CH13. Food Fight

I walked into the cafeteria and got my food. Mmm, chicken. I walk over to my friends and we just start talking. Well everyone except Blake, she seemed content aimlessly staring at her journal, Yang takes notice of this and acts accordingly.

Yang: Whatcha looking at?

Blake snaps out of it and closes the obviously personal item.

Blake: Just some notes.

Nora throws a grape at Yang and she catches it in her mouth while giving Nora a thumbs up.

Yang: Lame.

Ruby then comes from... under the table? And is that the fucking amendments because holy shit that is a massive binder. She slams said binder on the table and begins talking dramatically.

Ruby: Sister! Friends! Weiss!

Weiss: Hey!

Ruby: 4 score and seven minutes ago I had a dream!

Yang and Y/n: This outta be good...

Nora throws a grape at Yang again and Yang misses the fruit, resulting in a frustrated growl at Nora.

Ruby: I had a dream that all of us would ban together and have the funnest day ever!

Y/n: Oh God I'm going to be holding shopping bags the entire time...

Blake: Yeeeeaaah... I think I'm going to skip out on this one.

Yang: It's a team thing Blake, you can't just skip.

Weiss stood up and started talking.

Weiss:Well I for one thin-

She was immediately interrupted by an apple pie to the face. We all collectively looked at Nora, who simply pointed at Ren, who had his face laid down on the table. Pyrra and I lock eyes and we silently agree on what will happen today.


Screams of terror ensued as food was sent flying everywhere in a messy craze. After a few minutes all teams had cleared out of the cafeteria, except three.


She was standing on top of a massive pile of weirdly stacked chairs. Pyrra was a few lower, then Ren, and lastly Jaune. The order was in terms of strength if you didn't notice.

I looked to my right and say a red hooded idiot stand up and grab a milk carton. She then proceeded to crush said carton and declared the war.

Ruby: Justice will be swift! Justice will be painful! IT WILL BE DELICIOUS!!!

Everyone rushed forward and fought in there own way. Jaune and Ren held back and catapulted watermelons. Blake grabbed two baguettes and rushed at Pyrra, who was also holding a baguette.

There is a poor French joke to be made, but I am of a higher status than to engage in such common Comedic etiquette.

The two clash and are locked in a stalemate with Blake holding her ground in a cross stance, while Pyrra tries to overcome her with a downward strike.

Yang rushed in and delivered a brutal punch on Jaune, and as you would guess, he got Tyron Woodleyd. Yeah he fucking tooted up and didn't get up.

Blake is thrown away and Pyrra rushes with Ren at Yang. Weiss then comes in and sprays a bottle of ketchup on the ground, causing the two to slip and fall in the sticky sauce.

Nora then takes it upon herself to join the battle. She jumps up and rips of a banner post from the hall walls. She then jumped down and stuck it in a watermelon to make a fucking great-hammer. Of course she did...

Yang's dumbass thought it would be a good idea to rush the strongest mother fucker on the battlefield. She and Nora blitz at each other and Nora prepares a upward smash. Now a smart person would counterattack or just flat out back off, but no, this is Yang we are talking about.

She continues and tries to land a swift uppercut, however, she doesn't have Ruby's speed or plot armor and gets fucking sent flying through the roof. Gonna need a Senzu for that cuz goddamn.

Weiss grabs a nearby swordfish and rush at Nora with a straight pierce to the chest. How and why she has a swordfish, I will never know, but fuck me it's working. Or at least it was until Ren came in with two very stiff celery sticks.

Ren holds her off long enough for Nora to get in close and get massive hit from her great-hammer, causing Weiss to go flying into a pillar. The pillar begins crumbling and Ruby comes in two save the Ice Queen.

This left me and Blake on the battlefield, and imma be honest, I forgot I existed. I decide it's be better to live and fight another day and jump back to safety, Blake however, isn't as fast as me. Ren throws a celery stick and it hits her dead in the knee. Allowing Nora to grab a soda can and line up the shot perfectly on Blake. Making an explosion of fizz and juice.

