Blood For The Drain

Ricky's POV

Rem's back was turned away from me. I glanced over at him as he opened one of the wooden drawers of the large ebony wooden dresser by the wall to the left of me. It seemed that he was really digging around because for such a small compartment he was making quite a bit of ruckus. Frustrated and making a noise of impatience, he slammed the drawer shut. I flinched from the sudden bang that echoed throughout the cold cement room. Waiting for the pain to come, thinking that something happened. Rem moved to the drawer adjacent to him and continued searching for about another 30 seconds.

"Ah. There's what I was digging for." He said with some pride. "I was starting to think that I had lost my most beloved tool." 

Walking slowly towards me, stocking each part of the tool as if it were alive. I saw a bunch of thick metal thorns on a wire that was heafty but also flexible vine. The tails were attached to a foot in length handle with a weighted blunt end. All of it was painted a faded black and whatever it may be, it looked like it was made to make me bleed.

"Do you know what this is Ricky?" He asked expecting an answer in return.

My breathing quickened and I made out a small nervous gulp as I cleared the lump in my throat.  I knew I had to talk now but didn't speak back. My mind scattered as I thought about my choice to say or not but before I could say a word, my time ran out.

"Oh. Is that how it's going to be?" He seemed oddly pleased at my pathetic lack of response but I could tell that we was also unhappy that I refused to talk.

 I knew he was going to explain the device despite that I would rather not know, it already looked dangerous enough without a description added on to it. Rem could already sense my fear to what may come next and we both knew that telling me about this "toy" would only scare me more. 

"This device is a modified version of the type of whip that claimed to be used on Christ, however I got this custom made off of the black market for a special occasion like this. But this tool has a twist. Watch." He said while bringing it closer to me as he showed it off.

Giving me a moment to look down at it, his thumb made it's way to the base of it where a small red button was. He pushed it twice, making it click. Razor sharp claw like spurs sprung out at the ends of the nine thorn covered tails. Slightly curled at the ends for better grip. My head starting to float, I felt like I was going to pass out but instead did all I could do at this moment was try and plead with the crazy one.

"Please! Don't do this, I won't tell anyone if you just let us go. I'll stay silent for as long as I live if you just let us go." I struggled and trembled, making the cuffs rattle above me.

My body beginning to sweat and overheat, my mind beginning to run frantic. To say that I was terrified would be a severe understatement.

 I assumed and dare I say he was enjoying the show I gave him, he just softly laughed at my attempts of begging. He came close to me, brushing the back of his hand on along my cheek and then tucking my long disheveled hair behind my ear. 

"Shhh! This will be over before you know it and maybe you'll begin to appreciate what I am doing for you." His efforts to relax me were weak and if anything, I was more panicked than ever.

Dashing behind me, out of my field of vision, he took a few steps back, then waited for the perfect moment to begin. Without warning he gave the first of many forceful blows to my back.

I let a high pitched cry escaped my mouth from shock and horrible pain of the thorned whip. The feeling was far worse than I could ever imagine. I could feel every claw dig in and latch onto my flesh. Rem paused for a moment, giving me the chance to breathe before he violently pulled it away. Sending me though another wave of distress.

I let out another blood curdling scream as I felt my back get torn to shreds, the flesh ripping and splitting apart every time he yanked the whip back. I could feel the warmth of my blood drip down along my back, soaking itself into my pants. My body would involuntarily tense up, awaiting the next shot which only caused the beating to be more brutal.

My breathing started to race again and my heart skipping beats as Rem delivered another strike to my upper back. Uncontrollably, I threw my body back as my nerves reacted to every newton of force from the tool. By the third round, my legs were about to collapse beneath me, with only my arms keeping me up in my position. This torture went on for a good long while, possibly an hour or two but felt like an eternity. 

When I looked down at the floor, though my vision began to blur, I saw a red trail going down the shower drain in the floor. I turned back to Rem and somehow managed choke out some words. 

"Mercy! I beg of you. Please, enough." My voice was raspy and barely understandable from all of the screaming and I was nearly suffocating on my own spit. 

I wanted nothing more than him to stop or at the very least give me a few minutes to compose myself but he didn't listen to a word I said and just laughed with apathy at me.

