Chapter Seven - Training

Lily went back to her house, anger bubbling inside of her, of course this was noticed the second she walked through the door. She ignored the worried questions of her friends and stormed straight over to Ethan. 

"Train me." She demanded. "I want to start fighting again." 

"No." Ethan simply shrugged, he knew that any extra attention brought to her would only make her a bigger target to his enemies. She was his weakness and he knew that but she did not. 

"It wasn't a question." Lily growled. Ethan looked at Lily's anger filled face and her clenched fists and finally realized what was wrong. Lily no longer had an outlet for her emotions. So instead they stayed inside, festering and bubbling inside of her. Waiting for the right moment to boil over and erupt like a volcano. 

"It's not a good idea to start fighting again Lilz." Ethan frowns, his confidence fading when he sees the anger in her eyes growing and increasing. 

"It's Lola." Lily growled, her old personality finally hitting her once again. Lily was the name of the weak person she had become, Lily had forgotten how to protect herself and glazed over who she really was. She was held down and pushed back by her new fake personality that she couldn't see who she really was. She had lived as Lily for far too long. The business owner that was sweet with a kind smile that allowed people to come up to her, talk, be friendly, get close then leave. But never getting close enough to see the person she really was. No, Lily was her weak name. Her true name was Lola. 

"Okay, I'll train you." Ethan gave in, sensing the rage pour off her with along with the conflict of emotions that followed. 

"Now." Lily demanded. "With everyone." Now everyone perked up, finally being mentioned in the conversation. 

"Lolz, what happened?" April asked, tilting her head in the way she often did when she was confused. 

"Jane died. She just died. She was so sweet and kind and she died. Her kids didn't even come to see her. She was alone. I will not be alone. I cannot stop death but I can protect myself." Lily paused. "At least I could." 

"Baby bear..." Daniel starts. 

"No Danny, I have to do this." Lily states, peeling her eyes away from a worried looking Ethan. "I am not the person I used to be. I used to be strong and I didn't need anyone else. Now look at me, if anyone were to break in here and I was alone I wouldn't know what to do or how to do it. I'd need to rely on you guys. So what happens when you leave? I'll still have this threat hovering over my head. And any of Ethan's enemies that sees that we're close." 

"But Lo..." Lex says. "We're all staying until we find out what happened and why it happened." 

"That's not the point." Lily growls. "Either you guys train me and let me fight or I go out and do it alone. 

"Fine." Ethan reluctantly agrees followed by a reluctant nod from everyone else. 

"That's are Lola!" Duke exclaims. "I knew you weren't cut out for the domestic crap." Lily chuckles and nods. 

"When do you wanna start?" Ethan questions. 

"Now." Lily nods. 

"Okay, let's get going. I have a gym near by. I'll drive." Ethan sighs, Ethan hated the thought of Lily being put in danger but knew this was what would be best for her. If only there was another way, but the harder he tried to think of one the more impossible another solution became. 

Everyone climbed into the mini van and Ethan started to drive. April bubbled with excitement. Her best friend may have changed but her outburst today showed she was the same person at heart. Daniel felt a storm of guilt brewing inside him, he suspected this was his and his friends fault, she had been fine before. Ace sat looking at Lily with awe, she had scared Ethan and he admired her even more for that, all of his years of searching for proof she was alive wasn't done in vain. Duke was happily singing along to the radio, he was truly a kid at heart and now that he finally had Lily around him again he no longer felt like something was missing. Austin was sat next to Lily, glad that his she was happy but worry underlined all his emotions, how would she react if she knew how weak he was without her? Lex was sat next to Alex, a smile on his face, he was glad Lily was becoming who she wanted to be once again. All that hiding behind her ordinary life must've been exhausting for her, and it was. Alex had much darker and more sinister thoughts, he had managed to sneak into the group and it was all thanks to Lily's letters before she 'died' if only she knew. 

Soon the mini van stopped and they all got out of the mini van. A smile graced Lily's lips as she collected her work out bag which was old and had been unused for months. She used to go on runs and small stuff like that before she decided to expand the studio, opening multiple studio's was stressful and left her almost no time to herself. Before she didn't mind much but now she did. The bakery expansion would have to wait, she knew it would've had to anyway. But she didn't mind. If that was the cost of being herself again she didn't mind. 

"Lola lets go get changed and leave the boys to..." April hesitated and thought for a second. "Do whatever boys do." She finally shrugged not really knowing what boys did. Lily chuckled and followed April into the girls changing room. 

"Is this really a good idea?" Ace asked Ethan. 

"No." Ethan shrugged. "But she needs this." 

"I know." Ace mumbled, he hated when Ethan was right, the fact that he was right about Lily made him even more frustrated. Ace was supposed to be the one that knew her better then anyone but Ethan stole that chance from him. He was supposed to be the one to protect her but because of Ethan he couldn't. It angered him to no end. 

Lily and April came out of the changing rooms shortly after the short conversation. Daniel, Duke, Jack, Austin, Lex and Alex had all gotten changed which just left Ethan and Ace who quickly did when they saw that the girls had beaten them. 

"Lolz!" Jack exclaimed, a smile glistened Lily's face and she happily skipped over to her friend. Anticipation filling her body, following through her veins. 

"Hey JD." Lily giggled, a teasing smile flowing on her face when she saw the glare she had gotten from Jack and Duke. 

"Why?" Duke and Jack whined. 

"Your best friends and I swear I couldn't separate you even with a crowbar." Lily laughed. 

"We're apart right now." Jack whined, he was technically right, Austin was standing between the two but that wasn't what Lily meant and they both knew it.

"Okay, Duke you go to that corner of the room and Jack you stay here with me." Lily instructed. 

"No." They both whined, "We don't wanna." Lily chuckled and before anymore could be said Ethan and Ace walked out the changing rooms. 

"Let's start." Ethan spoke, everyone nodded and started training.
