Requested Imagine: Min Yoongi

This imagine is dedicated to Acastillo04

Hope you enjoy~

Name: Aracely


Rose petals scattered everywhere in your boyfriend's penthouse. Scented candles lit up.

The dinner for two already set up, You brushed a hand smoothly on your dress.

Black velvet with a long slit on one leg. It was yours and Yoongi's third year anniversary and you are that extra.

You heard the door unlock and you hurried to grab your glass of champagne and made sure you looked down before posing.

A tired Yoongi came to the view as his heavy eyes saw the petals, his eyes look up to you and his eyes widen in surprise, "Aracely, what is all this?" he asked as he dropped his bag to the side and his coat before giving you a kiss.

Your stomach dropped, Yoongi always forgets. "You didn't forget, did you?"

"I-I- Of course, I didn't." Yoongi lied. Seeing all the preparation you made he felt bad if he asked what was going on so he just went on with it.

"Okay! Okay!" You clapped as he returned with a nervous chuckle but you didn't notice it, you grab your gift for you. It was inside the champagne envelope with wax seal.

Yoongi chuckles and scratches the back of his neck, "I... Thank you, Aracely."

He opens the letter and reads it out loud, "You are invited to come inside m- oh wow, naughty, huh."

Normally he would respond with something dirty as well which made you frown, "Anything wrong, Oppa?"

"Nothing, it's just... I feel bad, I didn't buy you anything, I was too busy." Yoongi sighed.

"Oppa, it's really fine! Gifts aren't important, atleast you are here and you remembered our anniversary." He felt really guilty by that moment. He ran a hand through his hair frustratingly.

"Come on, sit down. I'll go get the food-"

"Actually, Aracely, I need you to sit down." Yoongi looked serious and frustrated so you sat down and listened, "Do not freak out or get mad, Okay?"

"Okay... But I can't pro-"

"I forgot it was our Anniversary today, I'm sorry." You gasped.

"Y-You forgot? B-But," you sighed, "You forgot our first anniversary, our second and now our third?! I can't believe you!"

Grabbing your purse and walking out, ignoring Yoongi. You pressed the elevator furiously as you tap your feet impatiently, "Aracely, I'm sorry. I really am-"

"Give me space right now. I can't be the only one working for this relationship, Yoongi." Yoongi gave you the space and let you go down to the lower level floor where the boys lived.

You rang the doorbell twice before Jin answered, "Aracely! How's- I'm guessing he forgot, come give me a hug, Sweetie."

You gave Jin a hug as he tapped your back, you took off your shoes and entered the living room where all the boys are watching a movie that they paused.

"Aw, he forgot again." They all have you a hug and comforted you.

"Do you want a time alone?" You nodded at Namjoon, he leads you to Yoongi's old room and sat you down on the bed. "I'll get you something to drink, okay?"

You weren't mad or hurt, well... Just a little bit. But mostly you are upset. You felt like you're the only one fighting for the relationship and you felt like he didn't care anymore.

Namjoon entered the room with a cup, "Here you go. Jin said to bring you a cup of coffee but I know you need this right now." You look down and saw beer making you laugh.

"Thanks, Joon." Gulping it all down at once and sighed.

"You know, I really think you should talk to Yoongi hyung. Us idols... We can't live like normal people and it sucks because sometimes even just a second, we wanted to be treated like one. We have a lot going on, we can't think of anything else when in the studio in able to produce good music. And in able to do that we have to focus. We were all against him dating because it will cause a great impact but he fought for it. He is not perfect but... He loves you, Aracely. Just think about it." He gives you one last tap on the shoulder and left you alone.

The door opened and revealed Yoongi, "Aracely, I'm so-" You jumped to him and hugged him tightly.

"I'm sorry, Oppa. I'm not understanding, I'm stupid. I'm sorry, I'm childish, I'm..." He attached his lips to yours completely shutting you up.

He pulls away and laid his forehead on yours and sighed, "I love you."

"I love you too."

He moves slightly and bought something in between the both of you, "Oppa, No way! No way!"

"Yes, I am giving you my favorite Kumamon stuff toy. Now shut up, I love you."



I hope you enjoyed this imagine Acastillo04

Thank you for requesting ~

