the first class

"What do you not understand about this?" Pete asked, as he faced the textbook to Vegas.

"Everything." Vegas admits bluntly, before burying his head into his folded arms. "I'm so tired."

"We're barely 15 minutes in." Pete said, as he looked at the clock above the table. As excruciating as it was for Vegas to sit through the tons of math questions, it was as painful as it was for Pete to be sitting this close to Vegas.

The table wasn't huge so the two had to sit side by side so that they would fit. Their shoulders would brush occasionally, and Pete was trying his best not to freeze every time they did.

"Break, please." Vegas begs. "My brain isn't working anymore."

Pete contemplated as his eyes flickered to the clock once again. They had a lot to cover and he was trying to get home by 8pm. But seeing how Vegas was exhausted, Pete reluctantly agreed and the former couldn't be happier.

"How does a walk to the nearby convenience store sound?" Vegas suggested.

"Uhh..." Pete deliberated. He was only planning to give Vegas a 5 minute break so he could get a snack or use the bathroom.

Vegas seemed to have read his thoughts because he was quick to assure Pete that they will take 5 minutes or less. He just needed to grab a can of soda and they will be back in no time.

Although Pete was very much unwilling, he didn't want to make a fuss out of nothing so with an unenthusiastic nod, Pete eventually agreed and the two headed out.

"I've seen you around in school quite a bit." Vegas said, as he walked alongside said boy.

Pete refused to believe the boy. He was just a nobody, easily lost in the sea of crowds. There was no way Vegas would ever spare him a glance. If not for the arrangement, he doubts Vegas even knows of his existence. But, he plays along anyways.

"Oh really?"

"Yeah. It's hard not to notice when you're top of the cohort." Vegas said nonchalantly. "Especially when you're at the bottom."

Pete didn't know what to say, if he should console him or give him a word of encouragement but they weren't close so he figured it would be rather odd coming from him. Plus, he reckoned that Vegas didn't really care much about grades - he didn't have to.

"It seems like you're pretty guarded against me." Vegas remarked. "Am I that scary?"

"N-no?" Pete stuttered at the sudden question. He was flustered and Vegas could tell.

"That didn't sound too convincing." Vegas chuckled, "But I swear I mean no harm." Vegas raised both his arms to signify surrender, but Pete thinks otherwise.

"You do have a nasty reputation, that I must admit." Pete confesses and this time, Vegas was caught off guard by Pete's blatant response. Pete thinks he must have offended him because the latter didn't say anything for a while and Pete feels his palm turn sweaty at the suspense.

But Pete's worries were unfounded when Vegas breaks off into a small laugh. "Tell me about it."

Pete was probably too distracted trying to keep up the conversation with Vegas, all whilst remaining careful with his words, that he hadn't seen a cyclist coming his way at a rapid speed. The cyclist had probably assumed Pete would steer out of the way, so he had no intention of slowing down but Pete wasn't quick to act, only realizing when he felt a pair of sturdy arms wrapping around his shoulders and pulling him out of the way.

"Are you okay?" Vegas asked, concerned as Pete tries to regain his composure.

"Y-yeah I'm fine." Pete responded. Thank God for Vegas' fast reflex, but what was he doing? Vegas still had his arms around Pete's shoulders, and his face was so close. Pete always found Vegas good-looking, but now that the playboy was this close, Pete noticed just how beautiful Vegas' eye was. Pete never saw anyone with brown eyes glowed before, but his' was like stars in the night sky.

And then, Vegas was leaning in - and Pete could feel their nose almost touch. But with every bit of sanity he has left, he pulled himself away from Vegas, before saying an awkward 'thank you'.

He's a player, Vegas reminds himself.

Yet, he can't deny the thumping of his heart nor the flush on his cheeks.

What a first class it has been. 
