She's channeling me."

"Why would you let her do that?" Jonas demanded and turns towards Henrik.

"I warned him of backlash that would occur when he allowed her to hold onto his necklace," Henrik explains and runs over to them as Luka continues to struggle with the pain before falling out of his seat. "I'll lend him some of my power so it whatever that Bennett Witch is doing won't kill him."

Grasping Luka's arm, Henrik allowed his magic to aid Luka with the withdrawal of magic. But soon enough, Luka eventual passed out and the channeling connection was broken.

"She stopped channeling him. So she's either dead or had just passed out," Henrik explained to Jonas as he let's go of Luka's arm. Feeling something on his upper lip, Henrik touched it and realized it was blood. Then a sudden rush of dizziness hit before he fell back on his side.

A while had passed since the little incident, the sun had already gone down and Elijah had thankfully returned. Now he aimlessly stares out the window before hearing the door opened. Looking towards the door, he was half expecting it to be his little brother but instead it was Jonas Martin.

"Where's Luka and Henrik?" Elijah asked dully.

"Asleep," Jonas responded, not mentioning what had happened earlier to the Original vampire.

"Luka's shadow spell was successful. I was able to track that girl," Elijah tells him. "However, I did have a little run-in with one of the brothers that killed me."

"I assume he didn't live to tell about it," Jonas says walking around the room.

"Actually, I spared him," Elijah admits, earning a confused look from the witch. "He'd die before he'll let anything happen to her. They both would. She'll be kept safe."

"For now."

"Well, that's precisely what we need her to be. Safe." Elijah says. "If you would please remind Luca to not involve my brother with them. I wish for him to adapt to this century a bit longer before involving him."

Nodding his head, Jonas leaves the room.

~~~~~~~~(Don't mind me/Just another episode in this chapter)~~~~~~~~~

Groaning in annoyance at the light that was shining in his face, Henrik clenched his eyes shut before opening them and blinking a bit. Once he was adjusted to the lighting, he sat up and looked around to see that he was still at the Martin's apartment on their couch.

"I see that you've finally woken from your slumber," Elijah states, who was sitting not too far from him. "Care to explain what happened last night?"

Rubbing his eyes, Henrik looked at his older brother and shrugs. "Nothing really. Me and Luca were trying some of my spells out but we got a bit carried away."

"Hmm... I see. I'll be out of the majority of the day, again. Do keep away from the doppelganger and the brother are close to her," Elijah tells him.

"You really don't want me to get involved with this business around Niklaus, do you?" Henrik says standing up from the couch.

"I need your word that you'll stay away until I say otherwise," Elijah asks him.

Looking back at his brother, Henrik took in a deep breath and nodded. "Alright then. I give you my word that I'll remain away from them."

"Thank you, Henrik." Elijah says, patting his shoulder before leaving the apartment. Henrik watched as the door closed before stretching his arms out.

"Now where do they keep their food?" Henrik questions before heading over to the kitchen. Not long after Elijah left, Luca came into the kitchen to see Henrik stuffing his face with some food.

"Seriously, Henry. You are a complete foodie," Luca tells him, earning a smirk.

"So... I spent 6 centuries in a mirror," Henrik says as he wipes his mouth with a napkin. "Need anything?"

"Actually, yes. I need to borrow one of your grimoires to create an illusion that will make a talisman appear like it's been unspelled or unbounded to a spell," Luca looks at him with a pleading look.

"That's a very specific need. You tricking someone?" Henrik asked, raising an eyebrow. "Let me guess the Bennett Witch."

"Yea, she's the one," Luca admits as he looks down.

"Green book with gold lining next to my bag," Henrik tells him. "Page 300. Have fun, Luca."

Returning to his apartment after the sun had set and the full moon at its apex, Henrik sat down near the fireplace with his phone in hand.

"How's it going up there?" Henrik asked, looking down at his grimoire.

"As you can believe it, dull and less active. Me and Alexia have tried every simple and complex spell for your brother." A friendly voice said with exhaustion.

"Maya's not helping you, Iggy?" Henrik asked, tapping his fingers against the book.

"Nope. She's in Chicago with a voodoo witch, Gloria, I think it was." Iggy says trying to remember the other witch. "Anyway, how's it going with your other brother?"

"Boring... I'm going to have to call you back later," Henrik says feeling his brother's presence near. Ending the call with Iggy, Henrik put his phone back in his pocket. "Elijah, thought you'd be out longer."

"The doppelgänger, Elena, and I have made deal. And I require your assistance for my end of the deal," Elijah tells his little brother.

"And my assistance would be doing what exactly?" Henrik questioned his brother as he stood from his seat. Not answering his brother's question, Elijah motions towards the door.

Arriving at the ruins of the burnt down church, Henrik opened up his grimoire: a big black leather book with a magical seal and a big 'M' on the front.

"So just remove the boundary spell, that on the tomb beneath us, right?" Henrik asked looking at Elijah.

"That's correct." Elijah nodded, stabbing a torch into the ground and lighting it.

Shutting his eyes, Henrik began chanting the incantation that'll remove the spell from the tomb. Once it was complete, the torch's flame grew big and strong before stopping.

Opening his eyes, Henrik looked to Elijah and nodded. Signaling to him that the boundary spell was successful removed from the tomb.
