CH17. A Fiery Flower

The dance is coming up and I've never been more pissed at the timing. I have just shown Ruby my soft side, Blake is being extra edgy, and Pyrra hasn't asked out Jaune yet.

I woke up and saw Neo sleeping on the couch. She must have been tired from yesterday, at least she wasn't in the room when... y'know...

I stood up and worked on a simple breakfast. Scrambled eggs, bacon, and waffles.

First is the waffle batter, I grabbed the ingredients and began mixing. Then when I finished I put it in a waffle iron and began cooking the bacon.

Always cook the bacon first, it releases grease naturally and will give extra flavor to the eggs. Let them cook for about a full 2 minutes on high heat and they ar-

My mental guide on making a good breakfast was interrupted by a par of arms being wrapped around me. I turn and around and she begins signing.

Neo: Are you monologuing about breakfast in your head again?

Y/n: Shut up, it's a habit.

Neo: Whatever, as long as the foods good. I'm going to take a shower, I'll be out in a bit.

I nodded and she walked into the restroom.

Well now I don't feel like monologuing, damn. Well I can plan on how to talk to Ruby again. Actually it's probably not a big deal. She'll understand, right?

'But what if she doesn't?'


'Damn who shat in your cereal?'

'Do we even have cereal in our world?'

'Yes, and I did unforgivable things with the gods to learn to make it.'

'Your sacrifice will be remembered for years to come, soldier.'

I set the table with the amazing breakfast and looked at my scroll.


Damn, I gotta get to class. I leave a note for Neo and go make sure team rwby is up. I should probably go get jnpr to... Nah Pyrra got it.

I walk out and knock on the door of their dorm. After a few seconds the door opens and reveals a very tired Yang.

Yang: Hello?

Y/n: Class starts in 15. Get ready quickly.

She turned around to look at the clock in her dorm. Her eyes suddenly widen and she starts yelling for her teammates to get up. Me and Ruby make eye contact and she immediately looks down.

Fuck I messed up.

I walk out and begin pacing Infront of the door.



Oh right we trust each other.

I let out a sigh of relief and immediately begin panicking again.



The door of team jnpr opens and I'm greeted by Pyrra.

Pyrra: Y/n?


She looks taken aback by my sudden distress.

Pyrra: Would you like to talk about it...?

I sigh and start walking to Ports class.

Y/n: If you feel like walking with me then sure.

She catches up and I explain my situation calmly and with absolute inner peace.


Pyrra looked quite surprised.

Pyrra: You have a soft side?

I look at her dead in the eyes and my left one is twitching.

Pyrra: Ok I see your point... Well I think it's all fine. You and Ruby are amazing friends and I think that she will understand your situation.


3rd person POV:


Yang: Ruby calmed down! He trusts you enough to know that you mean good heart.

Ruby calmed down, which the rest of the team breathed a sigh of relief at. But it was interrupted by more panic from the rose.


Weiss: Shes not savable...

Yang: No! We can recover from this!

Blake: I can show her my book-


Blake shrugged.

Blake: Then I'm out of ideas.

Ruby continued to ramble until they had dragged her all the way to Port's class. Only when she saw y/n, did she stop talking.

Y/n POV:

Oh fuck she's here. Okay. This is fine. Just calm down.

We make eye contact from across the room. She panicked just as much as I did.


Oh look Pyrra is kicking CRDLs ass, as she should. They are a embarrassment to this school and a spit in the face of teamwork.

Cardin then literally hits his teammate while trying to hit Pyrra.

Case and point.

After a constant ass kicking, Glynda ends the match because one guy straight up walked away.

Glynda: Alright we have time for one more match! Any volunteers?

She then looked at a very tired Blake, who was currently researching for the Roman case.

Glynda: Miss Belladonna? You have been rather docile the past few classes.

Then the mother fucker from the trio of bitches I pimp slapped raises his hand.

Grey: I'll do it!

She eyes him.

Glynda: Mercury was it? Very well, pick your opponent.

He stood up and pointed at me.

Mercury: Him.

Every student from Vale immediately stopped talking. The transfer students were confused at the silence. Why wouldn't they be? I'm just some guy after all.

Glynda: Are you sure?

Mercury: Absolutely?

Glynda: Are you positive that you want to fight Y/n.

Mercury was nervous but pressed on.

Mercury: I am positIvE

He voice cracked.





