Bitter sweet

I thought I finally got my lucky break. Now that Eugene Flynn Rider was out of the picture Rapunzel would surely run back to me! Right? Wrong.

Rapunzel wouldn't talk to anyone. She eats all her meals and makes special announcements in her room. I never knew one could run an entire country in bed.

It was driving me crazy not being able to see her. I need to talk to her!

Its been 3 weeks since Rapunzel publicly announced her break up Flynn/Eugene. The town was extremely disappointed and soon everyone slipped back into a depressive state that it was during the funeral. It was like a big black cloud was permanently hung over the town. I've gotta put a stop to all this.

I fly out the window and circle the palace to clear my head. I was just about to fly back when I noticed Rapunzel's window was open. This is my chance to talk to her! I land softly on her balcony and look inside. Rapunzel is hunched over her lap on the edge of her bed. Her long blonde hair is covering her face but her shoulders are shaking. She's crying! I soon realize. Just when I'm thinking of turning back, Rapunzel's head pops up.

"Jack? How'd you get in here? Oh never mind."

"Do you want me to go cause I'll go. I'm sorry for barging in like this."

Rapunzel sighs. "No. It's fine. I was wondering when you were gonna slither your way in here."

"Rapunzel, what's wrong with you? You're never one to run away from your problems. I'm not even sure what the problem is. You got what you wanted. I broke up with Elsa and I'm completely in love with you. Why are you putting me off?"

"You just don't get it do you Jack. Your too late! I fell in love Jack! I really liked Flynn! He was the one person that could make me forget about you! Do you know how long it has taken me to repair all the damage you have done to my heart? I thought," Rapunzel chocked out a sob. "I thought he really liked me. I thought I found someone who I could spend the rest of my life with."

I felt helpless as I watched Rapunzel cry her eyes out. Your too late. I fell in love...

You have to give her time. she's too hurt and broken to accept anyone into her life right now. The most you can do is be there for her. I reached over and hugged her. I could feel Rapunzel start to relax as I comforted her. She continued to sob into my shoulder. A waterfall of tears soaked the left side of my t-shirt. We sat there for hours.

Hey, this isn't my suite... I wake up to tons of purple flowers painted on the ceiling and a giant chandelier hanging above me. Is this...Rapunzel's room?!? Oh my goodness I fell asleep! Some friend I am! But when I look to my left Rapunzel is asleep and still clutching my shoulder. I lay there a little longer, holding her just like old times. But all good things must come to an end.

Rapunzel had finally awaken no more than thirty minutes after me.

"Jack? How did you-," Rapunzel paused as if just remembering this mornings events. "Are we snuggling?"

"Yes. But I'll get off if your uncomfortable." I start to move but Rapunzel hangs on.

"No! Please stay!" she pleads with big green eyes.

I sigh and then put my arm back around her. "Anything for you babe."
