The Spar

Apolline opened her eyes slowly, sleep still evident in her eyes as she slowly shifted around. It was then she noticed she was placed in a bed of sorts, her face clearly showed her surprise. Seke must of placed her there? Why was he taking care of her? Perhaps, he didn't see her as a threat? Apolline looked around and noticed that she was alone in the cabin, yet there was light due to the flame inside of what looked like a fireplace. The soft crackle coming from the flames some what soothed her before she slowly stood up. From what she recalled was that she was looking out the window thinking about where her parents were. She must of dozed off near the window, and Seke must of placed her then into the bed.

Seke looked down right intimidating but he was rather kind. Never judge a book by its cover was what the saying goes. Apolline looked around curiously before looking at the door, she had to get her things. She slowly stepped outside, the air was still warm and muggy. The smells of the nearby swamp entered her nostrils. Apolline slowly looked up and took in the view of the sun peeking out from the distant horizon. The trees looked so different in comparison to the trees she was use too. She wondered how different this place was compared to her home. It was overwhelming to think that she was in a entirely different place. Apolline blinked when she heard something and she looked to the side to see a familiar face. Hurit was that her name? She smiled softly to Hurit who then smiled back rather brightly. Apolline's expression soon became shocked when Hurit took her hand suddenly and begun leading her somewhere.

As the sun rose a little higher, it gave the land a rather soft glow of faint red. Apolline was confused, though her confusion would not last when she heard a sound. Hurit smiled big to her as she pointed ahead, this got Apolline's attention as she looked.

Everyone who lived in the village were gathered around watching something, she then saw another familiar face. Seke was from what she could gather was the center of the attention along with another individual who she knew didn't like her. Veles that name would slowly stick with her.

Both individuals had weapons, and they looked serious to cause harm to each other. Apolline couldn't help but feel like it was her fault as she looked at Seke. The only one who showed kindness to her here, she was thankful to him and yet she felt like it was her fault. Veles swung at Seke with a violent looking axe made of stone. The blade upon the axe was almost serrated, the handle some what longer than her. Apolline couldn't help but become worried, yet her eyes went wide. Seke quickly rolled out of the way, stabbing the bottom of his spear to the ground. It was then that he used the spear to balance himself in order to deliver a hard kick to the brutes face. The impact made Apolline shudder with her eyes closed.

Veles hit the ground hard, the axe clattered on the ground near him. The brute of course got up and snarled loudly in pure rage, blood some what leaked out of his nose. Apolline looked at Seke and noticed he was lightly roughed up as well. How long had they been fighting?  Hurit watched the two and she looked at Apolline in curiosity. Veles got up and before he could grab his axe did a loud snap appear. Apolline blinked and looked to where the noise came from, she had a shocked face when she saw what appeared to be the chief.

His body was littered with scars from past battles, his appearance looked down right menacing. Not only that but he wore armor out of bones. Hurit slowly turned around and looked at Apolline with worried eyes. She didn't need to ask anything for she slowly moved away from the scene. Apolline knew full well that she didn't want to be seen by the chief. If he did spot her then there was a guarantee that she could be killed. Hurit obviously gave hint to that the moment her eyes looked at Apolline's.

Apolline looked at the direction of when Seke and her first came to the village. She really wanted to go back to the crashed plane and get a few things. Her bag would no doubt help her in the long run. She also wanted to get her phone, though she doubted there would be a signal.

Apolline slowly walked inside the cabin, and she couldn't help but wonder what happened. What would the chief do to them? She jumped though when Hurit ran to the door, Seke walked inside while placing his spear up against the cabin wall outside. For a moment there was relief, though she looked at him closely. He could be hurt, but she knew little on how to treat wounds. Seke looked at Hurit and softly patted her head much like a big brother would do to a little sister. Apolline blinked and she slowly walked over toward the tall masculine. She looked up at him with her mind slowly racing. She wanted to ask him something but didn't know if he would fully understand her.

