the rain

"So how's your new tutor?" Ken asked, while sipping on his morning coffee. A must have so he can stay awake for the rest of the day.

"Odd." Vegas responded, as he took a bite of his sandwich.

"What do you mean?" Ken clarified.

"He's different." Vegas explained, seemingly fascinated by Pete who was very much unlike the rest. "He doesn't pounce on me when he sees me, and he's honest. Brutally, honest."

Ken laughed. "That's a rare one."


"Don't tell me you're missing our hangout today, again." Pol whined at disappointment. "This is the second time this week you're bailing on us."

"I know, I'm sorry." Pete responded apologetically. He can't use "going home" as an excuse anymore, so he might as well come clean (well, not entirely.)

"I'm actually working part time starting this week." Pete explained, trying not to sound suspicious.

"As what?" Arm asked.

"A private tutor."

"Oh, where?" Pol prodded.

"Uhh.." Pete gulped nervously as the two stared at him, waiting for his answer. But Pete couldn't tell them he was teaching Vegas. Or rather, he didn't want to because it'll mean getting unnecessary attention if this gets leaked out to the school.

"I'm teaching an elementary student math." Pete answered after much hesitation and boy was he grateful that Pol and Arm didn't press further.

"Anyway, I have to leave now. Catch you guys tomorrow." Pete dismissed himself swiftly, just as his phone lit up with an incoming text message from an unknown number.

Hi. This is Vegas. I'm at the pick up point, just at the entrance - I can give you a ride. 

Pete froze. Oh hell no. Not when everyone was watching. The hallway was packed with students, going in and out of classes, chatting with friends by the locker and making out in the bathroom stalls.

Hi. Don't think that would be necessary. I can make my way there.

Realizing he might have come off a little rude especially when Vegas was just trying to be nice by offering him a ride, he then quickly followed up with a new message.

Tummy ache.

But he didn't know Vegas could see him from where he was in the driver's seat. Vegas had been watching him from earlier so when Pete had told him he had a tummy ache, Vegas let out a small chuckle before shaking his head at how bad Pete's lie was.  He could surely come up with a better excuse.

Vegas didn't call him out though. He respected Pete's decision so he drove off back home to where he'll be seeing Pete for the next 2 hours.


Pete was surely unlucky. Just right after he'd rejected Vegas' offer, the sky started to turn dark and gloomy. He could see black clouds forming right above him, implying that a heavy thunderstorm was coming and unfortunately for Pete, he didn't have an umbrella with him. Most days he does, just in case it rains. But today, he was out in a hurry because they had a test this morning and he had left the umbrella out from his bag in a rush.

"I'm so screwed." Pete cursed as he fumbled through his bag, searching for anything that could act as a cover as the rain started to pour.

To make things worse, the route from school to the nearest bus stop was not sheltered. He would have asked Arm and Pol if they had a spare umbrella, but the pair had already left. The general office would be the next option, but the lady in charge was out for tea break and he wasn't sure what time she would be back.

With no other viable alternatives available, Pete decided he was going to make a run for the bus stop. The rain was getting heavier by the minute and puddles were forming on the ground. Pete took a deep breath, and with all his might (and athletic abilities), he sprinted as fast as he could to the bus stop.

It was hard for him to see where he was going as the water had gotten into his eyes, but he managed to make it to the bus stop, drenched from top to bottom. His shoes had turned from white to a shade of yellow-brown from the muddy puddles, and his shirt was soaked through. Nevertheless, he had a class to go to so despite the mess he was in, he boarded the bus and headed to the Theerapanyakul estate.


Vegas heard the doorbell ring and he went to open the door, only to see Pete dripping wet outside the door.


"Hey." Vegas said, eyes widened slightly in surprise at the state Pete was in.

"I rushed here as fast as I could, but I'm really sorry that I was late. Was caught in the storm." Pete explained, as he shot Vegas a bashful smile. "We can start now. I'll just head to your bathroom for a bit if you don't mind so I can dry myself off."

"You're not going to change?" Vegas asked with his brows raised as he scanned the latter up and down. Frankly, he didn't care the least bit that Pete was late. But he sure found it interesting that Pete was more focused on getting the lesson done than he was trying to get himself changed out of his wet clothes that were now sticking onto his skin.

"I don't have any spare clothing with me." Pete responded. "And it's no big deal, really." He added with a wave of his hand. 

"Well...I can't have you walking in here dripping wet, can I?" Vegas asked rhetorically. "I  have some spare clothes you can wear."

"T-that won't be necessary!" Pete was quick to dismiss Vegas' offer once again but the boy was persistent. After a few back and forths, Pete gave in eventually which Vegas was pleased to know and had gotten changed into Vegas' clothing.

Vegas had lent him an oversized maroon hoodie, and a pair of black shorts that he had pulled out from his closet. Because of how petite Pete was, he was practically drowning in Vegas' clothes since it was way too big for him. As Pete was freshening himself up in front of the mirror, he couldn't help but notice that the shirt had a particular scent. It was sweet, but not overpowering.

Pete chided himself internally for being weird, obsessing over scents, but it was hard to resist how good the shirt smelt, or how good Vegas smelt. His cheeks were turning red, so he had to regain his cool for a minute or two before opening the bathroom door.

"Sorry for the inconvenience." Pete said meekly as he stood in front of Vegas who was waiting for him at the study table.

"Not at all." Vegas replied as his eyes were glued to Pete's.

"Cool." Pete smiled in embarrassment. It was awkward and he probably looked like a total idiot in front of Vegas right now. "I'll have the clothes washed and returned to you tomorrow."

"Nah, you can keep it." Vegas responded.

"You look good in them."
