
I looked at my beautiful girlfriend. She was like a goddess as she glided across the ice in her skates. Today is the day. I'm gonna tell her.

I skate over to her, holding the small black box behind me.
"Hey babe, what you got there?"

"Elsa! Excuse me but you are needed in the conference room immediately!" Shouts a guard.

Elsa looks at me apologetically and follows the guard inside the castle. I sigh. Oh. The struggles of dateing a Queen.

I head back to my three story town house across town. It's super modern and has a killer veiw of the bay area. I can't wait to share all of this with her. I sit down on the patio chairs and watch the sunset.

As I watched the sunset instead of dreaming about the day when I purpose to Elsa, I think about her. Rapunzel. No , stop it! Forget about Rapunzel. We are over her, remember!

I turn away from the sun and storm back into the house. Gotta get my mind off of this. I turn on the television and get lost in the endless amount of sports.

I wake up on the couch with the tv blasting. On the small screen I saw Elsa in a navy blue dress. She looked elegant and extremely mature as she spoke with the press about an upcoming convention with leaders from other countries.

Apparently it's a big deal because for the first time in 50 years Arendelle will be hosting. While it's all very exciting it also puts a lot of pressure on Elsa to do well at the convention this year. Everything must be perfect. "I will do everything in my power to make sure that I represent this country well." Elsa said into the microphone. This gives me a new idea! What better way to ask Elsa to marry me than in front of thousands of people at the convention tomorrow!

I walked into the castle the day of the convention with a new found confidence. This is it. Today I'm gonna tell Elsa I want to spend the rest of my life with her. I patted my back pocket to make sure the ring was secure. Nothing worse than getting down on one knee with out the ring.

The ballroom was a mad house. Chefs scrambled from place to place trying to transport the food, cleaning crew was spread out around the castle trying to clean everything to perfection and don't get me started on the hostess. Elsa was a hot mess. Ordering Staff members around all while trying to pick out the perfect evening gown.

I thought she would be happy to see me, however it seemed that my unannounced arrival only upset her more.
"Jack? Who let you in?"
"Well hello to you too."
"Jack I'm sorry it's just, I'm super busy. Everything is a disaster! Nothing is coming together! Oh I'm going to ruin the convention!" Elsa wailed.
"No, no you will not ruin the convention! Everything is going to be fine! Take deep breaths."

Elsa followed my instructions and was almost back to normal untill a guard came with a message.
"Uh, Queen Elsa, we are officially running ten minutes behind schedule and the guests are getting restless."
"What? Oh no, oh no! I can't, you can't let them in yet! Entertain them or something! We're not ready! Jack, go help the guard distract the guests. I need just five more minutes!"
"Anything for you babe!" I wink at her.
"Just go already!"

I follow the guard outside the double doors and into the castle court yard. Tons and tons of guests piled wall to wall chatter amongst themselves. The guard ( who's name is Henry ) decided to tell a couple of jokes to please the crowd.

I thought everything was going quite well and was about to head back inside to tell Elsa the good news but something stopped me. I saw a familiar face. Who could miss her. The sun bounced off her blonde hair which complemented her big green eyes. I wanted to turn away but I simply couldn't. I was so attracted to her I started walking in her direction. I thought about turning around but our eyes met. No looking back now...

Rapunzel didn't seem surprised or happy to see me. This practically broke my heart.
"Rapunzel I,"
All she did was raise an eyebrow and suddenly I wanted to take back my words. Where do I even begin. "Uh I," I'm still in love with you."
"Hello Jackson."
The way she said my name sent shivers down my spine.

"I uh, didn't know you would be at the convention."
Rapunzel's face suddenly grew clouded with anger. However in a flash it was gone. "I realized it's been quite some time. Perhaps you have forgotten that I am heir to the throne in Corona."
"No. That's not what I was implying,"

Rapunzel leaned in close to me. I was inches away from her lips. I just want to close the gap... Rapunzel whispers in my ear,
"I'd like to talk to you in private. Perhaps during the annual ballroom dances."
I nod. "Roof top garden at eight o'clock sharp."
