I L... Nevermind

You woke up the next morning. You saw that Toby wasn't by your side. You shook it off for the moment and went to take a shower. You grabbed your (f/c) tight v-neck, black skinny jeans, your white jacket, black Vail brides beanie, your rainbow tale on a chain, and your colorful neon hightops and hopped in the shower. when you were done you went down for breakfast. You ate (f/f). You went and played cod with ben. He thought you were cheating so you quit. Then u went out for some target practice with your daggers because you just found out you are going to be a proxy. You were thinking of some names for your proxy name when u saw Toby. He looked like he was...... CRYING!! But why. You walked over and sat next to him. You just sat there in silence for 10 minutes. Then you finally started talking. " what's wrong Toby?" " nothing I'm fine" "bull" you lean over and give him a hug. He explains his story of how he became a proxy and you started crying. " I'm sooooooo sorry Toby I didn't know" he said he was fine and layed down like nothing happened. You heard him mumbling. "What are you saying?" "I lo..... Nevermind." You just give him a hug and walk away because masky was calling you. You talked for an hour then mask asked what was wrong with Toby and you explained. He just giggled and walked away laughing. What was that all about you wondered. Oh well you decided to go on a walk.
                    ~time skip 20 mins~
You walked into town because you wanted to get something you left at your house( anything). Big mistake. There was someone robbing your house. He pointed his gun at you and pulled the trigger. All of a sudden you see a flash of green and orange and you are pushed out of the way. You look up but can't see. That's when you realized Toby was holding you. He was bleeding from his side. You looked horrified and sxared. "Its OK I don't feel pain and can't die." Toby says in a deep almost menacing voice. He puts you down and pulls out his hatchets. He walks tword the shooter. He begs for his life but it doesn't work. "So your gonna try to shoot MY girl." Your mind is racing but it all stops even your heart for a split second when you hear MY GIRL. Did he really just say that? Ya he did. He picks the shooter up by the collar and pins him against the wall. "Y/n go wait outside you don't need to see this." "No I need to get used to this." "Whatever you say." He gives a menacing smile and turns to the shooter. He grabs his neck and squeezes. Toby takes his hatchets and chops each finger and toe off. Then he cuts off his legs then his arms. Then finnaly the head. He drops him and puts away his hatchets. He picks you up bridal style and starts running back to the mansion. " I love you (y/n)."
