the epilogue

Ever since the two had worked things out together, Pete and Vegas were pretty much inseparable. They were constantly the talk of the town, flooding every school forum and garnering tons of attention just by being seen together. Everybody loved them - well except one. Achara's still rather pissed that she got rejected by Vegas, but the good news is at least she isn't trying to sabotage Pete now. She accepted that sometimes things don't always go her way, and love can never be forced.

Ken, Pol and Arm were also genuinely happy the two had gotten back together.

"All thanks to us." Pol sighed with a smile on his face, his arms at his hips like a proud mother would.

"No doubt about it." Ken agreed and Arm only laughed.

"Think they owe us a meal or two." Arm said jokingly as the three watched the lovebirds approach them, hand in hand.

"Let's guys are trending #1 on the school's forum again. #Vegaspete shippers are going wild." Ken remarked as he folded his hands across his chest.

"Didn't know we're so popular." Pete said, as he smiled fondly at Vegas earning a scoff from their best friends who were trying their hardest not to cringe.

"Aren't you the least bothered by it?" Vegas asked Pete as he ruffled the boy's hair affectionately.

"If it was me in the past, I would." Pete confessed. "But now, I can't be the least bothered with what other people think. There would always be people hating you, but there are also people who would love you for who you are."

Vegas chuckled as he nodded in agreement.

"What about you? Still feeling insecure?" Pete returned the question. He knew how hard it must be for Vegas to come clean that very night when they realized they didn't want to lose each other. Vegas had a traumatic past, and just like with everything only time and patience can heal.

"Don't think I'll ever not be." Vegas admitted. "The fear of losing someone you love still scares me but not appreciating the moment and spending time with who you love is even more terrifying."

Pete held onto Vegas' tighter, staring lovingly into his boyfriend's eyes like an affirmation that no matter what he was always here for him and that Vegas could always trust him to be that reliable shoulder to cry on.

"Okay you two lovebirds. Quit being all mushy." Pol commented, as he shook his head in concede when neither Vegas nor Pete had any intention of stopping their public display of affection.

"How are Vegas' grades this semester?" Ken asked as Pete and Vegas took their seat at the table.

"Excellent." Pete replied smugly. Vegas' grades improved tremendously under Pete's careful guidance that even Mr Korn was extremely pleased about. As promised in exchange, Pete too had his tuition fee fully paid for the rest of his college years so he could focus on studying without having to worry about his finances. As for whether Mr Korn was happy about their tutor dating his son, well, he couldn't be more glad that Vegas finally found someone that made him happy.

"Oh by the way...I heard Pete has moved in with Vegas." Pol said as his brows wiggled suggestively, a mischievous grin plastered on his face.

"Why wasn't I told of this?" Ken first appeared shocked then he shot a glare at Vegas to which his best friend simply shrugged. This traitor, Ken thinks to himself.

"Trying to keep it low key here." Pete muttered, seemingly embarrassed. He was hesitant initially about moving in with Vegas and trust him, it took Vegas weeks, no months just to try and persuade his boyfriend about co-habitating though Pete is certain Vegas has other intentions in mind. Some of which... he was too shy to think about.

Nevertheless, as much as it was exciting to live with Vegas, Pete had a lot of getting used to. Having lived in a one bedroom apartment in a shabby town with barely enough running water all his life, to now living in a gigantic mansion with butlers at his beck and call surely was different. It took Pete days just to try and figure out how to get to his room without getting lost, and getting accustomed to being served though Pete was sure he could very well do things on his own.

While Pete was gradually starting to feel at home at the Theeranpayul's estate, there were some things he knew were out of bounds. Mr Korn was friendly but Pete didn't dare pried into Vegas' family business, because if one thing is for sure, it definitely was top secret and unless necessary Pete would rather stay out of it. Those were dangerous waters, and what he was seeing was merely the top of an iceberg.

Apart from that, Pete was truly living his best life with Vegas. They were going on dates just like every other couple would, a romantic stroll in the park and occasional late night movies were their thing. It still surprised some though to this day whenever they see the two hanging out together, that Vegas, the resident's bad boy, would settle for a nerd like Pete.

But hey, Pete was okay with it. He got used to their stares after a while, and to be honest, he did feel secretly proud inside that he, the school's nerd, was able to tame Mr.Vegas - the notorious playboy. The guy he used to avoid, but now he cannot live without.

And Vegas finally found his beacon of hope. No doubt, it took him a few twists and turns (and a clever ploy by his best friends) to realize that he didn't want to lose his chance with the only person he has ever cared about. But like what they always say - it's better to be late than sorry and Vegas was just beyond relieved that amidst all of this, Pete was his and will always be.

Their story is just the beginning - no matter the obstacles that may come their way, they'll face it this time. 



a/n: and that's a wrap folks! aaa it's been a joy writing this story and i hope you guys liked it too :') just glad that they worked all their insecurities out though it did take quite a while...but i guess that's just how a relationship works because it's not always all sunshine and rainbows 🌈  and it's their very flaws that sometimes make them cherish their relationship more 💕 

anywho, enough with the rambling - but thank you so much for reading~ and until the next time, bye bye 👐 
