En Route

Slowly but surely her eyes opened after she had slept, she had apparently slept through until the next morning. Apolline felt a bit ashamed for sleeping to long but took notice of something that was laid out over her.

Softly she shifted and took notice of another deer skin that had been placed upon her. She was a little surprised by this, just what on earth did Seke do. He must of went hunting again when she was asleep. Speaking of Seke, she didn't see him anywhere and as she looked around she felt scared.

Apolline has become so dependent on him lately, and just that alone made her feel embarrassed. She can't just cling to Seke so much, it was unhealthy and a little weird.

A sound caught her attention however as she looked over, and she blinked in greater surprise. The sun was now just peaking into the clear blue sky, and Seke was approaching her with some kind of animal. Of course it was a reptile for it looked like a much larger monitor lizard. The animal was a dark brown color with a bit of a ball python pattern.

Seke just kept amazing her, and the animal seemed very comfortable with him. What did he do, tame it with deer meat?

Apolline blinked as Seke approached her as the massive monitor flicked its tongue while standing still behind him, and she softly looked up at him as he placed his much larger hand upon her head. His hands felt cold still which made her think, did she catch a cold?

She watched Seke's expression for it changed into a worried one, and that was enough for her. She must be sick to make him look like that.

Seke looked to his right hand side as he shifted his bag that he had. He pulled out what looked like a clay bowl that had something in it.

Apolline watched him curiously and as she does she could feel a chill going up her spine. Just that chill alone made her feel colder, and she pulled the deer skin closer to her.

Seke slowly kneeled down to her, his hands made little work as they moved the lid from the bowl. It was small, very small to Seke anyway for he was like a giant to her.

He held the bowl to her and she softly took it while looking inside of the bowl. The contents of the bowl looked similar to soup, though it was a lot redder in color than most soups that she had seen.

Apolline blinked a few times before putting the bowl to her lips, and Seke watched her closely as she did so. She trusted Seke to the fullest extent. He had done so much for her already, how could she not trust him.

She had a small mouth full of the red soup and she watched as Seke took it away from her. He gave her a look and she knew not to take to much. Apolline slowly swallowed the soup and she blinked before making a sour face. She didn't make this face because it was sour though, for it was hot. Extremely hot. Hotter than the ghost pepper, that she knew for sure.

Apolline had tried a ghost pepper back when she was home, her boyfriend and her did it together just to see who could handle it. In the end, there was no winners for they both lost.

Apolline fanned her face, her cheeks and face were red. That chill that went through her body, literally vanished.

Her eyes were watering but she looked at Seke who handed her a animal hide looking flask that had water in it. She smiled and looked thankful as she softly took it from him and she drank the water looking a little relieved.

That was unbelievably hot, but she was glad that once the water hit her mouth did the pulses of heat eased. If she had a cold, that soup would definitely kick that cold to the curb. Apolline nodded at Seke with a smile and he chuckled a bit.

He looked at the animal and he flicked his finger, and the large lizard approached him. Its legs and body moved from side to side as it did so.

Apolline gasped as she was softly lifted from the ground, and she looked puzzled as Seke set her down onto the back of the lizard. As she sat there, the large animal flicked its tongue. The length of that tongue was much longer than any lizard that she had ever come to witness.

Seke walked away and the lizard followed after him in a obedient manner.

Apolline was stunned as she rode on the large reptile, and it looked up at Seke as he patted it on the head. Seke then began putting things on the back of the lizard, the deer hides for one were rolled up and tied onto the back of the animal.

Did Seke have a way with animals, or was it a reptilian thing?

She just couldn't help but watched the lizard look after Seke like some kind of pet. It followed him and it always looked up at him in fondness. After they were packed up, Seke began walking with the lizard following close behind.

As they moved from their camping spot, Apolline softly began to pull out her notes on the language and Seke watched her curiously. As she lifted it up did she smile at him, and Seke nodded for he understood what she wanted. While they traveled, he could help teach her more about the language.

For two hours did they talk to one another, and Seke didn't seem to mind it. Since he didn't seem to mind, Apolline kept on but was being very considerate of course. She didn't want to annoy him, though it was hard to tell how he was feeling sometimes.

The early morning was now the afternoon, and both of them made a lot of ground both in travel and conversation. Surprisingly, Apolline felt more alert and not only that but she felt like she was understanding the language a lot better. Just mere moments ago, she actually spoke to Seke. Like legit speak with him.

Who would of thought that Seke sounded rather good as in good looking. Just that alone surprised Apolline, for many of her friends who were girls of course would say and agree that he sounded good. Lord only knows how she sounded to Seke as they talked.

Apolline was happy though, for she was able to chat with Seke. Even if it was a small chat.

Seke came to a stop, the land around them had changed. They were in a large opening, though there was so many trees and animals around. Animals she knew for sure were docile. Apolline slowly got off of the monitor lizard, and she softly touched its neck. The reptile let out a soft hiss to the touch.

"Are you hungry?", asked Seke as he looked at her.

Apolline looked at him, she looked happy for she understood that. "Yes!"

Apolline made a face afterwards for she sounded so hyper, and the chuckle from Seke made her feel all the more shy.

"I will make a fire.", replied Seke as he approached a suitable place for the fire.

Apolline watched him curiously as she smiled, never had she felt so comfortable before. This is the most comfortable that she has ever felt while being here. She walked over to him as he makes the fire with ease.

This went on for a while, the three of them have made a lot of ground. Days and nights had come and gone, and before Apolline knew it she had been traveling with Seke for a month. A solid month. Throughout that time, she had become accustomed to the language a lot more. Though, there were some words that she still didn't understand.

Apolline had actually changed out of her clothes, and she was now wearing clothes that they had gotten from a little trader. This was the first time that she had seen another person, sort of. The trader was a elderly looking lady, though she wasn't human. She had scales and looked like a cross between Seke's people and something else for she had feathers that acted like hair.

Seke had hunted a lot and he traded a lot of animal hides to the trader for exchange for some clothes and a few other things.

A whole month and she still hadn't found her parents, she was actually beginning to worry a bit. Just where were they and how far have they gone? Apolline looked at Seke as they walked, and the lizard had become extremely fond of her. At night the large lizard would place its head in her lap, as her and Seke talked.

In this time she actually grew closer to Seke, and he actually opened up to her about a few things. Just knowing what she knows made her happy. Her new clothes were similar to her other clothes, for they were close to the same material. The only difference was the style.

She had a fur white shawl wrap over a black short sleeved top, with a black fur skirt over white leggings. Not only that but she had cut her hair so it was at shoulder length now. She did this cause well her lizard friend who she had named, "Python" due to his patterns decided to nip and lick her hair at night when she was asleep.

Seke got a big kick out of it, though he immediately felt guilty afterwards for she was distraught. Very distraught.

Seke made it up to her though for he made her the shawl and skirt that she was wearing now. Though, it was humid at the moment as they walked the nights could be cold, very cold. Apolline had asked him if they had seasons and he had said that they do. It was probably late summer so it was close to being fall.

Seke had mentioned that fall was near for he could feel it during the night.

After all this time, Apolline hadn't thought much about her boyfriend only cause well he had probably moved on by now. There was actually no telling how much time had passed by at home, and she kind of figured that he found another. It was upsetting but it was not like she could get home to him.

In just a months time, Apolline has been quite comfortable with Seke. She even found her heart beating fast around him. Was that to soon though? Shouldn't she wait?

There was honestly no telling for she just couldn't help it. As they continued on with their journey, was Apolline not aware of how far she was from her parents. She was probably halfway there, though she didn't know it.
