
Hi hii! Kk, now for le QOTC: Do you have a crush on an anime character? If so, who is it?ย ๐Ÿ˜

My answer: Dabi and Seiji Shishikura (An unpopular opinion. plez don't bully me ;w;)

Ight, onto the story.

Kirishima pov.

I woke up to see not my room... but a hospital room? I heard soft snoring's near me. I looked over and saw Bakugou resting his head on the bed. He looked pretty cute. I stroked his hair a little bit but then I heard him sniffle. I took my hand off him and he awoke.

"K-Kiri?" he murmured.

"Yea. It's me." I whispered back at him. He put his hand on top of mine and rested a little bit more.

"Don't leave, please." he said in a soft, low voice. I smiled and just let him rest. The doctor then came in.

"Kirishima?" he asked. I nodded. "Hey. So, do you remember anything that happened before you collapsed?"

"I remember beating a villain and when I finished I remember everything going blurry and then all black." I told him. He nodded and wrote it down on a checkboard.ย 

"All right. So you're perfectly fine. You simply just passed out due to frustration and exhaustion. You're free to leave the hospital late however, I want you to rest and not stress yourself. Probably take a break from some hero work." he replied. He then left leaving me and Bakugou. Bakugou then yawned and sat up.ย 

"Hey, bro. You, good? Your eyes are baggy." I said.

"Yea, I'm-" he yawned. "-fine." I slightly laughed. "What's funny?"

"Nothing, nothing. Why did you stay here?" I asked.

"Honestly, I just fell asleep here." I nodded.ย 

"The doctor said I can leave the hospital later."

"I know. I heard. You're resting at my place." Wait, WHAT? Oh hell no! I'm not going to stay at his place!

"What? No, I'm not going to stay at your place to rest."

"Unless you're hiding something that is." Did he- figure out I'm the Bloody Riot? I have to keep it cool and play it smoothly.

"I'm not hiding anything. Anyways, about the Bloody Riot, did he kill anyone last night?" Of course he didn't, he was in the hospital who fainted.

"No. Can you move?" I moved my arms.

"You got your answer." He laughed. After a while, I got out of the bed. Bakugou passed me some clothes. When the hell did he get them? I changed into them and went to the reception. I then signed some papers and went outside with Bakugou. We entered his car and started to go to his place. I stayed quiet and stared at the window.ย 

"You need anything from your place?" he asked.

"Oh yeah. Just a few things. How long am I going to be at your place?"

"1 week. No exceptions." I opened my mouth because I wanted to protest. I then closed it and stared back at the window. We arrived at my place. I went inside and started to pack. When I finished I went back outside to see Bakugou still in the car outside my house waiting for me. I entered and we then went to his place.ย 

When we arrived, he still had his neat house. I remembered that I had to remove my shoes.

"Hey bro, where do I sleep?" I asked him. Since last time I was here, we had a sleepover so we slept at the living room.

"Follow me." he said. He led me upstairs and brought me to a nice room.ย 

"Woah. Nice." I said, looking around the room.

"Make yourself at home. I'll be making dinner." he said, leaving me. I put my bag down. I took out my clothes that I picked and left them in the wardrobe drawer. I then took out my coat that I use to kill people. I hanged it behind my door. I then went to explore his place furthermore. I went outside at the balcony. Man, what a view. I then heard Bakugou yelling the dinner was finished. I went back inside and went to the kitchen to eat. We had Yaki Udon for dinner. His cooking is way too good.ย 

"Thanks for the food, dude." I said, finishing. He nodded at me and washed the dishes. I then went upstairs to my room. I changed into some outdoor clothes. I then took my coat. I waited till it's midnight. I then went to the balcony and jumped down. I went on my way to find dark alley ways.ย 

~TS 30 minutes~ Yes I'm lazy, deal with it

Finally going to kill the last body. I roamed around some dark alleyways and found a drug dealer. I went up to him.

"What the hell took you so long, Hiraku? I got the dr-" before he could finish, I killed him. Honestly, I wish I could find something more interesting in these dumb dark alleyways. I finally carved my initials on him. I took out a pre-recorded videocassette and placed it on him. I then left and went on my way back to Bakugou's.ย 

When I arrived, I climbed onto the balcony. I removed my hat and slowly opened the door to get back inside from the balcony.