Y/n: Ruby you're up, use that semblance of yours.

Ruby: I'm mourning! You do it!

Y/n: I'm the final boss! You do it!

Ruby: *sigh* That's fair you're the final boss.

She gets up and charges her semblance, determined to end this in a single attack. Unfortunately, Pyrra knows how to counter this plot armor and throws a baguette while she's charging, effectively Eren Yeagering the shit out of Ruby. Leaving me alone against team jnpr.

I get up and grab two baguettes off the ground and burn their edges, welding them into a very long baguette. I then burn the shit out of the pastry just so that they would feel that bitch in the morning.

Y/n: Excellent job you four! You have made it to the boss level!

They begin walking towards me slowly, attempting to try and get the jump on me.

Y/n: But I was an optional boss! And you know what they say about optional bosses.

I disappear and reappear right behind Ren.

Y/n: If you have the option to not fuck with them, it means you aren't supposed to fuck with them!

I hit Ren a single time with the burnt baguette blade, actually you know what that's a bad ass name, El BBB.

Jaune rushed me and fry's to sweep me, much to his despair, I jump and land a gruesome dropkick on his hip. The attack gave out a bone chilling crack when it hit. I turn to Nora and Pyrra.

Y/n: The side characters are gone, now the real fun begins!

I raise the BBB and flames erupt from it and begin swirling around the room, the flame picked up any food around and cooked it to perfection before making super spirit bomb of food behind me. I decide to add a little oomph to the attack.


Both: Kio-what?!

Y/n: TIMES 20!!!

The ball of food grows at least three sizes and I release it at them. As you could guess, it made a big ass explosion that shook the academy. Once the smoke cleared you could see team jnpr standing laying there in exhaustion and defeat. I sense Glynda coming and decide it was a good time to leave.

I throw the burnt baguette at the window and jump out of it, leaving two destroyed teams and a mess of food. After a good minute I look up to see Yang finally coming down from orbit, she lands right in the middle of the cafeteria, making another roof hole. I sigh and head back to my dorm for a nap.


I walk into my dorm and immediately sense Neo on the bed. She obviously wants to scare me so I'll play along for now. I hear a small tapping at the bedframe and I see a shadow hurry across the room. So she's seen monsters inc, good, I like her way more. Then a scratching noise right above me. I look up and see a smear stain of ice cream. Pink, brown, and white colored aswell. And lastly I feel a tapping on my shoulder, I flash step and reappear behind Neo and give her a hug from behind.

She embraces it and we kinda just stay there for a minute. After a while we let go and I see her signing.

Neo: That was completely stress packed. Rough day?

I grin at the amazing person in front of me, well not morally great but you get the idea.

Y/n: Food fight. My back hurts from carrying that shit.

Neo: Okay don't get too full of yourself.

Y/n: I have every right to be full of myself.

Neo: Sure, whatever you say bro.

I give her a light pat on the head.

Y/n: Aww am I your big brother figure?

She grows a slight shade of pink and punches me on the arm.

Y/n: Are you going easy on me or can you not reach up here?

This gets to her and she jumps up to kick at me. I catch her leg and she falls immediately.

Y/n: Un-fucking-touchable

Neo: One day...

She gets off the ground and sits on the bed.

Neo: Wanna go out for some food?

Y/n: It's been a few days, hold off on the dates Neo. But I can bake some cookies real fast if you'd like.

Neo: Ooohhhh, you can bake?

Y/n: Yes Neo the strongest person in Beacon can bake.

Neo gives me a skeptical look.

Neo: Strongest in Beacon?

Y/n: Well if you're smart enough to figure out that I'm strong enough to not mess around with, the you should also know how strong I could be.

Neo: Yeah I had a feeling, didn't expect to be right though.

