weird morning

You walk in and he's sitting on his bed. He's fully dressed now. "I'm sooooo sorry Toby." You say really embarrassed. " its fine I forgot I'm sharing a room now." You sit on your bed and start unpacking your backpack. He comes over and helps you. "I've learned everyone's story but yours." He tells you his story and starts to cry alittle. "I'm sorry you didn't have to tell me." " its OK you didn't have to apologize its not your fault." You hug him and go to change into your pjs. You come back and find Toby asleep in your bed. You go and sleep in the living room. Everyone is asleep and you lay on the couch and start to drift off. Toby wakes up and comes to the living room and sees you shivering. He carries you to your bed and covers you up.

                   ~time skip to morning ~

You wake up and are confuzed. You were sure you fell asleep in the living room. You brush it off and go get dressed. As you walk out of the room you see Toby. Asleep next to the wall. You wake him up and ask why. "Jeff was trying to sneek in the room to rape you I was protecting you." "Thank you." You go for breakfast. Jeff walks up to you and wraps his arms around you. Just as you turn around to get him off of you you see Toby deck him in the face. He carries you away and tells you he will bring you breakfast

Sorry it was soo short love you all ~ luna
