CH27. The World's Most Expensive Breakup

Winter and Qrow began their unnecessary dual. I returned to Ruby and Weiss, both of which were glaring at me.

Ruby: I'm not letting you sleep in my hood for a week...!

I smirked at her and patted her back.

Y/n: That sounds more like a punishment for you than for me.

She tried to be angry, but that emotion didn't sit well with Ruby.

Weiss: Why...?

Y/n: We got drunk.

Ruby: Another thing! When where you going to tell me about your alcoholism?

Y/n: When you decided to get drunk.

Weiss felt quite ignored, and was still insanely pissed about my fucking of her sister.

Weiss: I hate you!

Y/n: Your sister sure doesn't.

Ruby tried her hardest to be stern, but insulting Weiss was a luxury she couldn't miss.

Ruby: Pfff!

Weiss: Why are you laughing?!

I was going to continue my insulting, but was rudely stopped by a icy Nevermore.

Y/n: Oh right they're fighting.

I turned to my right and saw Ozpin, Glynda, and Ironwood walking over here.

Qrow followed my gaze and his eyes settled on the trio. He stopped attempting to fight and even stopped his sword from turning into a scythe.

Y/n: You think he'll be mad...?

Ruby: With the stories he's told us? Very unlikely.

Y/n: I'm assuming he pulled all the girls at our age?

Ruby: Apparently...

They had made it there just as Winter had charged up a final attack.

Ironwood: Schnee!

She stopped and turned to look at the general.

Winter: General Ironwood sir! He started the encounter!

Qrow: Not true, she attacked first.

Winter was quick to respond, but realized that he was telling the truth.
Ozpin looked to the crowd and dispersed them.

Ozpin: You may leave now, there are much better seats and popcorn at the collisuim.

Glynda swiped her kink stick and began repairing the damages they caused.

Glynda: Disperse! We shall handle this ordeal!

They crowd cleared and the eight of us remained.

Ozpin: Miss Schnee and Rose, you may return to your team or dorms.

Ruby: What about Y/n?

Ozpin: You know why Y/n is included in this.

The two reluctantly nodded and turned to the bullheads. Not before Ruby gave me one quick hug before she left.

Y/n: I'll meet up with you guys later.

Ozpin:*cough* We should handle this in my office.


We all walked into Ozpin's office and Ironwood chose to speak first.

Ironwood: If you where one of my men I would have you shot!

Qrow: If I was one of your men I'd shoot myself!

Y/n: Amen.

Winter, despite her hornyness at my presence, decided I didn't have to be here.

Winter: What clearance does Y/n have to be here?

Y/n: More than you ice queen.

Ozpin took a sip of his endless mug and resumed his meeting.

Ozpin: Y/n is here for a reason that will not be specified without his permission.

Qrow: Speaking of permission, why is she here?

He glared at Winter, who returned with an even angrier glare.

Ironwood: Schnee, we will discuss this at base.

Winter: But sir I-

Ironwood: At base, Schnee.

She reluctantly turned to the elevator, not before giving me a lust filled wink.

Now that she was gone, Qrow had some questions.

Qrow: Why is Y/n here?

Ironwood: Y/n is the only one that could kill Salem.

Qrow, who had been taking a sip of his flask, properly spit it out in dramatic surprise.

Qrow: WHAT?!

Y/n: Y/n L/n, killer of gods and lacker of fucks, at your service!

Qrow: How... Why... When...?

Y/n: A long ass story.

Qrow was to drunk to care, and returned his anger to Ironwood.

Qrow: That is a game changer, but why are your men here Jimmy?

Ironwood: People are comforted by my fleet. It gives the Grimm a sense of fear and the people a sense of hope.

Qrow let out a hollow laugh.

Qrow: You think she's scared of your little ships?! I've seen what she's made and let me tell you, they are fear! One of them are here now!

Ironwood: We know that.

Qrow: Oh so you know! Well thank fuck I'm out there risking my ass to keep you informed!

Glynda: We had reason to believe that you had been compromised.

Qrow, still pissed, took out his scroll and lectured the general.

Qrow: Communication is a two way street pall! See this? That's the 'send' button!

Y/n: I think you missed the point of what Glynda said.

Qrow: Not now Y/n that adults are talking!

I gave Ozpin a questionable glare.

'Can I roast this mf?'

'No, he's drunk.'

I shrugged at his 'response' and sat down on one of his many chairs. One thing had been lurking in my mind... Why was Ozpin so set on sticking to the gods...?

Y/n: Oz

They stopped bickering and focused on me.

Y/n: Are we fighting over a brakeup between you and Salem?

They gave me a confused look, while Ozpin spat out his coffee. They saw him and put two and two together.

Ozpin: How?!

Y/n: Did you really think you were the only one to reach out to me...?

Ironwood drew his pistol.

Ironwood: You've spoken with her?!

Y/n: You know that won't do anything right Slim Jim?

He frustratingly holstered his pistol.

Y/n: I have spoken with Salem, honestly she is pretty nice after a decent conversation. But that's not the point.

I walked over to Ozpin's desk, each step radiating pissed.

Y/n: If you know who and what I am, why not make up to Salem and defy the gods?

Ozpin: They can wipe away the world!

Y/n: So can I, except I would win I'm a fight.

Ozpin: The world isn't ready for a battle of that scale!

Y/n: This world isn't, but what about the moon?

They had all done a double take at that one. I was planning to bait the gods all the way to the moon. I noticed their disbelief and decided to tone down the idea.

Y/n: It's a backup. But from what she told me, you have a quest to unite the four relics and summon the gods. What's stopping you from just leaving the mission?

The other three didn't know what I was talking about or what I had been mentioning, but Qrow had finally spoken up.


Y/n: Tell them Oz.

The man didn't utter a word.


The headmaster stood strong.

Ozpin: I cannot simply defy the gods. That's exactly what put us in this situation. And no, I cannot reason with Salem, when she became Grimm she developed an unstable craving for destruction.

The explanation was reasonable, but the truth was still to be said. I was satisfied with this answer, but the other three still had questions.

Y/n: So peace isn't an option...?

Ozpin: Peace was never an option...

Y/n: Salem isn't a bad person from what I've learned about her. But if it truly is unavoidable, I will put her down once we find her.




Silence filled the room, I had both disarmed and set off a time bomb. But there was still a burning question in their minds...

Ironwood: How will you kill Salem...?

I gave him a cruel grin.

Y/n: By making her a Lord.

The three that knew about me where wide eyed at the statement. The one that was uninformed, stayed with his drunken posture and confusion. An explanation was needed.

Y/n: The first flame was claimed and shaped in Gwyn's will. This also came with his fear of the dark. The fire should burn her to a crisp when she lights it, but even if it doesn't...

They started expectantly.

Y/n: She will be hunted for eternity. The fire ties all the lords together, and once she is found in the Lord Scape, her soul will be hunted, tortured and killed in the most gruesome way possible. The Lords all agree of our duty to the light, getting them to kill a leader of the abyss will be easy.

I didn't feel like discussing this with them, although it was important. I trusted that they would fill Qrow in, and I trust that Ironwood would keep that hate boner in his pants.

Y/n: Fill in Qrow, I need to find my friends.

And with that, I left the room.

Things just got a little out of hand...


Hallo! I know that this one is significantly shorter than the others, but this will cement the future of the story!

But before the cement dries, there can still be alterations.

Btw Beacon will still fall, that is a massive plot point that is unavoidable.

If you have any ideas for the upcoming events, please enter them here!

Constructive criticism is always allowed and encouraged!

