Jeon Jungkook / Jungkook: Mad


I feel attacked right now. *sighs*

This handsome, always hot boy right here 👇 is my new bias wrecker.

Yes, that's right. A bias wrecker, freaking B I A S   W R E C K E R.

I find it so DISRESPECTFUL when you're just fan-girling over your bias and then *BOOM!* your fucking bias wrecker just appears like! UGH!

My moments happened this morning like while I was BTS video looking an inspiration for this imagine and this happened.

Namjoon (My bias😉): Eoseo wa bangtaneun cheoeumiji 

Me: Kyyaaa! Das right! das my boy! das ri-

Jungkook: Ayo ladies and gentlemen-

Me: (and I was like...)

Yes, I backed away from the computer like "NO! you're not my bias and why the fuck am I feeling this? like SHIT! I'm only for Namjoon, you perfect fucker!" 😭😭

So I switched to watching 'We are Bulletproof'

My bias again😍 being all swag and handsome: We are bulletproof! Bulletproof!

Me: yaaaaassss! Go bae-

Jungkook: ireumeun Jung Kook, seukeireun jeonguk 


I am now laughing like a mad woman 😂😂

I shouldn't be mad at this boy like who- LIKE WHO IN THE WORLD WOULD BE?! 

I am so frustrated😫😫 S E N D   H E L P ! ! !

Enough of my bias wrecker feels 😂😂😂 

Please enjoy this imagine, I really hope you'll like this since I am having a hard time breathing by looking at this picture 😂

lmao ENJOY!

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You are practicing your performance right now in your very own dressing room.

You are a rapper but you are really talented in all kinds of instruments. Name it and you know how to play it.

Just like your boyfriend, who is very good at anything he does. Name something Jungkook is not good at? Huh? Bet you had to search that up on google, right?

You are right now trying to warm up your vocals and exercise your tongue.

You are the newest addition of the Big Hit. You are the first girl idol of Big Hit and you were a solo but even though it's only been 5 months since you've debuted, you've already received 3 awards which made you everybody's favorite.

A few guys have liked you. Namely, BamBam and Yugyeom of GOT7. Chanyeol of EXO and Jungkook of BTS. People called you as 'The Dream Girl of The Year'.

But only Jungkook caught your attention or caught your heart.

(A/N: Fuck, that was cheesy and cringey at the same time.)

Your manager agreed when you asked if you could take a walk around the arena. You walk around the big arena, tonight will be the Black N' Gold Awards Show.

(A/N: made that up😏😏Obviously)

You will be performing your song that you are most proud of, (Name of Song 😂).

You are walking at now the busy arena, everyone is getting everything set up. It's 9 AM and the show starts at 8 PM.

You saw a piano on the stage and you got excited. Of all the instruments you play, the piano was your favorite.

You run up the stage and clasped your hands together as you looked at it, you start to feel the keys and played 'All of Me by John Legend'. Your eyes closed at the beautiful tune.

After you finished the song, you hear a clap. You opened your eyes and turned your head to the sound.

You saw Yugyeom of GOT7, "Oh. Annyeong Haseyo, Yugyeom." You stood up and bowed.

"Wah... daebak. You play really well." He exclaimed.

"Thank you!" You smiled as he smiles back, awkward silence filled the air.

"Um... There's a cafe nearby, do you want to go?" Then you remembered, your boyfriend gets jealous easily.

"I would really love to but I can't... I was just on a break, I still have to practice my performance." You smiled sadly.

"It's okay, good luck on your performance then." He taps your shoulder, "I'll be cheering you on." He did a thumbs up and you chuckle.

"Gomabseubnida!" You did a heart with your right hand as he did too.

"Okay, On your way then. Bye, Y/N!" You waved back at Yugyeom as you exit the stage while he puts on a mask and started to type on his phone.

> > > > 

You are on your way back to your dressing room when you pass by the BTS' dressing room and you thought to stop by.

