You wake up the next morning and see that Toby is gone. You decide to dismiss it thinking he has a mission. You go up to your room to shower. You start the shower and wait for it to heat up. When you finally get in you hear the bathroom door open and close. you turn off the water and try to see who it is. Of course its the last person you want in there. JEFF. You politely ask him to leave. "Your little boy toy can't save you this tim honey" he says in a very menising voice with a creepy grin. You quickly grab a towel and wrap it around yourself, push him over while he's getting undressed, and run into your closet to hide. You try to mask the sound of your breath and stay hidden but you get lightheaded and fall over. Jeff walks over and picks you up by the neck and rips the towel off of you. The door immediately slams open and Toby walks in ready to kill. Jeff drops you and kicks your stomach and you lay on the ground not able to move. Jeff pulls his knife out and aims it at Toby's head. He throws it and misses. Toby then pulls out his hatchet and sticks it into Jeff's shoulder. Your pain stops so you put your towel on and proceed to punch Jeff in the face. Toby then picks him up by the throat. "If you ever touch her again I will kill you". Toby rips the hatchet out of his shoulder and throws him out the door. You shut the door and sit on your bed. " Thank you Toby..." you say putting your head in your hands. "(Y/n) it's ok I'll always be here to protect you" as he comes over and wraps his arms around you. You give him a kiss on the cheek and get up to go put some clothes on. But as you walk to your dresser he comes up and puts his arms around your waist. You turn around and blush shoving your face into his chest. He lifts your chin up and kisses you passionately. You kiss back and put your arms around his neck. He kisses you again but this time more slowly. You start to kiss back and it turns into a small make out session as he slowly moves you to pin you to the wall. As he pins you too the wall he starts to kiss your roughly slowly opening his mouth with each kiss. He slowly slides his tongue into your mouth and you battle for control of your mouth. Of course he wins. You break the kiss and start to blush a new shade of red. Completely forgetting that you are still in your towel you go and sit back down on your bed. He smiles and slowly walks towards you. He pushes you down onto the bed and straddles you. He kisses you softly and slowly starts to move to your neck and tries to find your sweet spot. When he does you give out a slight moan and start to squirm. Feeling accomplished he starts to slowly move your towel watching your face for approval. You just smile telling him it's ok to continue. He starts to kiss down your chest to your tits. When he gets there he slowly starts to swirl his tongue around your bud. Lightly moaning you look at him trying to figure out what he's trying to do. He lifts his hand and starts to play with your free boob. When he decides that you've had enough he starts to leave a trail of kisses and light bites all down your body to your womanhood. He kisses right above it lightly and looks up at you and smiles spreading your legs. He kisses it and slowly starts to lick and suck at it. As you moan and squirm you grab his hair and start to move his head. You moan loudly. "I'm going to cum Toby!" You cum and he removes his face and licks his lips. He starts to take off his clothes asking if you are ready. You nod in response. As he finally removed his boxers he possessions himself at your opening. He slowly starts to penetrate you and you contort your face in slight pain. He stops for a slight second to let you adjust. Then he starts to move again. He starts slowly and picks up speed as your moans get louder. He scratches at your sides as he starts to go harder making you scream his name. "( Y/n) I'm going to cum!!" You moan loudly as he cums inside of you and you wrap your arms around his neck. He lays down next to you and wraps his arms around you pulling you onto his chest. " (Y/n) will you be mine"
"Of course Toby"
"I love you (y/n)"
"I love you too honey"
With that you both fall asleep cuddling.

~(A/n) hello I'm soo sorry I haven't wrote anything in a while. Ive been really busy and upset so thank you to all of you who are still reading. I made this an extra long chapter to try and make up for it im sorry it took so long
I love you guys
