Chapter 19: Weakened Veil

Will say I'm not entirely proud of how this is formatted but it's for now until I finish this season.

I'll be putting this on edit once season 3 is done to get rid of any errors.

Hope you enjoy.


As the sun came down, young high schoolers were prepared for a night of partying. But for a special group, they were gathering together in their history teacher's classroom.

"I'll lure Stefan from the bonfire and then when he's distracted-"

"I'll shoot him," Alaric finishes Elena's sentence.

"Can't Bonnie just Ju-ju him it's something," Damon asks leaning back against a wall.

"I'm trying to keep Bonnie out of this," She says.


"Did you feel that?" Marisol asked her boyfriend after pausing Empire Strikes Back.

"Something happened." Henrik breathes out, confirming to the sudden change. "Seems like we're going to put movie night on hold."

Getting off the couch, Henrik grabs his jacket and heads for the door.

"Agh?! Come on!!" Marisol whines. "Why can't we have a nice at home date without something happening."


"Quite nice to know that a Bennett is finally cleaning up her messes... even if it was only a very, very tiny problem." A familiar snarky voice called out to the trio from behind them.

Both Henrik and Marisol looked at them with annoyed looks on their faces.

"What are you doing here?" Matt looked at the two witches warily.

Pointing at Bonnie, Marisol explains. "It's because someone decided to mess with the balance of death."

"And I dealt with with Vicky. I've cut her off from the magic that was helping her," Bonnie tells them.

"Beg your pardon? You're saying a witch- a dead witch- had helped a idiotic girl interact with the physical world?!" Henrik says very concerned as he ignores Matt retort about his sister.

"Why does it matter to you?! It was my problem and I've fixed it," Bonnie spat.

"You poor little naive witch, you have only just opened the door on what you can do with your powers," Henrik pitied Bonnie's negligence on her powers. "Next time you do something without thinking could be your last, Bennett."

Turning away from them, the ancient witch weaves his fingers together with his girlfriend before leaving.


Morning had risen and yet the thousand year old witch was still being annoyed at something that he could only magically feel.

"You're saying the veil is still open?" Marisol looks at her boyfriend who was flipping through pages of a thick grimoire.

"It has to be. I can feel the wall of the ancient magic still open. So the dead from the Other Side are able to be interact with the living," Henrik states before slamming the book closed. "But I can't tell who's doing it or how to close it."

"It's probably that Bennett's fault. She defied nature by bring that Gilbert boy. Let her deal with it," Marisol tells him.

"Normally I would but. T-this magic. The magic prying the veil open. It feels somewhat familiar," He admits. "I haven't felt this magic in a long time."

"Do you remember who?"

Shaking his head, Henrik leaves the grimoire on the table and grabs some candles. Placing them around in a circle.

"The only way to find out who is to dive." He says drawing a circle of chalk that intersects the candles. "Want to help?"

"Of course. I'll be here to bring you back." Marisol nods her head and sit down in the circle with him.

Laying his head in her lap, Marisol mutters a spell sending Henrik's consionous to the other side. He woke in the same room not only was it was grayer and duller than before but when he stood up and turned around he saw his body and Marisol in the exact same position.

"Now let's see who's playing with ghost," He muttered and headed out of the apartment.

The search for the witch had taken longer than Henrik wished for. The sun had already set leaving the Other Side more darker than it was earlier as he groaned loudly to himself as he sat on a stump of a torn down tree.

"You seem troubled dear boy." A familiar voice called out to the boy. His head jolted up to see a face that he hadn't seen in a long time.

"Ayana." He said. The elder witch hadn't gotten much grayer since he last saw her when he was a child. "How's death treating you?"

"You, Mikaelsons and your charming greetings," The dark skinned witch says with a small smile on her face. "I can tell by the look on your face that you didn't expect to see me."

"To be honest, it was only a tiny thought in the back of my mind. Plus I doubt you would be the one prying the door open of this world," Henrik tells her. "Though I can't say the same for you descendent."

Her smile drops when he mentions her descendent. "Bonnie has chosen love over the balance but she'll learn to not make that mistake again."

"That seems unlikely with that doppelgänger everyone is willing to fight for," Henrik tells her. "Now you wouldn't happen to know who's been cracking the door open for the dead?"

"You don't recognize this magic, boy?" She said before remembering a small little detail. "Sorry I'd forgotten that you were very young and hadn't unlocked you powers to even be able to fully recognize it."

"Ayana, enough of these word games. I'm not a child. I've spent centuries to see through games like these," Henrik spat.

"She's been watching your family. Watched as they tore though their victims and expanding their species across the world." Ayana tells him. "I think you can figure out who's been ashamed of their deed against nature."

"Mother," He breathes out and looked to see Ayana nodding her head. "Ayana, you know better than I that whatever she's trying to do will only upset nature more than ever. It's far too late to fix her mistake."

"Goodbye, little Mikaelson," She said and vanishes from his sight.

"Bloody hell," He hissed under his breath before breaking his connection to the Other Side and returning back to his body. Wake up in his body, Henrik started to cough heavily while Marisol helped him sit up.

"You alright?" She asked as she watch a small trail of blood coming down from his nose. He nods and wipes the blood away with his sleeve.

"We'll need to wake him sooner than we thought." Henrik mutters as he slowly stands up.

"Love? What's going on?" Marisol says worriedly as he starts to become quiet. "Henrik?"


Elsewhere the doppelgänger had met up with Rick and Damon at the Lockwoods to see what they had discovered underground with the help of Mason Lockwood's ghost.

"What is all this?" She asked them as her eyes darted from each and every etched out runes on the cave's walls.

"As far as I can tell it tells a story," Rick tells her then starts to explain each runes meaning. "These are far older than the original founders. The werewolves have been here a lot longer."

"How long?"

"Long." Rick tells her.

"It's get better. Show her, Ric," Damon tells the Vampire Hunter.

Turning his flashlight over to another area of the cave. Rick points at some runic names.

"They're written one runic. Vikings," Rick explains.


"This name here. When translated it reads... Niklaus... and Elijah... Rebekah... and Henrik." Ric listed off a few names.


Didn't expect for me to add Ayana, did you?

I wanna to get some interaction with Henrik and Ayana before Esther's return.

I'll try to start get the next chapter up faster but no promises.
