Letting it go


"Queen Rapunzel, uh, your special guest has arrived." Announced Silvey.

"Thanks for the heads up." I race upstairs and throw on my sparkly silver dress with one strap and black high heels. My hair is quickly made up into a fancy bun. Looks good enough. I run back down the stairs to great my cousin.

Elsa was dressed so casually it made me feel over dressed and silly.

"I didn't realize this was a formal event." Elsa chuckles.

"It's not. This is my form of casual." I say rather seriously. Elsas smile disappears. "Come. We can discuss some things more privately in the courtyard."

Elsa followed me through the double wooden oak doors into the enormous courtyard. It was my second favorite place in the building. Four small gray fountains sat in each corner of the courtyard, sourrounded by rows of flowers and other assorted green plants.

Elsa and I take a seat at a nearby bench. "So what's this about me being jealous?" Elsa asks, getting right down to business.

I run the back of my neck shyly. "Well I kind of assumed you were still mad about the whole Jack thing." I cowerd, waiting for Elsa to blow a gasket or blast me into the sky with her ice powers.

She only stood there with what looked like a face of guilt. "Uh actually you kind of got that part right." I raise and eyebrow, motioning for Elsa to continue. She sighed. "Alright. I'll start from the beginning."

Elsa's story ( told in 1st person )

I was touring the campus with my younger sister Anna, who wanted to enroll in the fall semester of next year. We were just rounding the corner of the study hall building when I got hit in the face with a wooden staff.

"Hey watch it!" I shouted. "Oh. Oh my," behind the wooden staff stood a cute boy with white hair and bright blue eyes.

His eyes widened at the sight of me. "Oh my gosh! Queen Elsa!" The boy bowed. "I'm so sorry! I'll definitely watch where I'm going next time."

I blushed madly. "Well clearly your new to Arandelle, you probably don't know the standard protocol. I'll let you off with a warning."

"Oh my goodness! Thank you so much your hieness!" The boy ran off.

I watched him disappear under the hill.

Ever since that day I would talk through my neck trying to make little excuses about why I had to keep going back to the campus. Every day I made sure I ran into the white haired boy.

"Oh my Queen! It's you again! We keep meeting like this. Uh my apologies."

"It's quite alright. Say, I see you every day yet, I don't know your name or anything else about you . How about we get together sometime at the local pub and get to know each other."

The boy hesitated. At the time I thought he was just nervous but now I'm starting to suspect he was thinking about you ( Rapunzel ).

"What time?" He asked with a wicked grin.

"How about an hour from now?" I was so excited I could hardly contain myself. The night at the pub we had really hit it off. After that we agreed to meet there every friday. Of course the media caught on to this and put a blurb out in the tabloids saying I was secretly seeing someone.

The rumor caught fire and was eventually put on the news. I could only wish it was true. One night at the pub I finally got the nerve to ask Jack if he was seeing anyone.

He hesitated again. "Well there is kind of this girl back home. I told her I would call but, I sort of got distracted."

"Probably my fault." I chuckled. But a tiny bit of me died inside. He's already got a girlfriend.

"Naw, she's probably forgotten about me by now. She's kind of a big deal back home. I'm sure some hot guy is already smothering her with kisses and gifts." I sensed some sadness in his voice.

Now's my chance. "How would you like to be smothered in kisses and gifts."

Jack paused as if he just realized the big hint I was giving. I didn't even wait another moment more. I grabbed Jack by the collar and pulled him in for a kiss.

Things started falling into place after that. My life was finally perfect and would only get a million times better the night Jack purposed to me. I couldn't believe it.

I was super crushed when I found out he still loved you. I couldn't believe it. I wanted to kill you Rapunzel! I wished that he had never met you! To make matters worse we were stranded in Corona for months! For the next few months I had to endure;

1. Awkward dinners
2. Seeing Jack chase after you
3. Seeing you reject Jack ( something I would never do in a million years! )
4. Date another dude in spite of him!

And most of all #5. Ignoring my sister Anna when she was just trying to help you! Oh it got me so mad! I've gotten some counciling since then but the jealousy still resides in me.

End of Elsa's story


"And the rest is history." Elsa says to me as she finally finished her story. "I sort of knew I was stealing Jack away from someone. I just didn't know who. Rapunzel look, I'm really sorry. Can you ever forgive me?"

I felt sick to my stomach. "Absolutely!"

LIES! She lies! She will never forgive you!

I turn around to see fiery Elsa. She and her fiery army rise from the green garden grass.

And until she gives us an honest apology, there will be NO peace in this wretched land!" The Elsa snapped her fingers and another explosion went off over head.
