
Did she know that weapon! She couldn't tell seeing it was so dark. Apolline scrambled to get her cellphone and as the light slowly shined on the beast she gasped. Its large body was moving even with a weapon through its head. The color of the animal was pitch black, it's dark hide can easily be seen by the little light her phone gave off. Never had she seen a animal like it, this also opened her eyes to the so many dangers that were here in this odd place.

A strong sound of something coming from the brush made her blink as a tall silhouette appeared at the side of the growling beast. It struggled to remove the weapon from its head. A feeling came over her, she felt bad for the animal. For all animals that got hurt, she couldn't help but feel that way. Sure, it about killed her but now she was watching it suffer. That would awaken any kind of remorse for a living breathing thing. Apolline flinched as the beast let out a odd yet strangled yelp as the figure pulled out the weapon from its cranium. Her eyes blinked fast and closed as she heard a stabbing sound, obviously the weapon was pierced into the beast again in hopes of killing it.

Apolline slowly opened her eyes as she looked at the animal before her that now lay lifeless. Shifting her head she slowly looked up at the figure and she sort of smiled but it was a embarrassed smile. Seke stood before her as his large hand reached down to pull her up onto her feet. She should of known that he wasn't anywhere within the cabin when she tried to leave. Heck, the guy was a excellent hunter and fighter!

The look of disappointment soon came over her face, she couldn't say thank you to him for saving her. She also felt like it was going to take so much longer to find her parents. Apolline jumped when Seke took her hand that had her phone in it. The look of interest was strong upon his face. He has never seen her phone before and the fact that it was glowing must of fascinated him. She let go of her phone as she watched him look at it curiously. Apolline sort of smiled before blinking fast, she watched as he was about to throw it. "No!?!", she squeaked out. She tried to be quiet but failed since she made a noise.

Apolline covered her mouth with a startled look, she was greatly flustered by the sound she made. Seke on the other hand, had large wide eyes that he blinked very fast. There was a long moment of silence between the two of them. Apolline looked at Seke silently and some what blushed due to his expression. How could she make a noise like that!?! She was greatly thankful that it was dark outside, the last thing she wanted was to be seen blushing at someone she hardly knows. Seke looked at her before looking at the phone again, he then sort of made a gesture to her with the phone in his hand. Apolline looked at him and she slowly took her phone back.

If she had lost that phone she would lose two valuable things. Sure, her phone didn't work but she was glad to have it. It also held pictures of her and her family on it. The phone was the only thing that had such treasured memories of her life on it. "T-thank you.", she murmured out softly as she looked at Seke.

Seke looked at her before taking a few steps forward, she looked at the dead animal before following after him. She guessed they were going back to the village, just that thought made her feel uneasy. She stopped of course looking very lost on what to do. She could return to the village but then she would not be able to find her parents right? Apolline felt overwhelming feelings right then, she almost died but the thought of not seeing her parents again really shook her.

Tears slowly fell from her eyes, the tears that slipped by her fingers also made her scratched cheeks itch. She slowly jumped when she felt a hand press lightly on her head. A large hand ruffled her hair gently, and she couldn't help but look up at Seke. He was a kind individual and that alone touched her. Seke was so different yet he had feelings like everyone else.

Apolline decided to show him some pictures on her phone, she some what smiled though tears still fell from her slightly swollen eyes. She opened a picture of her and her family and she slowly showed it to him. Seke tilted his head due to the light but he picked up on the picture on it. She watched as he looked at the picture and then looked at her as if trying to get a hold of the similarities. Apolline blinked when Seke made a sound of acknowledgement. He must of understood that it was her in that picture. Did he get the idea that she was looking for her parents? She didn't know but she was glad to show him a picture or two.

Apolline blinked a bit more when Seke looked down at her feet. She didn't want to look down in fear of seeing something there. She gasped suddenly when he bended down before her. What was he doing? Her thoughts were answered when he touched her ankle, the pain that erupted surprised her. "Ow!", she almost yelled as she looked down at her ankle. Seke stood up as she looked down, her ankle had a bad cut on it. The injury must of happened when she slipped and fell down the slope. Apolline didn't feel anything until now, but she guessed that she was high in adrenaline from being chased down by that animal.

Seke noticed it which wasn't surprising seeing how bad the cut was. That and he probably picked up on her injury from the smell? Just that thought made her feel weird. Apolline looked at Seke, but she blinked completely fast when he picked her up in his arms. Now this was crazy!?! Seke was carrying her like some kind of princess! Then again she was hurt and that was the reason why he was carrying her in the first place. It took a moment for her to calm down, but once she did she started feeling awkward. Going back to the village looking like this, lord knows what everyone would think. She looked at Seke cautiously in glances. He was holding her with one arm, the moment she realized it was when his right hand held his spear as he walked.

Apolline looked so awkward but she probably figured that Seke was not going to let her walk around on a injury. Thinking about it more, he was very gentlemanly if that was the word? She didn't know what to say, how would she tell her parents about her experiences?

She sort of smiled, she had stopped crying a little while ago. Seke looked forward as he walked, the environment around them began to look some what familiar. It was dark still, she couldn't really tell but she had fate knowing that Seke was going the right way. He clearly did when she saw the village come into view. Apolline looked at Seke again in a small glance, his eyes looked so strong to her. That feeling crept up, she really felt vulnerable. She had no idea on how to hunt, how to use weapons. While Seke was just killing it with his survival skills.

It was a strange feeling, to be jealous of someone who knows more than you. It couldn't be helped though. Back home everyone worked, ate food, and went to bed. Here in this place everyone worked hard in order to survive. They hunt, they climb, they fight, and the list just keeps going on. Seke and her were to different, yet the guy showed kindness and compassion for her. Apolline looked forward when the cabin came into view, everything that happened before didn't seem like it happened. However, the cut on her ankle and the many scratches upon her cheeks say otherwise.

So much for going out and finding her parents, she closed her eyes and sighed with a smile. She could try again to find her parents for she was alive and it was all thanks to Seke.
