Min Yoongi / Suga : Bestfriend


Just uploaded the Jin Imagine 5 minutes ago, hope you guys loved it!

Alternative Universe

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"Annyeong Haseyo, Min Yoongi!" You sing as you sat beside him

"What's with you?" He stares at you like you have three heads.

"I'm just happy." You gave him a big smile.

"Aish! I don't need that now." He lightly shoves you away.

"What's your problem? But if it's about the stick shoved far up your ass then I won't help you get it." You gave him your 'other' side. The bitchy side.

"You really are not helping me, I am having three detentions from three different teachers because I didn't do three different assignments." He slouched back down in his seat.

"Ooh, you're in big trouble." You nudge at him.

"Shut up." This time he pushed a little too hard you almost fell but he grabbed you as you were yanked back up again and your faces were inches.

Silence took over the both of you. No one was in the classroom since the both of you were always early. "Y/N..." he trails off. Your heartbeat went fast.

"N-Ne?" You stuttered stupidly. Little did he know, You were in love with him since the first day you met at the park. The seven years old you defended the seven years old Yoongi when he was bullied.

"You are so red. Pfft!" He breaks into laughter as you were left blushing and embarrassed.

"YAH!" You yelled smacking his arm.

"Aigoo! I'm only kidding, best friend." He said ruffling your hair.

Best friend. That's where you thought you'll forever be. Friendzoned.

- - - - - - - 

It was dismissal as you rush to your locker, ready to leave Yoongi behind.

You laughed evilly as you imitate the Evil Queen's laugh, you opened your locker but being the clumsy person you are something fell off. You looked at the red thing, a rose.

You picked it up and you look back into your locker to see if there was a note to see who it was from, then there is an envelope.

You opened it and it said,

Bus stop, 4 pm. Wait for me as 

I've waited for this moment for so long.

You shrieked and everyone gave you weird looks but you didn't care. You shove some books you'll need for assignment tonight in your bag and slam your locker shut as you ran out the school.

You can only imagine Yoongi and only him

You run into the bus stop and saw...

 Jung Hoseok?

"Jung Hoseok?" You said.

"oh. Y/N? This is your bus stop too?" He asks.

"Ne. Are you waiting for a certain someone?" You ask and he gave you a confused look.

"Well, aside from the bus, I don't know... uh, the bus driver?" He joked as you both laughed awkwardly.

Both you and Hoseok only met a few times in school and you weren't close. A bus pulls over, "This is my bus, are you coming?" He asks. You check your wrist watch, 3:23 pm.

"Aniyo, I'm waiting for someone." You smiled.

"Ok, take care." He pats your back before entering the bus.

You sighed and sat down on the benches.

3:30 pm came...

3:40 pm came...

3:50 pm came...

3:55 pm came...

Until 4:00 pm came...

4:05 pm came...

"Y/N?" You turn around and saw Namjoon. Namjoon is your friend, you guys were always partnered up in projects since the teacher said you guys worked really well.

"Oh, Namjoon." You said.

"Are you taking the bus?" He asks.

"Yeah. You?" You asked.

"Um... I am feeling a little hungry, I'll be grabbing a snack at the convenience store three blocks away. Wanna come?" He asked.

"No, I'm waiting for someone." You said.

"Who might that someone be?" He asks.

"Just someone who... uh... left this rose in my locker and said I should wait for him." You said showing Namjoon the rose and the note.

"Omo! I've seen this penmanship before!" He said.

"Jinjja? Who is it?" You asked getting all excited.

"Aish, it'll ruin the surprise. Well, have fun!" He whispers as he waves goodbye and walks away.

"Y/N." You gasped at Yoongi's sudden presence behind you.

"Oh Yoongi, why are you panting? did you run?" You ask.

"Sorry I was late." He smiles.

"L-Late?" You asked.

"It's me, Y/N. I like you. I've liked you ever since you defended me from those bullies in the park when we were seven, you were my inspiration then. I don't care if you like me or not, but I will surely show you that I won't give up until you are mine. I know, I'm a coward for not saying this long time ago but-"

"Yah... Yoongi, you are rambling words again." You cup his face in your hands. "I've liked you since then too."

"I've liked you since then? Is that our new thing now?" He smiles and he leans his forehead to yours.

"Our?" You raised an eyebrow teasingly.

"Shut up and let me kiss you." Then the thing you've always dreamed of happened until...

"YAH! Y/N! Wake up!" Your best friend waked you up.

"Jung Hoseok! I was having a nice dream!" You yelled at J-Hope.

"Aish! Jinjja! I was just waking you up because of your boyfriend, Suga hyung fell asleep on the floor again. Go wake him up, the show's starting in an hour," He said.

"You go wake him up." You closed your eyes.

"He's way scarier than my mom. You do it."

You sighed and walked over to Yoongi who was sleeping on a mat and you kneel beside him, "Oppa~"

"Mm?" He hummed.

"I had a dream, we were students. The story was really sweet." You sighed happily and lay your head on his chest as the imagine goes back to your head. "It was so beautiful."

"And so are you but you have to get off me, I'm really sleepy."

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I really like this imagine, I hope you did too!

Vote if your bias is SUGA

Vote if your bias wrecker is SUGA

and Comment if you loved this chapter.

and VOTE because Suga fell asleep again XD

Your favorite gal,

R <3
