An Island Made of Plastic (Last Part 3)

NOTE: It's been a busy week guys. I still need to update most of my stories, it's kinda getting late... Anyways, I've finished the story!!!! YEAH! ALRIGHT!

To all people who's bee reading this for the past months, thank you for reading this, just saying becuase I've finished Vol. 28, thank you, not off to Vol.29!

But first, finish reading this last part of the story... 


"That's the Yojohan Island," Doraemon spoke. "I just placed this island right infront of the resthouse." He took out a binocular and looked at the corner of the island. "There's Suneo." he said. "They're playing with his ship."

At the island, the 3 were playing Suneo's ship. "The ship's cool, it's like it's real." Suneo smirked. "Let me use it!" Giant smiled, then grabbed the remote control.

"Let's speed up the boost!" he said, raising up the speed of the boat. "Don't speed up the boat or it'll pass the signal range!" Suneo shouted, but it was too late.

For a second, the ship was so far only a shadow can be seen from the distance. "What? I think the remote control's not working," Giant said, eeriely looking at the remote control. 

"There you go, the ship's too far so you can't control it because it doesn't reach the signal range!" Suneo said.

Just then, they both gasped. "WAAAH!"

They saw a HUGE ship, 4 times bigger than Suneo's ship. A loud horn was heard from the distance. The huge ship pushed Suneo's ship and his ship turned to the right, leading it back. 

"He changed my ship's way," Suneo said. "Where did this ship come from and who owns this huge plasitc model ship?" he both asked.

Just then, Shizuka saw Doraemon and Nobita flying, "It's Nobi and Doraemon!"

Nobi, who was holding the remot control, spoke, "That's ours! Let's have a race!"

Suneo's face turned red, "Hmp! I don't want to play with you!" Then he turned to Giant and Shizuka, smiling, "It's going to be a waste of time if we do that, let's just have a swim!"

"Of course, let's go!" they both said happily. The Suneo turned to Nobita, smiling again, "If you want to have fun, come with us." But they both fly away.

A few minutes later, they were now swimming. "I remember, he don't know how to swim!" he laughed. "Poor kid..." Giant smirked.


"They're having fun," Nobi felt sad, while looking at the window with the binoculars. "I have an idea," Doraemon said. "Wear your swimming suit."

A few minutes later, Nobi was wearing his swim suit. Doraemon took a picture of him using the camera. Another few minutes later, Doraemon and Nobi went out of the resthouse and threw the plastic model of him wearing the swimsuit. "I placed an auto action in him, so let's just swim him around here." he said.

Then they both have fun on the other side of the plastic model island, "they don't know that the real Nobi is here on the other island." he continued.


Back at Suneo and the others, the plastic model Nobi came in, swimming in fast speed. "Whoa! Nobi can swim!?" Shizuka was shocked. "That's not true!!!" Suneo shouted.

Then, the fake Nobi made a dolphin jump. Shizuka was amazed, "Wow! You're like a dolphin, Nobi!" she said, clapping. At the back, Giant and Suneo looked at each other with angry expressions.

"Shizuka, there's a lot of fish that we can get, so let's go have some fishing!" Suneo said. "Let's go!" Shizuka said.

After a few moments later, they were now fishing.


"They're now fishing." Doraemon said, looking at them with the bionoculars. Then he came to the resthouse and came back with 2 fishing rods, "A Plastic Model Fshing Rod!"

"If the fishing rod is plastic, then we can't catch any fish." Nobi ponted out.

Doraemon sighed and went back the Dokodemo Door, which leads back home. Then he took a book out from the bookshelves, it has a title, "Book of Fishes".


After a few plastic models, Doraemon placed a lot of plasitc fishes under the sea. "I'll just place a magnet in this plastic model of a fish," he said. "Then I'll place a magnet on Nobi's fishing rod."

Back at Nobi, who was still fishing, his fishing rod was shaking. Then, he pulled out his fishing rod, and a fish came out just as soon Doraemon rose from the sea, "I caught one! Hahahaha!"

Then, they started catching fish every time. The 3 stared at them, dumbfounded. "Whoa! There's so many fish!"

Just then, under the boat they're riding, was shaking.They were confused, and then, a HUGE whale came above th e sea, moving Suneo and his 2 friends' boat, "I can't take it anymore!!!!" he shouted.

"Nobi is really making me piss off. But he's still losing, as long as I have Shizuka in my place!" Suneo thought of himself.

"Shizuka, let's find another resthouse, the one that has disco." he said to them. "Wow, that's cool!" she said. "Let's go!" Giant said, moving forward.

"Let's sing while we went back." Suneo pointed out. They sang on the boat as Nobi and Doraemon looked a them.

"Shizuka...." Nobi cried.


Doraemon felt sorry for Nobi, because Nobi loves Shizuka more than ever. So, finding an idea, he flew towards Yojohan Island with the camera from the plastic model gadget. He took a picture of Shizuka just by the window of the rest house and went back. 

"I have a picture to show you!" he said, going in. Nobi felt happy.

After a few minutes, a box with a picture of Shizuka came out of the gagdet. "Is this going to move?" Nobi asked happily. "Of course!" Doraemon smiled.


After fitting the pieces together, the plastic model of Shizuka was moving. They placed some music and they both danced while Doraemon was clapping. The music was so loud that almost it can be heard throughout the island, they're made of plastic, of course.

"The music can be heard from here," Shizuka said from Suneo's resthouse. "It looks like it's more fun over there..." Giant also spoke.

Just then, Suneo turned as red as a tomato, "I hate you Nobi!" he shouted. "Let's not show us look like fools!" he said to Giant. "Let's make a plan." he said. Then, the two took a life raft and rowed towards the plastic model island, leaving Shizuka behind. "Where are you guys going?" she asked, but they ignored her.


Back at Nobi's room, his mom came in, shocked. "Oh my! You're here, Sir!" she gasped. From the plastic model island, Nobi turned his head at the Dokodemo Door just outside, his mom's voice can be heard at the island. "Nobi, why did't you tell me your teacher was here?" she asked.

The she walked out of the room, "I'll just go and get some tea," she said. 

At exact timing, Nobi and Doraemon quickly went back and took the plastic model and took it into the plastic model island, just infront of the Dokodemo Door. "If my mom knows that my teacher is just a plastic model, we're doomed. So I took it here..." Nobi said, depressed.


Back at Giant and Suneo, who were done getting to the side of the plastic island, was quickly running through the shore. "Here we come!" they both shouted. 

But as soon they saw the plastic model of their teacher, they froze. "Oh! Sir, hello!" they both stopped infront of him. "We're not doing anything bad here!" Giant was shaking his whole body, feeling more nervous than before.

"We're just, going to visit Nobi..." Suneo said nervously.

Just then, they quickly scram back into the life raft, "...but I think we kinda gotta go." they both said, running and hopping into the life raft. Then they quickly rowed as fast as they can to get away from the plastic island.

Back at Nobi and Doraemon, at the window of the resthouse, Suneo and Giant can be seen riding at the life raft and quickly rowing quickly away from the island.

"What happened and why are they quickly going away from the island?" Nobi asked, while Doraemon stared at them in silence. Also the plastic model of Shizuka stood there behind Doraemon, who was quiet, too.

THE END (finally!) AND THE END OF VOL. 28!!!!
