Chapter Fourteen - Why

Jack's Pov

Duke hadn't returned which meant the plan went off correctly. Lola's tracker had gone off line, I pretended to be worried like the rest of them but I knew the reason why. Deep down so did they, I was just the only one who knew with certainty that they wouldn't find her. 

"We can't have lost her." Daniel exclaims, he's angry. So angry. It's obvious. How could it not be. This was his sister, he just lost his sister. The most stubborn girl any of us would ever meet. Hell, the most stubborn person to ever exist. 

"We'll find her." April tries to reassure. Daniel shakes his head and lets out an almost heartbreaking groan and I'm reminded this is my fault. I couldn't take it anymore. The guilt was eating me up from the inside. I walk away and find my own room, angrily throwing anything I could get my hands on across the room. Alex appears in the door way. 

"Calm down." He demands. "Everything went to plan." 

"She's a good person." I defend. 

"And now she's with the love of her life." Alex shrugs as if it means nothing to him. 

"You know what he'll do to her." 

"So what?" 

"I hate this." I state. "I want to help her." 

"Then why don't you?" Alex smirks. He knows exactly the reason why. 
10 years ago my father was in a lot of debt. Ethan payed off his debt with the condition he get paid back of course. When my father took off, I took on the role of the person who had to pay Ethan back. When I couldn't I became one of Ethan's men to pay him back. It was a lot of money and so it was either work for him or die. I decided to work for him. 

"You know why." I glare at him. Alex just smirks and shakes his head. Alex, Lex's boyfriend, has been planted into the group to keep tabs on everything that Duke and I couldn't keep tabs on. Between the three of us we know almost everything. 

Duke's Pov

Lola is still sleeping, Ethan has positioned her head on his lap which would seem sweet. But knowing he had just drugged her and craved to hold power over her, I knew it wasn't as sweet as it seemed. 

"Did you really have to do this?" I ask him. Surely Ace wasn't that big of a problem. 

"Of course I did. She would've fallen for Ace sooner or later, I couldn't have that." Ethan stated as if it was obvious. 

"But you love her. Don't you want her to be happy?" I ask him, he looks down at Lola who still has a frown on her sweet face. 

"I will make her happy." Ethan confidently states. 

"But..." I am quickly cut off.

"Remember your place." Ethan demands. I just nod. I owe Ethan my life. Ethan took me away from the orphanage I grew up in. It was a sick and cruel place that I don't think I could've survived in. 

"Yes sir." I obediently respond. Together we wait for Lola to wake up. Part of me prays she doesn't wake up. I didn't know how far and how cruel Ethan would become. 
