

I felt terrible. While it was true, my excuses as to why I didn't call Rapunzel were pathetic. She hates me. Her last words still ringing in my ears. "Out of all the girls on the planet, you fell for my cousin?" It did sound pretty bad, but I had no idea they were related at the time!

I was sure that she would like the kiss. I know we both wanted it more than anything, but she pushed me away. It hurt, but probably not as much as the years of suffering I put her through.

I sat down next to a bed of roses. I felt something strangely rectangular pressing up against my butt. The proposal!

I run down three flights of stairs before reaching the ballroom. I felt someone grab my wrist.
"Oh there you are Jack! Come dance with me!" Elsa says as she drags me across the dance floor.

After a few dances I'm out of breath and restless.
"I have an announcement that I'd like to make on the microphone." I quietly tell Elsa.
"Ok Jack. You go right ahead."

I take the microphone and quickly get everyone's attention.
"Alright everyone. I have a very important life changing announcement to make. Elsa, I am in love with you and I want to be with you forever. Will you marry me?"

The crowd gasps. Elsa nods.
"Yes. Yes!" Everyone cheers. Everyone except her. Just over Elsa's shoulder I can see Rapunzel. She looks just as shocked as anyone in the room. "Out of all the girls on the planet..."

"Hey, Elsa, could you excuse me for a second?"
"Anything for you babe!"

"Will you marry me?" The four magical words I always wanted to hear him say to me. Why. Why her? Why now! Suddenly I found myself feeling really confused as to what had occurred in the garden earlier. If he was going to purpose to Elsa this whole time then why did he kiss me?

I felt lost and alone as I watched the two of them celebrate the purposal. I've gotta get out of here. I flee to the guest quarters of the castle, where the convention representatives will sleep for the night.

"Rapunzel, wait!" Yells Jack from behind. I turn around impatiently.
"What!" I shout. I hope he doesn't notice my eyes are red from crying.
"Rapunzel I, I'm sorry. I just- well I,"
"You what! Spit it out already!"
"I came to this ball with the intention of proposing to Elsa but then I ran into the girl I have been longing for so long to just kiss again. I couldn't help myself, I'm sorry. Uh, no hard feelings?" He extends his hand towards me.
I smack it away, pull Jack by the collar and kiss him. We kiss for a long time and it felt like paradise. Oh how I missed you , his lips seemed to say. It took all my strength not to kiss him over and over again but I knew for the sake of my precious cousin, and my reputation I had to pull away.
I retreated to my room leaving Jack dazed and confused. Again.

I awaken to the sound of large church bells being rung.
"The wedding, it's starting!" I hear someone yell from outside. The wedding? Already? Oh my gosh! I stumble outside my door in nothing but a night gown and scrambled down to the local church. I burst open the church doors just as they begin the I do's.

Both Jack and Elsa are standing happily at the alter. Jack frowns when he sees me.

"Rapunzel? I didn't invite you. Seize her!" A cluster of knights chase me up the cobblestone street. I run into a dead end and suddenly find myself in a wooden prison beneath the castle.

I dreadfully watched Elsa and Jack sat their vows, cringing at every "I do". That should be me. I thought over and over. Soon I'm screaming it out loud in the jail room. "THAT SHOULD BE ME! THAT SHOULD BE ME I TELL YOU! ME!" I'm screaming and crying. Soon the guards drag me away from the other cell mates and into a cell of my very own. A grey, ugly tower 45 stories off the ground and secluded in the woods.

I had never felt more alone.

I woke up from my nightmare covered in sweat. "That should be me! That should be," I stop myself mid sentence. Oh. It was all just a bad dream.

A few hours later I find myself packing my bags. The convention is over and all of its attendants will be invited back to the big wedding in three months. Never in my life have I been so happy to leave.
