The Horizon Tape

In Nobi's house, his mom was shouting to Nobi, "You're grade 6! And you don't know that!?!", his dad then asked, "Why? What's that?"

Nobi explained, "I really don't know, that's why I'm asking," Then his mom explained what Nobi wanted, "It's only the horizon. It is the line between the ground and the sky,", after explaining, his dad asked her, not really knowing what was happening, "Really, what is it?" 

Nobi's mom shrugged her shoulders, "That's that!"

"I really don't know that," Nobi said. His dad asked again, not knowing the topic, "Where can you see the horizon?" 

"You'll see only there the roofs of the house" she explained, then Nobi went upstairs, "Japan is so small, you can't think clearly because this place is so narrow."

Nobi went into his room and said to Doraemon "Bring here the Horizon."

Doraemon was shocked, "Are you crazy?" Then Nobi lay down his body on the floor, "Not that, I'm just joking! that's all." But Doraemon said to him, "I can't bring the horizon here but I can make one." That's when Nobi raised his head quickly.

Doraemon showed a normal and regular tape to him, "The Horizon Tape!" then he continued, "These is the thing that people uses when they live in narrow spaces so their house will expand from the inside!" Then he walked near the wall, place a tape but he didn't cut, went to the other side and placed a tape then he cut it off.

Nobi was shocked when the bookshelf and the wall disappeared and saw a huge empty white void. "The wall is gone and it expanded the room!" Nobi's eyes widened.

Doraemon explained, "That's the line at the center. Like the horizon that shows the half of the ground and the sky." So Doraemon entered inside as with Nobi and then Nobi asked him, "Where's the end of this Horizon?" 

"There's nothing you can see here. The Horizon is very large and a never ending path."

Nobi felt excited, "Sweet! This place is good if you had this large space! It's so good sleep! I'll just take a nap!", Doraemon stumped his feet, making Nobi rose up, "I didn't make this so you can just sleep!"

So they called their friends: Sue, Sneech and Big G. They showed them the Horizon tape. Sue was amazed when she saw the empty space in Nobi's room, "Wow! This place is beautiful!" 

Big G said, roaming around, "This gadget is amazing!" While Sneech, trying to run as far as he can, said, "What's at the end of this horizon?" Nobi shouted to him, "There's no ending here! It's the Horizon!"


Then they started playing at the Horizon. First they played soccer, Big G said as he as was kicking the soccer ball, "It's so wide, there's no window that can be crashed." Second, they were skating, Sneech smiled happily, "It's okay to skate around here!" Third, Big G thought of other ideas and said, "It's also good to sing here!" and then started singing, the others had horrible looks on their faces and wanted him to stop. It only took like half an hour for him to sing because Doraemon had an idea to stop him.

Lastly, Doraemon brought a robot camel. Nobi shouted, "It's like were in a desert!" While his 3 friends are behind him, asking for a ride.

Hours later, they didn't saw the time so it was clearly before midnight. Nobi said to them as they went back home, "Come back tomorrow, ok?" 

Before they could get back inside, Sue called them and said, "Can I have a piece of that Horizon Tape?", Nobi agreed and gave her some, probably 25 inches.


Inside Nobi's room, Doraemon was about to pull the tape when Nobi stopped him, "Just place it right there! So if mom gets angry at me, I have a place that I can run into," 

So they both sat down on an indian position and Doraemon asked Nobi, "Did you did something today?" 

Nobi answered in a weird tone, "Everyday, mom always gets angry at me. You never know why,""

Just then, a loud voice saying "NOBI!" came from downstairs, making Nobi and Doraemon jumped out from their seats. "QUICKLY, RUNNNNNNN!" Then Nobi and Doraemon rode at the robot camel and ran away, scared of the loud voice...

While the two escaped, their mom entered the room and saw them running far away from the horizon, so she started to run as well, "You come here! Don't run away from me!" but they're so fast. Doraemon panted, "I was scared because of your voice! Why am I also running from mom? I didn't do anything!"

A few minutes, their mom stopped and sighed. "I can't catch them, they're so fast," she said. When she went back to the room, her foot took a the tape and the tape from the wall was removed. Then the wall showed up again, their mom looked back and she was confused, "Huh? It's a wall again?"

Back from the Horizon, the two are now fine, sort of, "Don't go too far! We can't go too far!" Doraemon shouted and Nobi asked, "Why?" 

Doraemon said, disappointed, "Because if we went too far, we'll be lost and can't go back." Nobi sighed and said, "Fine, let's go back."


A couple of moments later, they were both still riding on the robot camel, and still not even a single thing have changed. "Huh? I think I can't see the room" This made Doraemon panicked. So from curved to curve, end to end, they tried to find their room.

Doraemon said panicking, "What happened? The room is gone! Maybe..." then he got cut off and couldn't find his voice.

Nobi said, feeling nervous, "What maybe? Finish your sentence!" 

"Maybe the tape has been removed!" he cried aloud.

"What will happen if the tape has been removed?" Nobi asked. 

"We'll never get back home..." he said in a very soft voice. " Oh, really? Then we'll use the Anywhere Door!" But Doraemon complained, "We're at the universe of the hyper space so there's no way out, just only the Horizon tape..."

Just then, Doraemon shouted at him, " You scared me that's why I ran away too!" Nobi complained as well either, "You too also, you brought this Horizon Tape!" And they started fighting.

Then, from a distance, Doraemon saw a light. "What's that?" he asked. So they both went near it...


"It's so good if your bathroom is so big!"

Sue was in the bathroom, taking a bath and used the horizon tape to expand the bathroom. Sue felt even more comfortable taking a bath and let out a sigh of relief a few times compared to the last times.

While she was cleaning, she saw something very tiny from the horizon. Something running... then before she could take a look it, she saw them, and went to the bath tub quickly.

Nobi and Doraemon cried happily to her, praising her, "Thank you Sue! You saved our lives!" 

Sue pointed at the door and shouted to them, "You're welcome! Enough of talking! Get out of here! Eek!!"


