Chapter Fifteen - Waking Up

Lola's Pov

A blinding light forces my eyes open. The room around me is a generic white color, there is nothing that distinct it to tell me where I am, or even who's room I am in. I'm hit with sickness as I aggressively sit up, my head spins and I force myself to close my eyes and take deep breaths to rid myself of the awful feeling.

"Lola?" Duke's voice drifts through the room, muffled by the door that separates us. I keep my mouth tightly shut as I'm reminded me betrayed me, worry surrounds me as I'm reminded Jack is still with my friends. He, most probably, is in league with the traitors.
"Are you awake?" His voice sounds again, still I keep my lips rightly gripped shut. "I'm coming in." He warns.

The door opens and I am met with the face of someone I thought I could trust, someone I thought truly cared about me. Although his face screams 'I'm sorry' I can't bring myself to trust it. The sickly feeling continues and I cast my eyes back down. I couldn't look at him.

"Lol..." Duke starts, I just shake my head and my heart painfully clenches. "Come on, yell at me, scream at me, hit me, punch me, just don't give me the silent treatment. React. Please." He begs, tears come to my eyes as I'm reminded that once again I trusted someone who could not be trusted. Once again I allowed myself to be vulnerable with someone who would go on to stab me in the back.

"You..." I try to say anything, explain and express what I'm feeling but I couldn't. I was to weak. Tears fell from my eyes without permission, the more I angrily washed them away the more that fell until I simply gave up.

"Don't cry Lolz, come on. I'm still your friend. The same old DJ." Duke's words just causes vomit to raise to my throat. I throw the covers off and rush to the grab the nearest thing, which happens to be a bin that had been placed by a bed side table, with it tightly in my hands my stomach contents spill out of my mouth. More tears rise to my eyes and I know I'm a complete mess. "Shit. I should go and get Ethan." Duke says, quickly rushing off before I could protest. I didn't want to see Ethan. He was sick. Horrible. He kidnapped me, and for what? Petty jealousy.

I keep hold of the bin for a few minutes before I'm sure that I'll be okay. Then I slowly pull myself back to the bed and sink into the covers. I had no energy, I had no idea how long I had been asleep but I was tired, exhausted. I silently cried, I didn't even react when I heard the sound of footsteps, even when I felt their presents in the room, I just stared at the white wall with the soundless tears falling down my face.

"What happened?" Ethan asked Duke, they were standing by the door, only slightly in from what I could tell. I refused to turn and look at them, my glistened eyes remained trained on the wall.

"She looked pale, really pale, she started crying then puked." Duke roughly explained. I heard Ethan hum.

"I'll get someone in to check on her. She was out for 2 days, maybe I used too much." Ethan said in a casual voice that caused the sickly feeling to rise within me again.

"That's all your going to say?" Duke demanded. "Maybe you used too much? Why did you use it anyway?"

"Do not question me." Ethan ordered, his voice hard and cold. "Call Dr Julian and get her to check on Lola. Remember your place Duke."

"Yes sir." Duke sounded defeated but I couldn't bring mysf to feel anything towards him. There was a throbbing pain in my heart that reminded me of the betrayal and the sick feeling followed me as I tugged the warm blanket over me.

I was alone for hours. Just staring at the wall, waiting for something. I don't know what I was waiting for but I knew I was waiting. My head spun and eventually sleep once again consumed me.

"Danni Dog!" I giggle pointing at my older brother. I was young and we were running around, playing some silly game that he loved to play. I loved doing anything with my big, strong, older brother.
The scene slowly faded and I was met with the face of my father, his fist hovering over me.
"Worthless slut!" He commands, slamming his fist against my face. I move back and tears linger in my eyes, I refused to let them fall.
"Lolz!" James comforting voice tells me. "It's okay, I'm here." I feel his arms wrap around me as he pulls me away from my childhood home.
The scene once again changes. My friends surround me all with bright smiles, laughing and joking. Suddenly, their mood changes and their smiles fall into looks of disgust. They spit words of hatred at me and slowly their voices swirl into one until I'm left in darkness. Their voices filling my head, reminding me I'm worthless. Once again my father approaches with a wide smile on his face.
End dream

I slam myself up off the bed, once again feeling dizzy. The woman above me looks startled, shock filling her eyes.

"Are you okay dear?" The woman asks. I just nod and look down. My strange dream haunting me. "I'm Dr Julian, Duke told me Ethan injected you with a sleeping drug and it appears you've had a bad reaction. I'm just going to examine you, is that okay?" She asks. I just shrug with a small nod. She smiles brightly and sets to work.
