Forboding Flight

Apolline couldn't help but open the booklet she had gotten, her interest in it was clearly obvious. Her attention wasn't even on those who were boarding on the plane. She sat away from the plane window, her father of course sat near the window. "You are ready to read that silly thing?", chuckled her father who looked over her shoulder to look at the booklet she held in her slender fingers. "Yep! This book says that these are stories from other people who believe in the Bermuda Triangle!", she smiled looking at him. Her mother laughed, "Imagination is such a powerful thing!"

The silence that was once in the plane was steadily becoming more active and lively all thanks to the increasing number of people boarding. Puerto Rico must have attracted a lot of people, of course some of these people probably took more than one flight in order to get some where else. Apolline jumped a bit when the captain of the plane began to speak. It was thirty minutes till eight, and the plane would be close to taking off. "Geez, that spooked me.", giggled Apolline who made her father smile some. "You more scared of him than heights?", he teased her. Apolline gave him a little look before nudging him, "I think heights have him beat." Her father chuckled as he was nudged, "Right, right."

The family was sitting on the left side of the plane, a small aisle separated their seats from the other chairs.  Apolline felt eyes on her and she sort of moved her eyes back to her booklet. That feeling was coming from in front of her and she definitely was not going to look at who it was. Of course she soon figured out on who owned the eyes. "Aren't you a cutie?", giggled her mother which of course made Apolline look up lightly. A boy about the age of six smiled at her mother with innocent blue eyes. Apolline blinked a few times, he almost reminded her of Kendrick only cause he had the same eye color and hair. Blonde hair covered the little boys eyes, and his smile was just adorable. "He's going to steal some hearts.", laughed her father.

Apolline felt a little embarrassed, her parents always knew how to make her feel that way. Like all teenagers who were with their parents. "I'm so sorry! He likes to look at everything!", apologized the little boys mother who softly made her son sit down properly. "It's okay! Kids of that age are always curious!", responded her mother. Apolline lowered her eyes back down to her book as her parents chatted with the lady. Time went steadily by, and before long the captain spoke again.

"Welcome aboard everyone. We will be departing shortly."

Apolline had read about a paragraph and a half before looking up and glancing around. All seats were close to full, and the flight attendants were walking down the aisles to make sure everyone was seated. The sound of the plane began, the engines came alive which made Apolline's heart race every time. Her father looked out the window curiously, he was watching the take off like always. She didn't need to see it to know, she sort of felt it and that always happened when she got on and off of a plane. Apolline would always shudder as the plane lifted off of the ground and into the air. Her brain registered that she wasn't on land anymore, she was in the air now.

It took a while before she could calm down and not think about it. She knew for a fact that she wasn't the only one who was afraid of heights. Moments before the plane took off, a lady screamed somewhere behind them. Apolline sighed with her right hand on her chest, while her left hand held the booklet open. "You okay?", asked her mother who looked at her. "Y-yeah...", replied Apolline giving her mother a little smile.

The flight attendants began to move from one place to another, as they checked on people. "Hopefully, the food is good?", spoke her father who was thinking about the food upon the plane. Food always tasted different, which was a strange thing. The fact that they can change taste from different altitudes blew her mind. "I'm sure? You can ask?", smiled Apolline who was careful to look at her father and not the plane window. "Pfft!", lightly laughed her father. "Men, they never ask a thing! Silly pride.", giggled her mother. "Prides got nothing to do with it!", retorted her father faintly. Apolline was in between her parents as they exchanged words. "Well, don't get upset to me about how the food taste then!", smiled her mother.

"I won't. It has to be better than some places.", replied her father. "True?", softly laughed her mother who looked to the flight attendant who now had approached them. "I'm going around and taking lunch orders. Grilled rosemary chicken or sirloin steak?"

Apolline and her mother ordered chicken, while her father got the steak. "You must love beef?", smiled Apolline as she looked at her father. The earlier feelings of fear went away which was a blessing for Apolline, and here she thought she would get use to it by now. After so many vacations and being on planes, she thought that the fear would go away. She figured it couldn't be that easy, since fear was a major obstacle for her as well as many people. Mr.Faulkner was a fearless man, as far as she knew her father had no fear. Course she knew that he feared for her dating. Remembering when her father met Kendrick was a rather intense moment. She figured that out watching her father talk to Kendrick. Mrs.Faulkner was deathly afraid of spiders and snakes. She knew that cause she didn't care much for spiders either, snakes on the other hand was a different story. She actually liked cute baby snakes, not that she would tell her mother that.

As the flight continued smoothly she couldn't help but read some paragraphs within the tiny book that she had. Millions of people speak of the Bermuda Triangle as a portal to different realms. Others believed that the so many missing things that had disappeared like planes or ships were taken by mysterious forces similar to that of other worldly technologies. All that was said in the tiny book were almost endless. Apolline looked up in thought, before looking at her father. His short hair was always well groomed and clean, his clothes were rather laid back in style but comfortable. She couldn't help but smile at him as he stared outside. Not like she could look out that window, she got the fear out of her head. She didn't need it to return, so she looked at her mother who was chatting to the little boys mother. Her mother always stayed in fashion, and today was no different. Funny enough her mother wore a matching vest to hers, but she had a blue jeans on and a comfortable looking black blouse on. She loved her parents, even if they did drive her crazy some days.

Apolline's thought slowly drifted to how long they had been sitting there. Surely, it was almost time for lunch. Then again the amount of time it takes to get there wasn't that long or so she thought. As she was about to look at her book did a strong feeling occur though out the plane. "Whoa!", shouted her father who held onto the armrest of his chair. Apolline shuddered greatly to the force that had gotten everyone's attention.

"This is your captain speaking, we have entered what appears to be a storm. Please keep calm."

The lights flickered on and off, and so many people began to show a bit of concern. "That's strange? It was very clear a little while ago?", her father looked out the window and took notice to pitch black clouds and many flashes of what appeared to be thunder and lightning. "This storm came out of no where?", spoke a man directly behind where they were seated. Apolline showed a great amount of fear when the plane shook in a rather hard way. The rocking of the aircraft made many scream, the flight attendants worked hard on telling people to stay calm. Once another strong wind hit the plane, the oxygen masks popped out from above everyones seats. Apolline held onto her parents hands, the feeling of being rocked violently really terrified her. "What kind of storm is this!", shrieked Apolline. The screaming from everyone entered her ears, tears welled up in her eyes as she watched the flight attendants struggle to keep themselves on their feet.

The plane that was once level in the air was now turned in a almost diagonal direction. "We're going to crash!?!", yelled her mother who was squeezing her hands tightly in utter terror. Apolline couldn't bring herself to look out the window, her ears were violently ringing. Her thoughts were fully focused on the horrific ride that she was now on, she couldn't control herself from screaming.

"Mayday!?! Mayday!?! We are going down!?!"

The voice of the captain seemed so surreal to Apolline, the fact that she can see everything violently shaking before her eyes somewhat haunted her. "What is that!?!", yelled her father who looked beyond horrified. Apolline after all this time of not looking out the window looked. She didn't know why she looked, but she did. The view made her heart almost stop, for she couldn't believe her eyes. A large crater that looked to be sucking in the ocean made itself known before them. It was vast like a abyss, the heavy roaring and snapping of lightning gave it a deadly glow. It was not long before the bending of metal from the plane happened.

Apolline saw a bright light flash before her eyes, the angry sound of the plane engine fused with the lightning appeared deafening. Before she knew it, everything went black. The last thing she remembered feeling was her parents touch as her mother and father held onto her tightly.