I begin grabbing some ingredients from the pantry.

Y/n: Well I don't exactly hide my strength, but no one has seen my full power either.

Neo: Is your semblance called 'Bullshit parrys'?

Y/n: No that's called skill.


She moved over to hit me on the head. I simply raised my hand slightly and parried her full swing with a flick. She looked surprised and yelled as loud as mute people could yell.


Y/n: Neo, inside signing please.

Neo: I hate you.

Y/n: You love me.

She shrugged and began loading the cookies into the oven. She then gave a completely unexpected question.

Neo: Can we cuddle?

I looked at her in disbelief and she blushed our of embarrassment.

Neo: I never had a brother figure! I'm just curious...

I sighed and walked over to her, grabbed her in a hug, and threw her into the bed. I got into the bed and we simply cuddled like two siblings would.

Neo: This is nice...

Y/n: Mhm, this isn't Alabama so don't get any ideas.

She punched me on the head.

Neo: Just keep cuddling, I'll let you know when the cookies are done.

We laid there for a while and enjoyed the experience. It wasn't like I hadn't had a sister before, and I had cuddled aswell. Anri used to have nightmares of Aldrich, and I usually calmed her down during adventures.

Y/n: Neo?

Neo: Yeah?

Y/n: Why do you want a family relationship?

This was very personal and rude to ask. But she obviously needs this, it had only been a few days and she sees me as family, that shows a lot more than you'd think.

Neo: Rough childhood. Being mute was hard growing up.

Y/n: I can see that. I assume that Roman is your father figure?

Neo slowly nodded.

Y/n: That explains quite a bit. I'm not going to force you to vent to me, but just so you know, I'm here for you Neo.

There was a long pause and after a bit I felt wet patches on my shoulder. She was crying to me, her sobs were inaudible, yet filled with more emotion then you could imagine. After a moment she regained her composure and signed to me.

Neo: Thank you y/n...

Y/n: No problem, Sis.

The oven beeped and that meant that the cookies were done. I patted Neo on the back, asking for permission to leave and grab them.

'y/N dOwN bAd?!?!'

Stfu she just vented a good few years of trauma onto my shoulder in the form of tears. You evil for thinking imma just suddenly leave for cookies.

Neo: Grab them and put them in the pantry for the morning. I'm enjoying this to much to eat.

I smile softly at her before getting up and packaging the freshly baked cookies. The heavenly aroma attracted the attention of a certain red caped child. The door burst open and Ruby was standing there.

Ruby: Cookies?!

I glare at her.

Y/n: Not right now Ruby, I'm dealing with my sister at the moment.

Ruby looked over at the bed and gasped at Neo. Neo looked down, not wanting to meet her eyes.

Y/n: I'll explain later. Go.

Ruby: Bu-

I give her a deadly glare.

Y/n: Final warning

She doesn't flinch at this, she trusts me like that. She simply nods and closes the door, leaving me and Neo.

Y/n: I apolog-

Neo: Save it for the morning. Come back to bed.

Y/n: Don't fraise it like that.

Neo: Shut up.

I finish putting the cookies away and I walk over to Neo. She was resting on one side of the bed, waiting for me to get in the other. I get in and she turns to rests on my shoulder.

You really needed this, didn't you Sis?


Neo progression episode baby! I'm glad that I'm able to add another character to the roster. And I will now announce the family dynamic from y/n's perspective!

Pyrra: Twin sister

Ruby: You already know.

Neo: Younger sister

Blake: awkward cousin

Weiss: The nice spoiled cousin

Ren: Chill cousin

Nora: 'Put the crack away' cousin

Jaune: Younger brother.

Yang: 'What are you doing stepbro' cousin (We all have a sex joke cousin come on)

That's all the rwby characters that are significant to y/n. Obviously we got the boys back in DS but we ain't including them here.

I have interesting things planned for ice cream girl in this book. Stay tuned my friend!

Bye Bye