Mercury: Bro c'mon man I'm just nerv-

Y/n: Why don't you shut up and pull some bitches!

An: Cut! Cut! Wtf y'all doing over here?! And why tf is Mercury about to cry like his dad beating him!?

Y/n: Bro don't got no bitches!

Mercury: Bro I'm tryinguuuuhhhh!

Y/n: Not trying hard enough! Emerald still simping for Cinder!

An: He got a point tho Mercury you letting the bag slip.


Y/n: I accept.

Glynda shuddered then regain her composure.

Glynda: Beacon will not be paying for the medical bills this time.

Y/n: Don't worry about medical bills.

I summoned my armor and sword.

Y/n: He won't be living after this.

Mercury: What...?

Glynda: May the participants please step forward.

We both moved forward and took on a fighting stance. He was in a Tai Kwon Do stance, which meant he focuses on kicking. Ez clap.

Glynda: Begin!

He stay behind and played defensively. I decided to fuck with him a bit.

He jumped forward and as I predicted, began desperately kicking at me. Each one I blocked and returned a light slash to. On the last kick, I grabbed it, gripped it until he let out a cry of pain, then threw him.

Mercury: Dear God, wherever you are... help me...

I smirked and looked him dead in the eyes.

Y/n: There's no need to wonder where your God is! Cuz he's right here!

I raised my sword in the air and flames began bouncing around it.

Y/n: And he's fresh out of mercy...

He was terrified and I was enjoying every second of it. He had learned his lesson, I shouldn't push any further.

Y/n: Forfeit.

He smiled in relief and got up.

Mercury: I forfeit the match!

Glynda: Although cowardly, a wise choice. I don't think there is a single person here that blames you.

He nodded and took his seat next to Emerald, while I went back to jnpr.

Pyrra: Are you ok?

Y/n: Why wouldn't I be?

Pyrra: You aren't a showman kind of fighter, and you let him go. You wanted him to be scared.

Y/n: You know why I'm pissed, and you know better than to assume that I would show that I'm pissed.

Pyrra: You are cruel.

Y/n: I'm a genius, big difference.

Everyone settles in after the fight and looks at Glynda.

Glynda:*sigh* You may have a 10 minute break due to the short lived 'fight'.

I sigh and get up to seal my fate. I begin walking towards team rwby.

Blake:*yawn* Y/n? You need something.

Y/n: Yes, but you need some sleep.

Blake: You sound like them.

Y/n:*sigh* Moving on... I'm going to barrow the flower.

Without giving them time to reply, I grab Ruby and walk to an empty part of the class. She kinda just stood there awkwardly.

Y/n: You gonna sit down Rubes?

She lets out a small squeak and sits down next to me. There was a small silence, before we cracked at the exact same time.

Both: Listen i-

We paused.

Both: Please you g-


Both: At the same time? Sure.

We both take a deep breath and blurt out our thoughts.

Both: I'm sorry!

We look at each other with a confused face.

Both: Why are yo-

We paused for the last time and burst out laughing.

Y/n: Wait why are you sorry?!

Ruby: I thought you found me rude for intruding!

Y/n: That's dumb you were being a good friend!

Ruby: Well what about you! Why are you sorry!?

Y/n: I thought you were mad at me for acting... because y'know...

Ruby: That's dumb it's obviously personal!

We laughed a bit more. She started leaning on my shoulder as she always does.

Y/n: Hey Ruby?

Ruby: Yes?

Y/n: Would you like to be my dat-

She cut me off by putting her hand in mine, giggled, and then kissed me on the cheek.

Ruby: Of course...

She was trying to act confident. Good for her, Yang taught her well. But I still liked her socially awkward nerdy self, which meant that confidence wasn't allowed.

Y/n: You can stop acting now Rubes. There is no way in fuck you would kiss me without asking Yang for advice.

Her ego then shrunk by a good 7 sizes.

Ruby: You didn't have to do that...

Y/n: I like you because you are a nerdy and nice person. Confidence is nice but it simply doesn't suit you.

Ruby: Meanie...

The bell then rang for lunch. Glynda dismissed ya and I met up with the rest of team rwby. Well technically it was team RWY, Blake decided to skip to research more.

Y/n: Should I...?

Ruby: As much as I want her to get some help, you are mine for today~

Y/n: Ruby, what did I say about false confidence.

Ruby: I'm trying ok?!

