Changing Name Plate

Nobita sighed as he went home... he opened the door and called his mom "Mom!" his mom answered "Yes?" but. Nobita said "Nothing!" and then he ran into his room.

Nobita made another sigh and said "What am I going to do?" so Doraemon asked him "Why? What's wrong?" Nobita said to him "My teacher is going at here and he's going to show my grades to mom!" but Doraemon started reading and said "That's okay! Even if mom gets mad at you, it's your life!" but Nobita shouted "What's so good about that?!?!?" so he sat down on his desk and started to think. (It didn't says what is he thinking)

Doraemon stand up and said "I'm done reading this book! I should take it back to Dekisugi, and then I will get some other book again." then he went out of the room.

Back at Nobita, he was looking at the window when something happened. There was a "swoosh" and then the view was different. Then Nobita was shocked as it "swooshed" and then back to it's view, but Nobita stand up and looked at the view again, but there's nothing. That's when the time Doraemon showed up, holding a book.

Nobita said "What was that?" while Doraemon said "This one's nice. Oh, its so good to read a book while eating Dorayaki!" so he took out a name plate and said as he went outside "I'll use this changing name plate!"

So Nobita followed him outside while Doraemon said " I will write Dorayaki Store in this name plate and if we went inside, it's now the Dorayaki Store!" so he placed the name plate on the wall and went inside. Doraemon opened the door and bought some dorayaki and went out again, while Nobita was just shocked. "So after that, take off the name plate and it goes back to normal." Doraemon said as he took off the name plate, while Nobita opened the door and it was their home, he was still confused.

So Doraemon said to him "Only inside the house changes." so Nobita went out with the name plate, trying to find his teacher. He found him before he could turn, so Nobita said "I will write first Giant's house." So before his teacher went inside, Nobita placed the name plate on the wall.

His teacher entered the house, which was Giant's house. Giant's mom said "Sir, is there something wrong about Giant!" but the teacher was shocked and said "I was going to Nobita's house but I didn't know that I got here. But i'm here so I will show you Giant's very low grades." Giant freaked out and was totally scared.

So the teacher went out and tried again. Nobita took off the name plate and said "Whew! He's gone!" but he quickly noticed his teacher again coming this way "Oh no! He's here again!" So his teacher tried to find Nobita's home "It's here. Yes, this is Nobita's home!"

Before the teacher went in, Nobita placed the name plate and it's written was "Suneo's home". So his teacher was very silent while Suneo's mom said "Is there something about Suneo?" but the teacher went out quickly and said " Sorry! Wrong house!"

So the teacher tried again "What happened? Just relax! You'll get to Nobita's house. But, this is really is his home!" So he entered slowly... while Nobita placed the name plate again and Nobita wrote "Shizuka's home". So the teacher was quiet while. Shizuka's mom asked "Is there something wrong about Shizuka?" but the teacher went out and said "I can't take it anymore! I'm getting crazy!"

So Nobita was now happy and said "I'll just play with Shizuka" so he entered and didn't take off the name plate. Shizuka looked at the window and said "I think the view is now different." but Nobita only said "Just don't mind that, let's play!"

Back at Nobita's home, his mom went out to go to the market. But after she went out, she looked behind and saw Shizuka's home, then she looked at the real name plate (not this one). She said "Why am I in a different house?!" then she started running back. She saw Nobita's display house but when she went inside, it was different. Shizuka's mom saw her and said "Mrs. Nobi! Why are you here?" but she went out, confused.

While his mom was confused, his teacher saw her. Doraemon looked out and said "Oh no! Nobita did something to the name plate again!" as he went out. While Doraemon took off the name plate, Giant talked to him and said "I was beaten by my mother because of Nobita!" so Doraemon went inside and saw his mom had a headache. Doraemon said to her "Nobita did this mom!"

Back at Shizuka's house, the normal one, Nobita went out and looked behind. He said "What? It's now back at the same place again! Huh? Maybe Doraemon removed the name plate!"

Before Nobita could enter at his real house, Doraemon placed the name plate again, and it says "Teacher and Giant is inside".

So Nobita opened the door and saw his teacher and Giant inside, while Doraemon showed his happy face to you.

