Instant Brother Stamp

As always, Big G was bullying Noby when Big G's mother came by and saw him beating Noby. "Takeshi!" she called, pinching Big's G right ear and dragging him away. Big G's mom said sorry to Noby as Noby went home, crying desperately.

"You got always beaten up by Giant!" Doraemon shouted. Noby snobbed, "I don't want this anymore! Do you has any ideas?" 

Doraemon got a lot of ideas, "Of course! Let's use that one!", then he grabbed something from his pocket.

Doraemon showed him two stamps, "The Instant Brother Stamp! If we stick this older one to Big G while the little brother is attached in your back, Big G thinks that you're his little brother!" 

So he attached the stamp with the picture of a little brother behind Noby, then Doraemon and him went out looking for Giant.

"Are you sure this is going to work?" Noby said, scared. He knew that almost all the gadgets he use are going to end up badly for him.

Just as he was thinking, Sneech came by, "Noby! Let's play baseball!" But Noby disagreed, Sneech got mad and threw the ball right into Noby's face. Noby took the ball angrily and threw it to Sneech again, right into his face. "Why did you threw the ball into my face!" he shouted, chasing Noby with all energy.

Just then, someone grabbed Sneech from behind and started beating him up. "Why are you beating up my little brother!?" Big G said, beating him up. Noby, who was behind Big G, saw the older brother stamp was attached behind him.

After Sneech got away, Big G asked Noby, "Are you okay little brother?", but Noby was quiet. "If anyone tries to beat you up, just tell it to your big brother, ok?", so Big G and Noby went to the empty lot, where their friends are playing.

Giant said to them, "Hey everyone! Do not bully my little brother Noby!", then after saying, he took the toy the boy was playing. "That's a very nice toy you got there, I'll just share it to my brother ok?" he then gave it to Noby, who was refusing, but Giant forced it to use it.

While Nobi was playing the toy very quietly, feeling like he didn't like what's happening, Big G spoke, "If you want any toys, just say it and I will give it to you." he let out a smile, but then Noby threw the toy and said "I'm going home."


Back at Noby's house, Doraemon was really worried, " I wonder where is Noby? I really need to find him right now." So he went to Big G's house and saw Big G and Noby, who was crying very loud, "This is our house!" he shouted 

"I want to go home! WAAAAAAHHHHH!" Noby cried at the top of his lungs, "You're my little brother that's why this is our home!" Big G continued to explain.

Without regretting, Doraemon went in and changed the stamps behind their backs. So Noby was now the older one while Big G is the younger one. Noby said to him politely, "This is not our home!" 

Big G didn't seem to act, but his face was silently angry. While they're walking back home, Noby said to him, "Now, do everything I say, ok?" Big G's face was very angry, he kicked a piece of rock, which crashed the window in a nearby house. "Who crashed my window!?!?" The owner shouted from the inside, then they quickly ran away.

After running, Noby and Doraemon are tired, "Having a little brother is harder than I thought," Nobi panted. 

Not noticing from behind, Big G took a lollipop from a kid and started licking it like a dog. The kid's mother came and his son was crying , then pointed to his lollipop Big G was holding. 

"Where's your parents?" the kid's mother asked. Big G pointed to Noby, then the woman went to Noby and Doraemon. Noby took Big G with him and with Doraemon, they ran again, "I don't want to have a little brother anymore!" Noby shouted.

After a few problems, everything was fixed, for now. 

Big G said to Noby, pointing to the 3 girls who was looking at Big G, "Noby! Those girls won't let me play in their game!" he cried like a baby. Doraemon giggled, "I changed the stamp to be a little girl." he then let out an evil smirk. But Noby, just standing there, freezing... 

Now he knew how it felt to have a little brother.


