Taken and Helpless

Ricky POV

Head racing and my entire body aching, I saw a figure sitting in front of me. I couldn't make out who it was but it seemed to know me and was trying to get my attention. I would think the safest thing to do is stay quiet and remain still. I just gazed into the bright light thing up high on the wall. Was it the sun? Was I dead and the figure was God? I thought we all went to Hell, especially since I am an atheist and wasn't the most holy of people. Even though I may have appeared conscious and awake, my mind was still floating in space and I was still half gone. I could hardly even feel the turns and bumps of the road.


An hour passed and by now I was back in full reality but I wanted to give the illusion of still being distant. My body lunged forward at the sudden stop of the truck. I could hear a car door open and slam shut from the other part of the vehicle. The muffled voices were getting closer and within a few minutes a harsh clicking noise from the latch pierced my ear drums. By now I knew that Chris was sitting across me bound like I was and I wasn't fooling him with my little act. Keeping my head down to avoid attracting attention to myself, Chris was a far more energetic and willing to resist.

"Hey! Assholes! Let us out!" He yelled out without the slightest notion that he'd get fucked up for saying that.

I rolled my eyes at Chris. "As if they would listen to a word we had to say." I scoffed.

He turned to me in shock. "Knew you could talk all of this time." He said with a slight smirk on his face.

When the door opened there were three people standing there. Two of them I "recognised" as the ones to manhandled us. However, there was one I've never seen before. He was tall and slender with long platinum blonde hair, wearing a white gown like lab coat. Chris and I just stared at him, trying to hide any emotion from him. The tall one just stared back at us. Analysing every aspect of us, as if we were a masterpiece of art in a world famous museum.

One hand rested behind his back and the other in his pocket. He was looking directly at me and when I looked into his eyes, I saw a desire for something other than the murder of us. But I couldn't make out any ideas of what it could be. He raised his hand out of his pocket and snapped his fingers twice indicating a pre planned command.

In that one action both of the men darted towards us, getting in the back of the truck with us. I just wondered who they were going after first. As soon as one of them got into the very back where we were, the other looked at the mystery man awaiting his next order as he held the door frame.

I watched them carefully hoping that it wasn't me or Chris picked but I knew it had to be him or me. I hated the thought of me being taken as well, an unknown fate could mean life or death and frankly I just wanted to go home. I squeezed my eyes shut and when I opened them again I found that It wasn't me they were going for. Should I consider myself lucky or not good enough to be taken? The guard nodded and then pulled Chris out by the ankles, dragging him along the floor of the truck to the door. He thrashed and yelled, calling out my name for help. But what could I do? I was still tied up and half numb. Looking back down at my lap, I shudder to think what they were going to do to him, whatever it was, I didn't want to see it. I shifted myself away from the opening and tightly closed my eyes wishing this nightmare would end already but this was nothing but reality. 
