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Bakugo pov.ย 

"What the hell..." said Kirishima, not believing his eyes.

"I found it when we were still looking for more villains. I couldn't believe my eyes as well. I don't know why I came up to you but... I just did."

"We have to tell the others, Bakugo. We can't keep this a secret."

"Alright. Let's go tell them." We went out of the cave, back to the amusement park and went to the others.

"Where did you guys go?" asked Mina. "Did you happen to have been making out?" she then cooed. Why the hell am I friends with her.ย 

"Mina! Not now! Anyways, we have something to show you... you won't be very pleased." said Kiri.ย 

"Uhm... okay?" said Uraraka. We led them to the cave full of dead bodies. They were all shocked (shookethย โœจโœจsorry, i'll stopย ๐Ÿ˜”) at the sight, just like me and Kiri.

"It stinks!" cried Denki.ย 

"Of course it stinks, idiot. The dead bodies are rotting." said Shinsou, pointing at the dead bodies where there are flies around them. Kiri took a closer look at the dead bodies.

"Hey, this body looks freshly new! And-" he went to some dead bodies further back. "-These look old!" he yelled back, walking towards us.

"Kiri, how are you not scared?" asked Uraraka.

"I've seen worse than this." I was curious. What did he see worse? "I think I'm gonna explore this cave more." I saw him activate his quirk.ย 

"Kiri! Should we stick together?" asked Midoriya.

"I'll be fine, trust me!" he yelled back.

"If you die, don't blame us!" I yelled. I heard someone laugh.ย 

"Who's there? Kirishima?!" asked Todoroki. We then heard a chainsaw. We all knew Kiri might be in danger. We ran deeper with the light of Todoroki's flames and my sparks of explosions. We paused and saw Kirishima looking upon the floor where there was a person cowering himself.

"Kiri?" asked Mina.ย 

"HELP ME. HE- HE'S A MONSTER!" yelled the person.

"Haha. Cute. I wonder how many people pleaded for help but you killed them. Imagine me, being you, and you, being one of these people who are dead, pleading for help. Now, what do you think?" asked Kirishima. I felt it again. The same horrifying presence I felt at the mall. This time, I wasn't the only one feeling it. I looked at the others. I saw them paralyzed of what Kirishima was able to do. I then looked back at Kirishima. I saw him doing the same thing he did to the (fake) Bloody Riot at the amusement park.ย 

"KIRISHIMA! YOU'RE GOING TO KILL HIM!" I said, trying snap him out of it. Last time he stopped but this time he didn't. "EIJIRO KIRISHIMA. STOP IT." I said, trying to hold him back. He paused. And deactivated his quirk.

"Sorry... I was just angry." I heard him murmur. He then whispered something else but I wasn't able to hear it. I looked at the others. I could tell they were trying to shake it off but were still scared.

"What happened to you, Kiri?" asked Shinsou. Kirishima stayed quiet. I bet he doesn't want anyone to know something. What are you hiding from us, Kirishima?

(A/n) I lost my motivation. Frick. Now I have to try and make the next chapter longer. Ur boi needs ideas. Help meEeE. :((
