Chapter Nine - First Date

It had been a week since Ethan had asked Lily on a date. They had gotten closer, Ethan showed Lily more of the affection he had been bottling up since he had first gotten his feelings. The hugs, hand holding and the occasionally kiss on the cheek. Lily had gotten used to his sweet actions, but apart of her didn't wasn't completely whole. It didn't feel right. Apart of her would watch Ace's actions. Of course Ace acted like he was fine, but he couldn't hide the twitch of his eye when he saw the two together, of the way his fists clenched when he watched Lily laugh at something Ethan had said. So instead of being around the two he threw himself into finding out who was behind the break in at the studio. He had gotten no closer due to his wondering mind. Every time he thought of the two together he felt a clench in his heart, it happened so often he soon got used to the ache in his chest. 

Now it was the night of the date. Ethan had spent all day planning what he thought would be the perfect date. He booked out the whole of a fancy restaurant for their meal, there they would talk about anything and everything. After their meal he would take her to the cinema where they would watch whatever movie she wanted. Lily would be allowed to get whatever snacks she wanted and of course Ethan hoped they would share their first kiss before going home. 

"What should I wear?" Lily asked Ethan for what felt like the 1000th time. 

"I'll get April to plan your outfit." Ethan smirks in response. 

"Okay." Lily pouts. "What time do I need to be ready for?" 

"8 pm." Ethan replies, wrapping his arms around Lily in a way that seemed romantic but only pushed Lily to think a little more about Ace who was nowhere in sight of the couple. Lily missed Ace, they hadn't gotten to spend any time alone together in so long that it made Lily almost forget his wicked smirk and bright eyes when he laughed. Lily wouldn't admit this to herself. How could she? She was with Ethan now. 

"Sounds great Eth." Lily smiled, her smile brightened when Ethan placed a soft kiss on her cheek. 

It was three hours later when April dragged Lily up the stairs to her bedroom. Lily followed April's commands and got dressed in what she had decided. Lily's dress was black and stopped just above her knee, it was almost like a second skin. April completed Lily's outfit with a gold necklace and bracelet that complimented the outfit well. April then did Lily's make up with natural colors that complimented her skin and made her eyes stand out. By the time April had finished getting Lily ready she looked like a supermodel. 

"Wow." Lily spoke, no longer recognizing herself in the mirror. 

"I know, I'm magic with a brush." April smirked, flipping her hair over her shoulder. 

"Thank you A." Lily smiled, hugging her best friend. April was so excited for her best friends date but she couldn't help but feel slightly annoyed that Ethan was the one taking her out. April felt as if this wasn't right, she was routing for Ace and Lily. But she was still more then willing to help make her best friends night a magical night to remember. 

"Your welcome Lol." April smiled, after a week she still hadn't gotten used to Lily's new name and she didn't want to. "Now go!" April pushes Lily towards the door and she smiles and walked down the hallway a little, she's almost at the stairs when she stopped. 

"So tonight's the night." Ace asked, his voice sounding weak for the first time in a long time. 

"Yes." Lily replied, her breath hitching when she catches sight of the sleep deprived Ace. 

"You look gorgeous." Ace states, walking closer to Lily who slowly takes steps back until her back hits the wall. 

"Thank you." Lily mumbles, Ace was now close enough for her to smell his natural musty cent which made Lily weak at the knees and her brain slowly stop working. 

"Why are you going on this date Lola?" Ace asked, Lily felt his breath brush gently against her neck. 

"I..." Lily is unable to give an answer. The only thing traveling through her mind was how much she wanted to kiss Ace, how much she longed for his touch, how handsome he looked even without sleep and stubble on his face, how much she missed falling asleep next to him. 

"You." Ace prompts. 

"Have to go." Lily manages to finish. Her voice so soft that Ace has to force his smile back. Ace was glad of the affect he had on her, she was so smart and sweet yet he had just observed her practically melt without a single touch. It was fantastic for him, it meant he still had a chance. 

"Have a nice night Lolz." Ace smiles, moving away from her. 

"Thanks." Lily replies, she rushes away, almost tripping on her way down the stairs as her legs attempt to go back to their solid state. 

Once making it down the stairs safely Lily is greeted by Ethan, her date, who smiles sweetly at her. But some how it doesn't have quite the affect he wanted it to have. Lily smiled back at him and placed a kiss on his cheek. 

"Ready to go?" Ethan smiles. 

"Of course." Lily replies. They walk together to Ethan's car and they drive together listening to the music that softly plays in the background. Neither talk, Lily was far too caught up on her encounter with Ace and Ethan was far too nervous about their date. 

They arrive at the restaurant and Ethan opens the car door for Lily. She smiles at him to say thank you and they walked hand in hand into the building. The first thing Lily notices is the fairy lights that lit up the room and the table in the middle of the dining room which held a lit candle on top. Together they walked hand in hand and sat down, Ethan pulling Lily's chair for her. 

"This is beautiful." Lily comments, of course it was an amazing sight but it felt like too much for her. She felt out of place in the beautiful place. It reminded her that she would be with someone who went frequently to these high end places and she's reminded of her background that didn't hold any beauty like that sight she was seeing now. 

"It's all for you Lilz." Ethan smiles, Lily smiled back wondering what she did to deserve such effort. It felt unnatural to be there but she ignored it and enjoyed her evening. The waitress comes over, shamelessly flirting with Ethan who shamelessly flirts back. Lily sits there feeling even more out of place but says nothing and again she's reminded of how much she's changed. While the two flirt she wonders what it would be like to go on a date with Ace but banishes the thought. It wasn't the time. It was wrong. Eventually the waitress leaves and again Lily has Ethan's attention.

"How did you come up with this?" Lily questions, taking a sip of her wine that had been brought by the waitress. 

"Google." Ethan blushes, he felt ashamed of how he couldn't come up with an idea for the date with the girl he had been crushing on for years. "I googled the perfect date and this was what it suggested." The room filled with an awkward silence and the waitress returned, bringing with her the pairs food. Ethan and the waitress flirted a little more before the waitress left. When she finally did Lily started eating the amazing meal that she should've enjoyed and would've if it wasn't for Ethan's stare on her the whole time they ate. 

"I'm expanding the bakery." Lily confessed, she couldn't bear the awkward silence any longer. 

"When did you decide this?" Ethan asked, anger flaring inside him. He expected Lily to talk to him before making big decisions like this, she could draw attention to herself. 

"About a month ago." Lily shrugged. 

"You didn't tell me." Ethan said, clenching his jaw. 

"No." Lily replied. 

"Why?" Ethan demanded. 

"I don't have to tell you any time I made a decision about my business." Lily growled, anger filling her. She didn't understand Ethan's new anger. It was her business, and therefore her choice. 

"Yes you do." Ethan decided. Lily just shock her head. 

"This was a mistake." Lily announced, standing up from her chair. 

"Sit." Ethan demanded, standing up and taking a threatening step towards her. Out of fear she sat down and directed her eyes towards the table. "Good girl." He praised, sitting down himself. "Now Lily, as much as I've loved this date we're going to start again and this time your going to be a much better companion. Do I make myself clear?" Ethan questioned, his voice dangerous. 

"Okay." Lily stuttered. Ethan smirked and they went on with their night, Lily following Ethan's every command. When they got home at about 1 am Lily rushes to her room and allows tears to fall freely. A sick part of Ethan enjoyed hearing Lily's muffled cries but the soft side of him felt guilty. But he wouldn't apologize. He finally got what he wanted. His beautiful Lily on his arm, listening to his every command and he would do anything to keep it that way. 