"I need to go back to the crash site.", she finally said it but in a kind tone. "Can you take me there?", she softly asked but blinked when Seke tilted his head. Apolline looked around awkwardly before softly gesturing to him and then her. "Can you take me to the site?", she of course said this slowly. Hurit was watching her closely like a curious child, she even was copying her while smiling. Seke watched her gestures and looked at Apolline silently. At this Apolline held back a groan while throwing her hands up in the air. Seke knew little words, she should of known. However, Apolline gasped loudly when Seke took one of her hands. "H-Hey!", her voice somewhat cracked in her surprise.

Seke walked out the door while holding her hand firmly with his much larger hand. Apolline looked honestly terrified as she was pulled away, to where she didn't know. Apolline looked at Seke silently and she noticed that he had his spear with him. She blinked a few good times before glancing behind her to see Hurit following close behind while giggling out a word. A word Apolline knew. "Bird! Hehehee! Bird!"

"Bird?", she questioned before looking forward at Seke. The area was slowly becoming familiar and it took her mind a bit to catch up. Was he taking her to the crashed plane!?! How though? He didn't understand her right? Unless, her gestures were enough? But she didn't do a bird posture? Apolline thought back to when she was talking to Seke, she threw her arms up in the air. She was a little frustrated but did he get a bird out of that? Apolline looked at Seke silently as the three walked into the familiar swamp. Apolline couldn't help but think back to Seke fighting Veles. The chief appeared before them, did they fight without his permission? Then again, everyone was gathered to watch them and even Hurit led her there to see them fight.

Appearances can be deceiving, and she obviously didn't know how things were run. Apolline probably thought to much about it. She really wanted to ask him, she wanted to communicate with him. She couldn't help but feel like a alien, but it couldn't be helped.

A good bit of walking and the crashed plane came into view, just the appearance made her smile. Seke let go of her hand and looked at her with light interest. Apolline smiled at him and ran inside the remains of the plane, she was quickly searching for her bag and phone. "Please be here!", she spoke out loudly. Hurit slowly walked onto the plane behind Apolline with wide eyes. Seke on the other hand stood outside with his spear at his side. Apolline greatly smiled finding her bag which was underneath one of the plane seats. "Thank god...", she looked inside and she sighed loudly in relief. Her phone was inside of her bag, and it looked like everything was there. Hurit slowly approached her and smiled to her, Apolline of course smiled back.

She had gotten her things, now all that was left to do was find her parents. But where to start though? Apolline slowly walked around the plane looking for anything that she could use. She didn't want to come back here, the bodies of the passengers still made her feel uneasy. Hurit ran outside giggling loudly about something, Seke looked at her standing tall. Apolline had found a few things, mainly a flashlight and a few batteries. She even found a small amount of candy bars. She looked ready to head out as she stepped off of the plane. She looked around wondering where the other half of the plane went. She looked for anything, any signs which gave hint to where it was. Seke looked at her with confidence, the spear at his side gave hint to him being a good hunter and fighter.

Apolline looked at Hurit with her brow raised, it looked like she found a bag and was trying to get into it. The bag looked like it belonged to her father, she of course walked over to it with wide eyes. Was it her fathers? Apolline softly opened the bag which got Hurit's attention having struggling with it earlier. Apolline softly sobbed for it was her fathers bag, she softly rubbed her eyes. Hurit looked at her with concerned eyes not knowing why she was crying. Apolline looked at her and gave a weak smile, the thought of not knowing what happened to her parents really was getting to her. Seke got down on one knee beside her which made Apolline jump.

How embarrassing to cry like this. Her emotions some what calmed once Seke picked up one of her fathers shirts. She looked at him silently with her mouth lightly open. What was he doing? Seke looked at the shirt before looking to the side and standing up. Apolline got up very quickly once Seke began walking away.

Was he tracking her parents!?!
