CH8. Character Arc

Just to clarify, the title is absolutely a pun with Jaune's last name.

Alright well everything has been relatively calm. Well about as calm as team rwby can be but I digress. Jaune has been ditching us to 'hang out' with Cardin. Yeah he's getting blackmailed, and Jesus Christ is it hard to calm Pyrra down when Jaune is bullied. Seriously this chick is a monster.

Today, we have a field trip to the Forever Fall Forest. It's a pretty crappy name but at least it's a good description. As the only member of team embr, I got to go with whoever. I went with team jnpr because although I like team rwby, it's just so shit being the only male. Honestly I would rather go and try to make friends with someone who speaks a different language than be the only male on a team.

Glynda: Go and collect jars of salt and come back here once finished! That will be all.

Pyrra hesitated but asked the obvious question.

Pyrra: Are you going with Cardin, Jaune?

She was fuming, but she held it in as any stressed warrior would.

Jaune: O-oh, yeah I am.

'Your a leader Jaune, act like it.'

Pyrra: Well I'll see you later then.

I'm really going to fuck Jaune up for this. Like come on, she obviously likes him and his bitch ass can't even tell she's sad. The fact that he's a leader kinda disappoints me.

Y/n: Come on, we need extra jars so Nora won't complain about being hungry.

Nora: Aww you know me so well!

Ren: Not really, we just know that you are uncontrollable when your hungry.

She simply hummed and walked towards a nearby tree. I notice Pyrra slouching and she seemed out of it. Damn she really likes Jaune huh? I walk over and try to comfort the battle angel.

Y/n: He will return to you, just give him time.

Pyrra: That seriously doesn't help me missing him.

I give her a slight grin.

Y/n: Oh? Did the warrior Pyrra Nikos actually fall for an Arcsman?

Pyrra gave me a glare of embarrassment.

Pyrra: I-I have no c-clue what you mean.

The smile on my face grew wider as she realized where this conversation was going.

Y/n: Y'know, if you REALLY want him you can always-

As you all expected, I was sent flying by a blast of polarity. I knew about her semblance, and the key to tricking her to use it is to embarrass her. Battle tricks don't work because of her mental training, she is still knew to love however.

I run back to them and I see Nora and Ren looking at me confused as Pyrra was angry and about as red as her hair.

Y/n: Geez Pyrra get your mind out the gutter, I was gonna recommend asking him out.

Pyrra: Shut up and get the sap.

Ren and Nora had been shocked by her aggression and why it was directed at me. Well to explain it, Pyrra had become a good friend of mine over the past few weeks. And despite popular belief, celebrities actually have personalities, just like Pyrra.

She is actually quite talkative and liked jokes. Embarrassed easily and has a very competitive personality. I assume this is because she's always been the better fighter to other people, all she needed was someone that related to being seen differently because of their strength.

Y/n: No I think we should further this conversation. What did you assume I was referring to Pyrra?

Pyrra gave me both a competitive and annoyed look.

Pyrra: And what about your attention to a certain flower that we know?

Oh that's a low blow right there.

Y/n: Hey! I told you that in confidence dickwad!

Pyrra: Well maybe if you weren't an asshole I wouldn't have had to bring it up.

We both gripped our weapons and pointed them at each other.

Y/n: How about a little spar? Sis?

Pyrra: Ok now we're fighting! I told you it call me that.

We closed the distance with smiles on our faces, until something caught our attention. Cardins goons ran out the forest screaming about an Ursa in the bushes.

Me and Pyrra made eye contact and nodded. We dashed into the bushes to see Jaune protecting Cardin from a big ass Grimm. The two exchange blows and Jaune rushed the Grimm to strike it's neck, but lowered his shield while doing so.

The two where going to trade attacks until Pyrra raised her hand to manipulate Jaune's shield to protect him. Team rwby had shown up and where questioning what they had seen.

Jaune had swiped his sword on the beasts neck, cleanly decapitating it. He turned to Cardin with rage in his eyes.


Now that was the rage I wanted to see. I walk forward and begin slow clapping. The two look at me in shock and Cardin quickly gets off the ground.

