the prologue

"Isn't he so hot?" Pol said dreamily, as his eyes wandered to the notorious playboy of K.P High - Vegas.

"He's okay?" Pete responds hesitantly, though his eyes too can't help but land themselves on the boy of interest who was now strutting arrogantly across campus, girls trailing behind him hoping to get a glimpse.

"'Okay' is such an understatement." Arm adds on, "But then again, he's a massive jerk too."

Just as Arm said this, Pete could see from the corner of his eye that Vegas was at it again - Dumping a girl in front of everyone else with no valid explanation except a single "I'm bored" and leaving. This was the what, 5th one of the month?

"Who is it this time?" Pol asks as he peers to see the commotion. A group of students now surround the girl who was bawling her eyes out at the sudden breakup.

"Achara - Faculty of Business, pretty as hell." Arm answered, and before he too could take a peek at what was going on, said girl had left running away in shame.

"Well..I mean she kinda knew what was coming." Pol expresses, "But if I were her, I'd doubt I would be able to resist Vegas too - who is not only hot, but extremely wealthy."

"And his family owns the school." Arm continues enviously, "That's probably why despite all the shit he's pulled, he's able to stay in school while the rest of us gets suspended for doing the same thing."

Pete didn't say anything as he watched his best friends gossip intently about Vegas. He was never interested in conversations like these but even he knew that staying away from Vegas would be a wise thing to do because a man with so much power never meant a good thing.

Before Pete had realized, it was time for his appointment at Mr. Jo's office, principal of K.P High. The latter had called him earlier to come in this morning. For what exactly - Pete didn't know but he reckoned it wasn't something bad. Pete was, after all, the exemplary student of K.P High, the pride of the small town he came from.

"Good morning Mr Jo." Pete greeted the principal as he took a seat opposite him. "What have you called me here for?"

"Hey, Pete. Nice to see you." Mr Jo returned the greeting with a smile. "You know, you've always been our stellar student - acing every single exam, never breaking a single rule."

Pete nods, somewhat embarrassed at the sudden compliment.

"So I need your help." Mr Jo starts, troubled. "As you know, K.P High is very much indebted to the Theerapanyakul family." Corrupted was the right word to use but Pete resisted the urge to correct.

"The thing is, officials are clamping down and my hands are tied if they have decided to expel Vegas considering how bad his track record is." Mr Jo sighed exasperatedly. "But, I or rather we can help prevent this.."

Pete still didn't know what Mr Jo was getting at, but it didn't sound like good news was coming. Not when Vegas was involved.

"So..." Mr Jo continued, carefully.

Pete raised his brows.

"I need you to help tutor Vegas for this semester - 3 months is all I'm asking for." 
