Public enemy #1

The boat ride to Arandelle was awful. The entire time all I could think about was Rapunzel. She just looked so heart broken when she found out we were leaving.

Did I do the right thing?

I felt someone's hand being placed on my shoulder.

"Its going to be all right Jack." Says Anna. "You did the right thing back there."

"Really? Cause it sure doesn't feel like I did the right thing. I feel terrible."

"Rapunzel may not have wanted you to leave but it's the best thing you've ever done for her. You both need some space."

"I just wish there was another way." I sigh. I feel the boat come to a screeching halt. I almost lost my balance.

"Land ho!" Shouts the captain.

"Thanks for the ride Chip!" Says Elsa as she walks off the boat. Dozens of towns people roar with excitement as their long lost Queen returns to her humble country.

"We missed you Elsa!" Dozens of female fans scream.

"Hey look! There's that scum bag Jack! He dumped our Queen!" Thousands of tomatoes fly into the air. I gasp but quickly deflect the army of vegetables with my ice powers.

"Alas! We missed! Try again!" Someone else shouted. What's going on? Why does everyone hate me? More importantly why isnt Elsa putting a stop to all of this?

"You should go!" Shouts Anna over all the commotion. More tomatoes fly in the air. With a simple flick of the wrist I shielded myself from yet another attack.

"Yep. I'm leaving." I say before jetting off into the sky.

After flying for hours I finally land on a small deserted island. I flew to the top of the tallest tree and took in all the sights. To left there was a dormant volcano but to the right there was a nice long beach and a green rain forest. It was very peaceful watching the waves crash onto the beach and then be pulled back out to sea. I felt my eye lids getting heavy.....

BOOM! The volcano erupted behind me. I watched as the lava swallowed half of the island. I felt paralyzed as I watched the lava surround the base of the tree. I wanted to move but I felt stuck. The flames from the lava started to climb up the tree. As they got closer I realized the flames were people! A flame that looked like Elsa clawed at my legs.

"You cant escape me Jack. You cant run from your past."

I screamed as the flames engulfed me. I could feel my insides burning and melting away. However just when I thought this is the end , a wave about the size of your average person, came out of the water and knocked Elsa and her flaming army off me. I could feel myself growing weaker.

"Thank you!" I shout to the wave girl. When she turned around I realized it was Rapunzel. That's when I blacked out.

I woke up covered in sweat. I was still on the island. Everything was fine. The volcano had not erupted and there were no flame people. It was all just a dream! I sigh in relief. I watched the sun rise. It painted the sky this beautiful orange-ish purple and it colored the waters a light blue. My stomach made bear-like sound as it growled. I wonder if this island has coconuts...

I was dreading going back to Arandelle. I did not want to re-live yesterday's tomato disaster and after my nightmare I certainly did not want to see Elsa. Unfortunately the island didn't have any coconuts and if I wasn't fed soon I'd probably die. Arandelle looked almost peaceful when I arrived. The kingdoms usual white sail boats sat proudly in the docks, all the rolling hills in the background looked incredibly green and best of all, the smell of fresh bread filled the air. I landed in the middle of an empty farmers market. Guess it hasn't opened yet.

I peer inside the bakery window. "Hello! Hello?"

A short pudgy man answered the door. "Sorry Jackson, we don't sell to traitors." He said in a creepy deep voice.

"What are you talking about?"

"Oh you know exactly what I'm talking about you filthy rat! How dare you profess your love to the Queen only to take it back moments later! Is this some kind of joke to you?"

I try to speak but it seems as if my mouth has been glued shut.

"Oh my word. You do think its a joke! Your a filthy little rat you Jackson Frost! Even that Hans fellow was better than you! At least he was some what charming. Now I'm only gonna say this once. GET OUT OF MY SHOP!"

What a creep. Hopefully all of Arandelle isn't like this.

Unfortunately for me, all of Arandelle was exactly like the baker. At every door I was either egged or cursed out. I even started asking random civilians if they would spare me a bread crumb. I got nothing. Finally as a last resort I knocked on the door of the castle. Princess Anna answered but unlike the villagers she welcomed me in with open arms.

"Oh Jack, your a hot mess! Lets get you cleaned up." Anna led me to the castles sacred bath house. "Back in ancient Roman times bath houses were a huge thing. Like everybody had them! so my great, great, great, great, great, great, great grandfather Norwick had the Arandelle bath house installed!"

"Thanks for the history lesson Anna but I didn't come here for a deluxe bath. I need food. I've tried every bakery in town but everyone keeps shooing me away. They all hate me because of what I did to Elsa! I just need some bread and then I'll be on my way back to Corona."

Anna smiled mischievously. "Oh Jack, your an old friend! I'd never let you leave here with just a loaf of bread!"

Hey guys. I hope you liked this part! A firey Elsa? What other Jackunzel story has that? Warning! The next chapter will be a short one Please vote!
