Highway To Recovery

Chris POV

I laid Ricky by the wall close to me but also away from the opening for safety as I pulled out the card and piece of paper. Holding the QR code to the scanner, It flashed a small green light and soon after, the buttons on the keypad lit up in a blue tint similar to the flame in the lamp from before.

"Okay. 286479531." I mumbled to myself as I typed it in making sure to not mess up. I was fearful that if I did, an alarm would activate and from that we would be royally screwed. Being able to get this far would mean nothing.

A small ding came from the door as it unlocked and though it was rather heavy, I was able to slide it open. I left it for a second to go back and pick up Ricky. Outside of the building, there was nothing and it was the dead of night. Giving myself a minute to adjust my eyes from the blinding white to the empty abyss in front of me. I just inhaled deeply enjoying the fresh and chilly air. I could feel it go in and out of my lungs, detoxing me from the gross and stale air in the rooms.

I could feel Ricky shiver as I cradled him in my arms when I stepped out, sliding the door shut behind me. When I looked around to get my bearings, there was literally nothing in sight. A desert landscape was all that surrounded us and the only thing I could do is start walking, crossing my fingers that we could find some help eventually.

In about an hour or so, I came across a paved highway road that seemed to be endless in both directions. Walking alongside the highway I would hope that someone would come along and save us. I was getting so weak and felt like I was going to pass out, my head becoming faint. I've been exhausted from walking and carrying Ricky didn't help me save my energy but I would never leave him behind. I began to think if I should have drank any of Rem's blood from his corpse before I left because at least then, I would have some liquid in my system to go further.

A feeling of disgust overtook me as I thought more about it. No! I wouldn't stoop that low and wouldn't dare to take in the essence of our captor. He didn't deserve it after what he did to us. No. I was just going to have to suffer through this and try to find any means of help.

Another 30 minutes had passed and I was prepared to call it quits, wanting nothing more but to fall to the ground and rest. As I began to search for a place alongside the road, a faint gleam of light from the corner of my eye caught my attention. I put Ricky down gently, trying not to wake him because he fell asleep in my arms as I placed him on the ground. I stood back up and tried to wave down whoever was coming but my throat was so dry that I could hardly yell out to the light coming towards us. The glow got closer and a tidal wave of relief washed over me as the vehicle began to slow down. Our salvation has come and for that I am grateful but I just hope that we could get some medical attention before it was too late.