On and on it went, one harsh strike of the whip after another. Every once in awhile, I'd watch in horror as my blood trailed down the drain in the floor to who the hell knows. Each time he'd hit me, I would pray that this one swipe of the whip would be the last one I would have to endure. I'd hope that the next blow to my body would grant me the gift of going unconscious. But my mind was so damn insistent producing enough adrenaline to keep me awake throughout the entirety of this. 

"Please!" I rasped out. "N-no. no more!" I whimpered out with the last fraction of air I had in me.

After so many times of asking before I expected him to just smirk and continue but this time he complied with my begging. Not wanting to believe it, I tensed up my shoulders awaiting the next pain inducing blow. However, after a few moments of waiting there, with my head down as I softly cried, there was still nothing to fallow. Finally the room fell into silence with only my exhausted self breathing and choking for air being the noise. I looked up to see if Rem, was still even in the room, he was at the dresser cleaning the tool in a steel bowl of water, then gently setting it back in the drawer from where he found it.

My voice hoarse from all of my cries and my back senseless and hot, pouring out blood.

"Goddamn it! Pass out already." I scolded myself in my head.

From the corner of my eye, watched him take out a tall cylinder container from the cupboard unit below the row of drawers. My vision was so distorted, I couldn't see anything from more than five feet away but I was fortunate enough to still be able to see colors. When Rem held up the container to the light see how much was left inside, what caught my attention was the big red triangular sticker near the base of it. In big yellow letters, when we came back over to me, I saw that the label read, 'Warning Toxic!'

As he began to unscrew the cap while walking in my direction, I began to tremble more and cry a little louder.

My throat tired and my mouth dry, I managed to squeak out again but now gasping in between words. "Please... no... no more."

In a nearly romantic way or motherly way, I couldn't tell at this point. Rem tucked my now sweat, tear and blood soaked hair behind my neck. Staring at my face and peering deep into my bloodshot yet still marble blue eyes. Observing and appreciating the damage he's done physiologically. I was slightly relieved to finally be granted more than a minute's break but what he was holding to his other hand rapidly destroyed any sense of hope of it being over.

Rem leaned in close to my ear, whispering, "This is my favorite part."

He returned back behind me and by this point I didn't even bother to look back. I just waited but I was foolish to expect the same pain as before.

Taking a hand full of the dry baby blue powder like substance he shifted it in his palm before slapping it hard against my back.

"Ahhh! Ahhh!" I hissed and whined at the top of my lungs as I writhed about. Not caring that the handcuffs were literally cutting into my wrists. There was Hell fire in every open wound that the strange chemical came into contact with. A continuous burning, searing me and clotting the blood as it mixed in. He did this a few more times until no more powder could stick and tightly screwed the cap back on. Once my entire mutilated back was coated in the chemicals, Rem did the most horrendous thing yet.

Placing both of his open palms in the centre of my shoulder blades he began to smother the shit in, kneading it into the wounds and blood more than it already was.

"Ahhh! God! Please! Mercy!" My howls of suffering, escaping past my lips and my body thrashing like a trout caught fresh out of the water.

Rem just began laughing maniacally and just started rubbing it in more aggressively. This was a billion times worse than fresh lime juice on a cut.

"I beg of you, just kill me. Now!" Through my sobs I pleaded with him to take me out of my ongoing misery but I knew he'd refuse. I didn't know what else to do though. I just wanted this all to end.

As soon as he heard me say this, he halted the movement of his hands, lifting them off of my back. Now in view, he knelt down in attempts to meet my gaze. I closed my eyes, as I focused on the burning from the powder. All possibility of surviving this was just annihilated and I accepted the fact I am going to die here, already beginning to chose my last words wisely.

Rem just watch me break down in front of him and for once, this was the first I've seen him not wearing a sadistic smile or laughing at me. In a calm and instructing voice he just told me what I already knew. His job isn't to kill me but to make me suffer. By the looks of it, I could see that he was far more than successful in achieving that.

I stared off into space, my head facing the red mess in the floor. My sight went cloudy and all feeling left me, even the burning went numb. Finally what I've been waiting for, death, sweet death to free me. It took long enough. I began to breathe slow and deep. Not fighting this, I just let the darkness pull me in and in moments everything now was nothing and I was one with the darkness. 
