Chapter One - Finding Out

Lily woke up to an annoying loud buzzing, she knew it wasn't her alarm, the music was diffrent, leading her to decide it was a phone call.
Still in a sleepy haze Lily reached over and picked up her phone, gently fumbling to touch the answer button.

"Lilz." Ethan's voice rang through the phone. Lily just humed in response, she was too used to Ethan calling her Lily or Lilz, although part of her missed her old name and nicknames that came with it. "They know." Ethan's words dragged Lily out of her slumbering state.

"What? How? Do they know where I am?" Lily panicked, not quite knowing who 'they' was. Her sleepy state had made her slower to catch on to who who want to find her.

"Ace, your brother and Co. They know you're alive. Should I tell them?" Ethan asked, Lily thought over the decision before sighing.

"Tell them everything." Lily spoke. "I have to get ready for work."

"You run your own company Lil." Ethan chuckled.

"I need to keep busy. That reminds me, do you know any good places to... Let loose?" Lily asked, choosing her words wisely.

"I'll take you next time I'm in town." Ethan reassured, Lily sighed, of course he would say that.

"Fine." Lily whined, Ethan just laughed before hanging up.

Checking the time Lily descovered it was onky 5am, since she'd be up at 7 anyway she decided to get an early start.
Lily climbed out of bed and walked into the shower, she moaned as the hot water hit her stressed limbs. Unable to stop herself her mind wondered to Ethan, she wondered what was on wondering back home.


Ethan hung up the phone and turned to the angry looking people in his office.

"Well?" Daniel asked, looking beyond pissed off.

"She told me to tell you everything." Ethan conferrmed to the people in the room. Ethan took a deep breath before starting the story.

*three years ago before Lola's 'death' *

"Their plan is never going to work." Ethan sighed. Everyone looked at him and nodded except Lola who hesitated before nodding.

"They've been planning for too long." Lola decided. Once again everyone nodded. "They want to kill me." Everyone's eyes filled with sadness and pitty. "Many people do." Everyone held their breath before Lola continued, Duke and Jack sitting beside Ethan for emotional support, almost expecting what would come next. "I have to die."

"No!" Ethan exclaimed, standing so fast that Lola nor Duke or Jack could catch his movements.

"It doesn't have to be a real death." Duke spoke, looking at Ethan while Lola just looked confused.

"How would I die and be alive?" Lola questioned and suddenly Ethan was reminded of how much power him and his father really held.

"I can make everything I need. Fake birth sitificates, fake death setificate, a whole new person can be born. The mob has pills which mimic that appearance of death. We just have to let her kill you." Ethan spoke, the plan slowly coming together.

"This is only in case of an emergency." Lola spoke, she knew she wouldn't want to leave her friends and her brother unless she had to. And yet part of her wanted to more then anything.

"This is plan B." Jack said in agreement.

*Precent time*

"So when Emily said she wanted to see Lola alone, in an abandoned place we knew our plan had failed. We gave her the drug to mimic death and got her out the country." Ethan spoke. Everyone sat their speechless until Daniel stood and had Ethan by the collar.

"You made me think she was dead." Daniel's voice was deadly calm which made everyone uncomfortable.

"We couldn't risk anyone finding her." Ethan spoke, trying to keep his voice emotionless.

"You think I woukd out my sisters life in danger?" Daniel yelled. That's when Ethan lost it.

"Do you think I've liked it? Sneaking off to see her for a few days every few months, only hearing her voice on the rare occasions we've both had time to talk, leaving her in a city of people where she knew noone, not being there for her when she was mourning you lot? Do you really think I wanted this? " Ethan yelled, punching a wall causing it to shatter. Ethan however didn't flinch.

"You got to see her!" Daniel yelled, not quite seeing his point.

"I got to have a secret. I got to keep things from the world. I got my best friends for a few moments a year. I got to see my life without her. I got to see my life with her. I got to see how it affected it all." Ethan spoke, his voice turning emotionless.
"I'll take you to her if you want." Ethan offered. Everyone looked between one another nervously before April spoke up.

"We want to go." April stated confidently.

"I'll call her." Ethan spoke, wordlessly making a promise before walking out.

Ace sat there in shock. She was alive. He could make things right with her, with his Lola. He could finally tell her how he truly felt. He knew she wasn't dead all along, people just thought he was crazy but he coukd feel it. He could feel her in world.
Ace wondered how Lola had changed, he wondered what would happen when he finally saw her again. He wondered how he had ever lived without her.

Austin set there, guilt finally lifting off his chest. For years Austin had felt guilty, if it wasn't for his kidnapping then April would've never helped Emily, he always thought it was hist fault his sisters best friend was dead. Now he no longer had that guilt and he didn't know how to handle it.

Lex finally felt happy. He could finally thank Lola for helping him get the confidence to come out of the closet. If it wasn't for Lola's letter he knew he would've never met his current boyfriend, Jason. Finally he'd get to see the girl that helped him change his life forever.

April felt a mix of emotions, she was angry at Lola for leaving her. All those years of depression, loss and guilt had finally she was suddenly alive. Part of her was happy. She would have her best friend back. Maybe that was what she should feel happy but she had missed to much of Lola's life maybe too much had changed for the both of them.

James was glad he'd finally have the girl he concidered a sister back in his life. He missed her fistey attitude, he had made the mistake of going back with his ex after Lola died now he was stuck in a loveless marriage that he couldn't bring himself to end. James just wanted Lola back in his life.

Daniel felt over joyed. He had a second change to protect his sister. He knew it was more like the third but he didn't care. Once he saw Lola again he would never let her go.

Knowing none of what was happening Lily got out of the shower and got dressed, making breakfast and stopping at Costa before heading to the bakery to start her normal day. Constantly wondering what was happening, and what was to come.