Y/n: Try less.

Ruby: Well that's simply rude!

I grinned at her.

Y/n: That's better.

We got our food and sat with team jnpr.

Pyrra: Oh~ You two look close.

She has a shit eating grin and I return with a remark that not even Joseph Joestar could have predicted.

Y/n: We can get closer~

Everyone stopped talking when I said that. Ruby was reduced to a blushing mess and Yang mega evolved into a pissed Yang.


I flicked a carrot at her.

She fell the ground lifeless. She wasn't dead of course, merely unconscious.

Weiss: What are you?

Y/n: Fire sword Jesus.

Ruby simply stopped talking and they all laughed, thinking that I was joking.

Pyrra: How's Jaune's swordplay?

Y/n: He can fight a pack of beowolfs now.

Pyrra: Oh he wanted to test himself?

Y/n: No I threw him into the emerald forest and told him to kill whatever moved.

Jaune: I didn't know it was a bunny...

Speak of the devil, I was grabbed from behind. By none other than.. who the fuck are you?

???: Velvet, this your knight in shining armor?

Y/n: My armor isn't white, nor does it shine.

Velvet showed up after.

Velvet: Y/n! Sorry! I told her about you and she didn't stop looking!

Y/n: It's not a big de-

???: I'm Coco Adel. Now I want to know if you have a date to the dance.

Y/n: Actually I-

Ruby: He has one!

Ruby had stood up and was holding her scythe up to Coco, well damn she is protective.

Coco: Oh and who are you supposed to be? A childrens story character?

This is going to end badly, best I stop it before it begins.

I summoned my sword and armor, put the sword between them, and simultaneously managed to eat my food mid transformation.

Y/n: Listen, I'm tired as a bitch. I will tell you to leave in the politest way possible.

Coco: Holy shit you are actually a knight... with a desperate need of a fashion change...

This formally pissed me off.


Everyone was scared and confused, and a slight mix of horny? Who's soul just got ho- Oh what the fuck Velvet! I cleared my throat and willed away my gear.

Y/n: Sorry, I get medieval when I'm pissed.

Nora: You should probably get that sorted out...

Y/n: Neh, it actually is quite funny.

Velvet: U-umm Y/n?

She didn't stutter out of nervousness and I don't like that.

Y/n: What?

Velvet: Can I get a picture of you? I'm a photographer?


Y/n: What's a picture?


Ruby: Smooth as gravel Y/n...

Velvet took out her camera, took a picture, and left with Coco without another word.

Y/n: Weird...

Ruby: Welp! Me and Y/n are gonna go to the dorms!

Y/n: We are?

Ruby: Yup!

The girls all looked at each other before responding.

Pyrra: Use protection.

Weiss: And the pill.

Nora: Don't forget the hot sauce.

Y/n: We'll be safe don't worry!


Y/n: Cya guys!

I grabbed Ruby and dashed away to the dorms.

Ruby: Y/n!? What's happening?!

Y/n: Nothing~

We got to the dorm and I slammed that bitch open. Only to see Neo on the desk reading. She looks up and we lock eyes. She looks back to Ruby, then back to me, then Ruby, then back to me...

Eventually her mouth raised to a massive smile. She raised her hand sand swiftly started signing.


Y/n: No!

Neo: C'mon! I wanna be a aunt!

Y/n: NO!

Neo: Ask her!

Y/n: I'm not asking her that!

She picked up her scroll and began typing for Ruby, who had been confused the whole time.

Neo: Whens the wedding?!

She turned a bright shade of pink.

Ruby: We aren't getting married yet!!!

Y/n: Yet?!?!

Ruby: What?!

Neo gave me a cheeky grin and walked to the door and left. Leaving me and Ruby alone in the dorm.

Y/n: Sooooooooooo...

Ruby: Yeah...

Y/n: Do you wanna bake?

She leaned over and gave me a soft kiss.

Ruby: I think I've fallen for you.

Y/n: I've fallen for me too.


Yo, its happened!

I'm completely aware of what the poll said yesterday! But I want you to know that there was a mistake when I was making this chapter!

Normally I do drafts in the story, which is how I make them all detailed and refined. But I accidentally published this one early because the publish and save button are in the exact same spot.

Sorry for those that wanted it to happen later!

I fucked it.

Back to the drawing board, because this minor mistake has changed the plot by a landslide.

Until next time!
