Kim Taehyung / V: You are in trouble


Look at him! He's a freaking baby! He's so ILLEGAL! Why?!

Also this imagine will be featuring Byun Baekhyun of EXO



Being in a relationship with Taehyung is fun and frustrating. He loves to tease you, not childish tease. Yep, you know what kind of tease because let's face it, we all aren't that innocent.

Last night while you went over to their dorm to have Namjoon tutor you since your exams are coming. (You're in the last years of College) Taehyung, the little sh*t, joined you and rubbed his hand up and down your thigh and kept licking your neck when Namjoon wasn't paying attention and it was most of the time because Namjoon was only on his phone on the time and you just ask questions time to time.

Tonight, You are coming over because it was Seokjin's birthday and he wants you all to wear formal since he's booked the entire rooftop of their condo and he made a special dinner.

You entered a perfume store and you already felt a vibe between you and the other saleslady.

"Isn't she Kim Taehyung's girlfriend?"

"Wah~ look at how inappropriate she looks."

"She's basically showing all her skin to the world."

You frowned and looked down at your outfit.

This morning, you thought it looked fine but their comments made you feel insecure and upset.

"I don't even wanna know what she wore to seduce Taehyung."

"Pfft! What a sl*t!"

"Excuse me," You heard a man's voice, "but I could clearly hear you bad mouthing my friend's girlfriend from way over there."

Your eyes widened and you turned around and saw Taehyung's friend, Byun Baekhyun.

"She looks fine, what the hell is your problem with her? She can wear whatever she wants and you don't get to judge her because you, yourself isn't that perfect either." The three saleslady looks down and apologized.

"We apologize-"

"Not to me, to her." They bowed to you and apologized.

"Aniya, it's alright." You felt shy and just smiled at them.

"Y/N," Baekhyun approached you as the saleslady left.

"Oppa, you didn't have to do that." You blushed, "Thank you though,"

"No problem," Baekhyun smiled, "You look good, where are you going?"

"Seokjin's having a birthday party. You should come,"

"Your boyfriend already invited me but I already had plans with my members." He pouts, "Tell Seokjin Happy Birthday though,"

"Okay~" You waved him goodbye as he left.

You also left the store as you felt awkward and shy with the sales ladies.

You entered a GUCCI store and got Taehyung a coat since you knew he'd love it and he's always spoiling you with luxurious gifts. Then you but Jin a GUCCI bag and a Rolex watch.

You could afford stuff since your father owns a car business and your mom owns a line of restaurants.

You arrived at their dorm, dialing their code as the door opens. "I'm here~"

"Y/N's here~" Seokjin yelled as he approached you and hugging you, "Y/N, Annyeong. You look lovely, Taehyung's in his room."

You smiled and rushed to his room, You entered his room and found his shirtless with his arms crossed looking at his closet.

"Jagiyah~" he hugs you as you gently dropped the paper bags and hugged him. He kisses you lightly, "You look beautiful,"

"Ah right! I saw Baekhyun at the mall," You announced.

"I know, he texted me and said I shouldn't let you go out in the public alone. What happened?" You bit your lip.

"Some... Saleslady were bad mouthing me-But! They apologized and I'm really okay and I've been called worse back in High school so it doesn't really matter."

Taehyung sighed and hugs you, "I'm sorry I wasn't there to protect you,"

He kisses your neck, then you thought of a bright idea to get back at him for all his sexual teasing. Your hands snaked around his torso and you whispered back at him, "Then make it up to me,"

You turned around and grind against him as he groaned in your neck, "We really can't right now, Jin hyung will probably call us now and I can't just have a quickie. With you in this dress, I want to savor every inch of you. So tonight, get ready because you might not be able to hold your screams."

Your legs shook as he hit the right spot on your neck. Then you snapped out of it, you're supposed to be the one teasing him.

You pushed him to the bed and climbed on top of him, "I am so fine with a quickie right now and a passionate one tonight." You grind on top of him as he groans.

Then a knock came at the door, "Guys, Seokjin hyung wants us to leave now." Jimin announced.

"Hyung, wait a min-"

"Ne~" you answered and got off Taehyung.

"Yah, Y/N. I thought we were going to have a quickie?"

"Ah right, but Jin Oppa has a temper so better not be late." You opened the door and picked up your paper bags.

"Yah! Come back here!" Taehyung whined. You walked back inside, "Oppa, I forgot. I also bought this for you incase you'd get jealous of my gift to Jin."

Then you walked outside closing the door before he could seduce you back in.

"Happy Birthday to you~" you all sang the last line and Jin makes a wish and blew the candle.

"Okay, gifts! Me first!" Jimin cheers as he gave Jin a box.

Jin thanks Jimin and opens the gift, "Wah~ thank you, Jimin." Jin showed us a set of face products such as face masks, cleanser, toner, and etc.

I was beside Jimin so I handed Jin mine next, "Happy Birthday, Oppa~"

"Thank you, Y/N." Jin smiles, "Wah~ Thank you, Y/N. I really love it!"

Then the others give them their gifts. Then it was time to eat, "Mm~" you moaned, "Oppa, this is so good! You cook better than my mom."

"I'm honored." Jin chuckles as you moaned again.

Taehyung's hand went to your knee, "Stop moaning," he whispered.

You crossed your legs so his hand can't go further, teasing him.

He sighed frustratedly and takes his hand off and focusing on his eating.

After the dinner, you went back to their dorm and in to Taehyung's room. You took off your clothes and your bra making you sigh in comfort.

You took one of Taehyung's big black sweater as it went down to your mid thigh and you put on one of his boxers.

You removed your makeup and jump o his bed.

His sheets were cold and comfy as you jumped to it and wrapped yourself with it.

The door opened as you pretended to be asleep. You heard him sigh and his clothes being thrown to the basket.

You peek a little and saw him putting on his basketball shorts and a black tshirt. You shut your eyes as he approached you.

He slips in the bed and hugging you from behind. "Y/N~ Wake up~" he whines, "please~ stop teasing me."

He left sloppy kisses to your neck as his hand rubbed circles inside your (his) shirt.

You finally gave up and turned around and kissed you. He deepens the kiss, climbing on top of you discarding his shirt.

"You are so in trouble."



Vote if your bias is Kim Taehyung

Vote if your bias wrecker is Kim Taehyung

And vote because our cute little alien is now a grown man 😭❤️

Please comment if you loved this imagine.

Thank you for 6k reads

