
He walks into his room. "I know you're here." He said "I won't hurt you" you slowly slide out of the closet. You give a nervous laugh and put your hand on your neck. "Hi:/" you say as you jerk with a twitch. "I'm (y/n)" " I'm toby" he said extending a hand to you. You grab his hand and shake it. You start thinking as you stare at him. He's kinda cute u think. "HEY... Are you listening" you snap out of your little trance. "Oh sorry what did you say?" "I'm sorry for earlier I wasn't sure if I could trust you." "I understand." You say. You twitch and fall on the floor. He helps you up and you look around. "Its nice here but I guess I have to leave." You say getting your stuff. " wait... Come with me." You follow him. He takes your hand and leads you downstairs. You see a lot of other people. There's a guy with a blue mask and no eyes, a little girl with a teddy bear, a guy who looks like link from zelda, and a guy with burned eyelids a slit smile and a white hoodie. They all just stand and stare at you like your a freak. You hide slightly scared behind Toby. You turn around and there he is........ Slenderman the only person here other than Toby u know. "Hello (y/n)" you just stand and stare like an idiot. Toby nudges you. "Oh hello slenderman" you say as you fall to your knees. "Get up child." You stand up and apologize. Toby asks if you can stay and become a creepy pasta. "I suppose but she will have to sleep in your room."

             ~time skip three hours~

You've met everyone and learned their stories. Ej, sally, Ben, and Jeff were the people in the living room when you came down. You start getting tired. You say goodnight and head up to you and Toby's room. You walk in without thinking. There you see Toby in nothing but his boxers. You scream and shut the door. "I'm soo sorry toby." "Its fine you can come in its your room too."