Y/n: Well done Jaune! You passed your initiation test!

He looked at me in confusion.

Jaune: What? How?

Y/n: Well I knew that Cardin was listening. I made him your challenge. If you can't handle a bully, then you truly shouldn't be here. Well done Jaune!

Pyrra walk forward with a smile on her face.

Pyrra: I'm glad you were able to overcome the challenge Jaune.

She walked to him and kicked him to the ground. He looked up and she had a devilish smile on her face.

Pyrra: Because the training will be hell on earth.

Jaune was beyond frightened.

Jaune: Y/n!? What did you do?! She can curse!?

Y/n: Yup, almost as much as me, to be precise.

The grin Pyrra had returned to her normal smile. She insisted that they head back to the bullhead since they had the- Where the fuck is the sap?

Pyrra: NORA!

Nora grabbed Ren and let out a cheeky grin. She then ran for the bulkhead in the distance. I tap on Jaune's shoulder as Pyrra ran after her.

Y/n: You better be ready to be a leader again.

Jaune looked at me with determination.

Jaune : I will.

Y/n: Good. And if you hurt Pyrra in any shape or form, I will mount your head on that family heirloom you call a sword and shit it to yours family. Are we clear?

Jaune didn't even flinch at the threat, he really is learning.

Jaune: Don't worry, I'll be the best leader I can.

I let out a forced smile and sigh in disappointment.

Y/n: That's not what I meant bud.

Jaune: what do you mean?

Y/n: Just go get some goddamn sap.

He nods and jogs away. I hear a branch snap behind me. I turn and see Cardin trying to run away, I easily catch up and hold my sword to his throat.

Y/n: And what will I do with you?

Cardin: Let me live, preferably?

I deliver a gruesome jab to his crotch. He cries out in pain.

Y/n: Hey, you got what you wanted.

I walked away into the bushes.

Y/n(Whisper): Butcha lost what you had.

I chuckle at the thought of that old movie. I had watched it with Weiss, she enjoyed old and classical movies. I just enjoyed that it wasn't some bullshit about slaying a dragon in a mediocre final battle to save a princess.

I caught up with team jnpr and they were having a heartfelt moment. Pyrra gave Jaune a hug and I walked up behind him and did a hand gesture that wasn't appropriate for the situation.


She blushed and glared at me, which I as usual returned with a smug grin. She broke the hug after a few moments and walked towards me in an aggressive fashion. I disappear in a flash of fire.

It's something I've been practicing. It's not actually teleporting, I'm just willing away my armor as usual and using that brief time period where I'm not present as a distraction and run away. It's actually really handy for situations like that.

I hop in the bullhead and take a seat next to Yang.

Y/n: How was the field trip?

Yang: Nora told me that you and Pyrra nearly killed each other. Is that true?

Y/n: Heh, guilty as charged. We both are quite competitive.

Yang: Stop talking like a rich kid.

I give her a smile and go back to my normal personality.

Y/n: Damn, don't gotta be a bitch about it. Acting is a hobby for me.

She leans I'm closer and yawns.

Yang: Y'know, Ruby's been talking allot about your famous shoulder pillow. Mind if I take a nap?

Y/n: And how do I know this isn't a shitty attempt to get in my bed?

Yang looked up and planted a playful kiss on my cheek.

Yang: Oh please, I'f I wanted you, I'd have you by now~

I know she's kidding, we flirt like this often. It's just how we communicate. My only concern is that one day she'll get drunk or horny and take it seriously. Y'know I should really go out and buy some condoms and hot sauce.

She finally goes to sleep on you and you lean back to rest your head on the wall. You would've leaned back on her, but Ruby was already glaring at you from the other end of the bullhead. You smirk and get some shut eye for the rest of the ride.


Guess who won the shipping pole? Well you guessed right cuz the main ship will be Ruby!

Shout out to the one mother fucker that voted ruby every single time on every single pole, despite the reminders that it's one vote per person. But aye, democracy

I've decided to give Pyrra a fiery personality that fits her hair color! Y'all like the new Pyrra? Yeah that's nice I don't care we are keeping the Abridged Pyrra personality.

Have a lovely day!