You knock and opened the door slowly, you saw Suga sleeping first and some other members are on their phones.

"Annyeong Haseyo." You bowed.

"Y/N, Annyeong Haseyo." They bowed, you look around for Jungkook but he was not in the room.

"Uh... Where is Jungkook?" You asked.

"You didn't know? He went to your room, he said he wanted to talk to you." Jin said.

"Why?" You asked, really confused.

"Didn't you know? Someone sent him a pic-" Namjoon cuts off Taehyung.

"That's enough, It's better if she hears it from Kookie. Right, Y/N?" All you can do is nod and exit the room quietly.

You've arrived at your dressing room, you slowly open the door and entered.

You feel your heart race as you see Jungkook sitting on the leather couches, looking at his phone while rubbing his forehead with a mad look on his face.

There was nobody else in the room but the two of you.

"Oppa...?" He looks up and glares at you.

"Where were you?" He was mad but calm.

"I was roaming around, I needed air." You said.

"Who were you with?" You thought he was asking about who were you with when you were roaming around so you answered, "I was by myself."

He sighed and stood up from the couch, "Then explain this!" He threw his phone on the couch as you flinched when he screamed.


"Look at this!" He grips his phone and showed me a picture.

It was me and Yugyeom at the stage and his hand was on my shoulder and my face looked like I was really happy. Honestly, I don't even remember how did this happen, like all Yugyeom did was tap my shoulder. Wah... the timing is really good. It looked like we were flirting.

"He just tapped my shoulder, that's all." You said.

"You must really think I'm stupid." At this point you were annoyed, he is overreacting too much.

"I do! I do think you are stupid for believing that picture instead of believing in your girlfriend!" You fought back. He was left speechless, "Why? Did you take that pic? Huh? That you believe that person more than your girlfriend! Huh!" You yelled and you grab his phone and checked who sent it.

"An unknown number. Really? And you're telling me you believe this unknown person over me? your girlfriend? Wah... I'm going crazy." You shoved the phone back to him as you went over to the tables to look for your phone.

"Y-Yah... you're still at fault for being with Yugyeom." Jungkook said, he tried to sound angry but it was obvious he was guilty.

"I wasn't with him! I was playing the piano and he saw me and said I played well, he even said we should get a coffee together-"

"He said what!" Jungkook was back to being angry again.

"But I declined 'cause I know you'll be upset but you are really mad right now over a stupid misunderstanding." You pout. You found your phone as you grab it and walked to the door.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

"Out. I'm annoyed at you." You were about to open the door when he hugs you from behind. "Let go." 

"I'm sorry, Y/N." He whispered in your neck. You sighed and turned around.

"I am so sorry for believing someone more than my girlfriend. I love you so much that I will try to be less jealous from now on." He smiles.

"Aniyo, I think it's sexy. Just don't over-do it too much. Like a cute jealous boyfriend." You cup his face and pecked his nose as his hands snaked around your waist.

"Ne!" He pecked your nose and kissed your lips.

The kiss lasted until you heard the door open as you pull away and saw Taehyung and Jimin. "Jungkookie pabo!" Jungkook grabbed the throw pillow from the chair and threw it at them.

The boys dodged and threw the pillow back and closed the door running away. Jungkook kissed you again, "As much as I want to stay longer, I have to get them back." He pecked your lips once again and run to the door.

"Don't hit Taehyung too much, he's a baby!" You joked.

"Yah!" Jungkook went back in the room, "Are you worrying about Taehyung? Are you not worried about me tripping in the hallways when I run after them?" 

"Aniyo! Oppa fighting!" You gave his a heart as he chuckled and runs after the three boys.

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VOTE if Jungkook is your bias😍

VOTE if Jungkook is bias wrecker😍

and VOTE if you are also wondering how Jungkook got that scar🤔

 Comment if you love this imagine 😘

Your favorite gal,

R <3
