
When you get back to the house you have Toby's blood all over your clothes. You look at his wound. Dr. Smiley was out doing something but Toby was bleeding fast and getting weaker. You decided you needed to take care of it or it could end badly. You run and grab some tweezers and seeing needle and stiches. You lay him down on the bed and give him a towel to bite on just in case. You then proceed to take the bullet our with the tweezers and stiches up the whole. You wrap his torso in gauze and an ace wrap. He looks at you and smiles. "Thank you." Is all he says before leaning up and kissing you deeply. You melt into the kiss and blush as red as a fire truck. When the kiss broke all you said was wow because you didn't know what to say. He laughs and pulls you down to lay with him. You both fall asleep for about twenty minutes then you hear a rapping on the door . you open it and see smiley and ej standing there. Smiley asked to see Toby's wound. " I already took care of it but I'll wake him up." You walk over and sit next to Toby . " Toby honey wake up" his eyes fludder open and you get butterflies. Smiley looks at his wound and complemented your job and left. Then you and Toby went back to sleep.
