
Apolline really wanted to know where Seke was going, and further more why did he have her fathers shirt. Hurit followed after them curiously, it showed that she was curious. There was no doubt that she had much more to see, that or she really found interest in every little thing. Either way, she was just glad she wasn't alone in this place. Apolline looked at Seke the moment he stopped, she of course looked at him very aware. She didn't want to miss a thing! Of course, she looked around the area and when she didn't see anything did she look at Seke confused. Hurit ran up to Seke with curiosity, it would appear that Hurit didn't even know why he had stopped.

Apolline looked at the area they were in, and everything still looked like a simple yet intense swamp. Seke pointed up to something within the trees. Something was on the branch!?! Apolline looked at the tree and frowned, she wasn't much of a climber. Not only that but there could be a animal or something inside of the tree. Hurit giggled before running to the tree and skillfully she began to climb. This stunned Apolline but she should of figured, after all they had to survive right? Hurit took what appeared to be another bag off of one of the tree branches. Was it another bag that belonged to her parents? Or did it belong to someone else? Hurit as graceful as a cat fell out of the tree and let out a beaming smile. This gesture of course made Apolline laugh, while Seke let out a light little laugh. Strange, these two were so different yet they treated her fairly and kindly. The feeling of why though would remain with her, though it would go away in time. Hurit handed her the bag, Seke on the other hand looked at them both quite sharply.

The feeling of being safe was there though, Apolline felt like Seke would protect them no matter what. The bag was definitely familiar, and as she looked it over did she smile. It was another bag but why were her parents not here? She couldn't help but wonder? Apolline gave Seke a smile which he responded with a silent nod of acknowledgement. If she were going to find her parents, she had to think up a plan. The other half of the plane couldn't be far away right? Hurit looked to Seke and she smiled walking back toward the village. Apolline looked at Seke and Hurit as she held onto the bag, how was she going to do it alone though? She looked down looking a little downhearted. A new place, no clue as to where she was, as well as her parents being practically anywhere. The odds weren't in her favor, and to make it worse she can't speak the language.

Apolline walked toward Seke, and he began walking obviously leading her back to the village. It was clear she would have to learn the language more, and work her way up from there. That was a start. From here on out she was going to listen closely to every single word spoken. Apolline knew it would be difficult, after all this was a entirely new language to her. Bizarre how things worked out to be this way. The village soon came into view, and it was then that she felt anxious. Was this going to work? She had to hope it would, this is all she could do for now. Seke walked inside of the cabin, Apolline was not far behind. The day started off with a rather calm tone, Apolline softly sat on the bed as she looked over all of the stuff she had gathered. Her bag held a few useful things, which she was glad for.

The evening was approaching, and this whole time she listened carefully to Seke and Hurit as they spoke to one another. Apolline was also writing down things in her small hand held notebook. She was going to use this notebook for ideas and plans for the vacation but figured this was a good a time as any to use it. However, she jumped when a low rumbling noise appeared. She looked at Seke who looked rather displeased, Hurit on the other hand looked at her with eyes of fear. What was happening? She slowly put her stuff back in the bag and the moment she did, a loud snarl erupted. Apolline could feel her body tense up in utter terror. She looked at the door and saw someone who she knew didn't like her. Veles was standing there, eyeing her like some kind of abomination. Seke stood up which gained the attention of Veles who snorted. The sounds they spoke was the very same language she was trying to learn. She of course took out her little notebook as she tried really hard to write down what sound like words.

"You still keeping that eyesore?", Veles glared rather furious at Seke.

"I am. Drop it, Veles. Also, don't speak about her like that.", Seke eyed Veles seriously which changed when the much taller masculine smirked rather coldly.

"Can't Chieftain wants to see the naked rat."

Apolline really struggled to capture the words but when she looked up did she notice Seke looking at her rather, priceless. He seemed to look completely worried which was new since he was always confident. Apparently the words Veles had said weren't good, why else would Seke look the way he did? Veles had such a nasty smile on his face, she almost could feel that she was going to be slaughtered which wasn't a pleasant thought. Hurit whimpered out looking concerned. Seke waved his hand to her, which made her swallow hard. She practically could feel her heart beating in her throat. Veles walked out looking rather smug, while Seke stayed near her as they made their way outside of the cabin.

Apolline really felt bad, it was like she committed a crime and she was making her way to the courthouse. She didn't know where she was going, but it became clear to her when she saw the chief who sat there waiting. The sounds of bugs was rather loud at the moment, many were outside standing before a large fire. The chief didn't need to look her way, after all she was beyond terrified. Seke stopped which Apolline stopped as well trying to make her first impression seem good to the chief. She couldn't speak to him and she strongly prayed and hoped her body gestures would save her. The chief looked toward Seke slowly before looking at her now.

"Who or what is this creature?", The voice that belonged to the chief was low yet frightening.

"I come before you chief with a visitor who fell from the sky upon a massive bird the color of clouds."

Apolline really wanted to write things down but thought against it. They were talking and she was yet again left in the dark. Though, the words Seke had said made Veles scoff while the others let out whispers. That made her hair on the back of her neck stand. What were they saying!?!

"Bird? Color of clouds?", spoke the chief who stared at her with judging eyes.

"Yes. I was hunting and before my eyes the sky above became fierce and aggressive. I watched as this massive beast fell, letting out a shrill cry."

"You mean to tell me she is some kind of deity?", the chief sounded skeptical.

Apolline honestly didn't know what to say or do, but by trying her best to understand it seemed the chief was having a hard time in believing something?

"I'm not sure. But she may be the last of her people, the others did not survive." Seke looked in a direction which gained Apolline's interest. "That way is the proof of my words."

Veles blinked and snarled loudly which really made Apolline's skin crawl. "I don't believe for a second that she is holy!?! I mean look at her!"

Veles swallowed his words fast when the chief looked at him before speaking, "I will determine if she is or not. My decision will be made once I return." 

Apolline didn't really understand what happened but the chief waved his hand. Was she safe? Did Seke save her once again? Seke looked at her and shifted his head before walking, Apolline slowly followed but quickly moved when she heard Veles snarl. That guy was seriously scary! The cabin soon came back into view and she felt so relieved. She really dodged a bullet! If she had went on her own, chances were high that she would be cut down where she stood. Hurit greeted them with big wide eyes, she seriously was that concerned about her? Such kindness was pure, and that was true between Seke and Hurit. Where she came from, people were kind in order to manipulate others. Though, they were barbaric they were nothing like some people back home.

Midnight fell rather quickly, Apolline had fell asleep upon her bed after reading what she had written. Today was rather stressing for her, but she got through it. As she slept, she was unaware of the chief's discussion with Seke.

Depending upon his words will he determine her fate.
