A Good Deed In A Weary World

NOTE: The title from the book should be "The Robot Saint" but I saw this episode and it says, "A Good Deed In a Weary World". It may had different subtitles, since it's different in Filipino. Just a reminder for that. :)

Also, Happy (late) New Year!! :D


Nobi went out of the vacant lot, beatened up by Giant and Suneo. "Why does the wrong people always win and the people who are right always got beaten up?" he cried as he went home. "What kind of world is this?"

"Is the wisdom dead?!" he shouted as he entered the room, Doraemon was staring at him, crying. "Or the god is just sleeping?"

Doraemon stood from his seat and started shoving from his pocket, "The god is..." he spoke. "... I'm not saying he's gone. "But..."

Nobi gasped in surprise, "Huh?!?" He thought that he had a god gadget like that. Instead, he took out a tiny old man with a white beard, and a staff. "The Robot Saint!"

"This?" Nobi pointed it, "That's not looked like a saint."

"It's only the test for the good will," Doraemon smiled. "Do you remember the story about a man who helped an old man and because of that, God gave him 3 wishes?" Nobi gasped in surprise, "He will fulfill your requests!?"

Nobi kneeled to his knees and started saying nice words on the saint robot, "Are you hungry? Do you want to eat some ramen?" But Doraemon laughed. "You can't do that! It looks like you wanted to have a chance to try it, so you became generous ro him."

"Oh," he frowned. Doraemon took the saint robot and wind it up from behind, "You still need to wind it? That's really old."


"I hope there's someone who is nice," Nobi smiled as the saint robot walks outside his home, to the streets, Doraemon followed. Then, for a second, the saint robot fell down, "He's trying that woman who's coming," Doraemon spoke.

The woman just looked at the saint robot for 4 seconds, and then she continued. "That woman is useless! She wasted that chance!"

After a few tries, many people didn't want to help the poor old man, or the saint robot, "They just ignores the robot. They're all just passing it."

Then, Suneo and Giant passed by, "What's this?" asked Suneo, looking at the old robot. Suneo smirked, kicking the robot, "This doll is really old." Giant laughed too. "Does anybody still remember God in these days?" Nobi felt sad, carrying the saint robot. But he still smiled and got an idea, "Let's show it to Shizuka. She's very good at these things."


"Shizuka, let's play!" Doraemon and Nobi shouted happily at Shizuka, but Shizuka was not happy. "I can't," she said, disappointed. "I need to practice for the piano contest tomorrow but," she showed her left hand and there was a bandage on one of the fingers, they both gasped. "... my finger got crushed."

She started to cry and sed her right hand to brush off her tears, "It will recover in just a week, but I will not get in time for the contest." But Doraemon and Nobi ignored her feelings, and tried to make her happy again.

"Don't mind that at first," Nobi winked. "Just forget your problems at first, and have fun," Doraemon continued. But as they went outside the gate, Shizuka saw a poor doll lying on the ground. She took it, "What is this doll doing in here? Someone should have thrown it. How pity," she felt heartbrokened by this, but even more when the doll spoke in a weak voice, "I-i'm hungry."

A few minutes later, they were back at Shizuka's house, the saint robot, since he was so small, was standing on the table of the living room. Shizuka, gave him a tray full of food. "Is it okay if it's only just bread and coffee?" he nodded. "You're very nice, Shizuka," Nobi smiled.

She looked at the saint robot as he took a bite every second. "Looks like you're really hungry..." she said, staring at him. A skipped part, the saint robot was done eating, "Thank you."

Then, he started floating up in the air, his body brightens as he float up higher, which made Shizuka surprised. "I'm the God. Because of your care for others, I will grant you 3 wishes."

She answered, pointing to her finger with a bandage on it, "I wish that my finger would be cured." Then, the saint robot spoke to her as he went out of the house, "Follow me."

Doraemon and the 2 followed him, but they were confused, 'where is he going?' they thought of that.


Doraemon and Nobi gasped, "Why are we going to our house!?" but no one listened to them. As they went into the front, it started to rain, weird...

"It's raining?" Nobi asked. Then, his mom raced outside, "My laundry!!!" Shizuka heard it and helped her, "I help you!!!" Nobi's mom nodded. "Thank you."

As Shizuka quickly put some clothes in the basket, and so deep as her hands hands are inside, she can't pull her hands out of the basket, "What? My hands won't come out!" Doraemon and Shizuka saw it and helped her pull, but this part is the weirdest: It stopped raining, weird....

The 2 tripped as Shizuka's hands were drawn out, she then looked at her finger, it was fine again, she gasped. "It's now okay!" The two were happy, but confused about what happened. Doraemon tried to find what was inside the basket, then he took out a blanket.

"Ah, it was this magic blanket that was hung in the clothesline." (or that blanket that is color red and has a lot of clocks designed it. Don't remembered the name of the gadget.)

Doraemon smiled, "Her finger was put inside the magic blanket..." Nobi continued, winking. "... so that's why her finger was quickly cured."

"Thank you so much, god!" Shizuka smiled happily. "What is your second wish?" the saint robot asked. "I wanted to have some beautiful clothes for the contest tomorrow. Isn't my wish too much?"

"Follow me." the saint robot answered. The 3 followed, then they stopped infront of a mud puddle, just in time as a car approached. The car passed through the mud puddle, splashing it on the side, only Shizuka was splashed, she was shocked as the 2 quickly dodged it. The person from the car went out, "Oh no! I'm very sorry!" the person said, calming down Shizuka.

"I am the owner of the boutique store just by the corner. I'll just change it into new clothes!" he said.


Shizuka came back with a beautiful dress, "It's beautiful!" Doraemon and Nobi smiled, "What is your third wish?" the saint robot asked her. Instead of winning the competition, she said, running and waving, "This is now fine, thank you so much!" She didn't make her third wish.

Then, Giant and Suneo saw the saint robot, "Ah, it was a god!"

They quickly took the robot and ran to Suneo's house, "Please come into my house!" Suneo shouted.

At Suneo's home, they quickly served the saint robot full of food that scattered across the table, "Eat all you want," Suneo said as he served more food.

After a few servings, the saint robot was now full, but still, more food was served, "Eat more," Suneo said, placing more food on the table. " I can't, I'm full."

That's when they quickly wished, Giant and Suneo winked, "Does that mean you'll grant our 3 wishes?"

Giant shouted happily, "I want 10 manga books!!!"

But Suneo complained, "Your wish is useless! I am the one who served the foods!!!"

Giant got angry, "What!?! You're threatening me!?!"

As they started fighting, Suneo shouted as he got punched in the face, "I wish you could be a pig!!!"

Giant continued, "You too!!!"

Then, a poof was heard, fog scattered throughout the room. As the fog disappears, 2 pigs are standing, the one was Giant, which was a pig standing, and holding a paper bag full of 10 manga books. The other one was smaller, Suneo was also a pig

They saw their faces and cried, they quickly went to Nobi and Doraemon.


Doraemon crossed his arms, "God gave that to you. I can't do anything about it." he smiled. Nobi looked at the two crying, "The bad ones really had penalty."

That's when Shizuka came, "I know what's my third wish, I wish Suneo and Giant went back to normal."

The saint robot agreed and wished Shizuka's last wish, Suneo and Giant was covered in fog, and they came back to normal just a few seconds. They both cried happily, tears of joy.

"Instead of winning the competition, she's kind and nice so she helped the two. But if that didn't happened, they'll be pigs forever." Nobi said to Doraemon.

That's why people should be nice this year!

