
Yea... So the pic above is basically a quick coloured and sketch I did of Chikako. Yes, her name is Chikako Todoroki. I decided to add a bit of ShigaDabi in here :)) So basically, the blue [I would've made it black like Shigaraki's when he was a kid but I didn't want to :) ]ย  is Shiggy and the red is Dabi/Touya. She's wearing an eyepatch because she recently accidentally burned her eye which caused her to be blind. She indeed has inherited Dabi's quirk.

Anyways QOTC: Are you single or taken?ย 

My answer: I'm currently single. I broke up with my boyfriend last month because of some problems with me and my parents and then my friend told me he was cheating on me with others when we were still dating a few days ago. I was happy he cheated on me tbh-ย 

Bakuhoe's pov.

I know this isn't the Bloody Riot. I then heard a shout from Detective Katon.ย 

"That's not the Bloody Riot... That's the number 5 villain!ย Ankoku Takahashi! Careful, his quirk allows him to make bridges with the darkness. And he's good with combat. Make sure to not hurt the girl!" Obviously don't hurt the girl. I figured something. Since Todoroki was right beside me, this was perfect.

"Psst... Todoroki..." I whispered to him. He looked at me full of curiosity. "Since he can only make bridges in the darkness, let's lighten this place up." I didn't see his face, but I knew he smiled at the idea.ย 

"Alright." he said. When we were given the signal to fight, we lightened the place. We saw his shocked face. However, we say him calm down from it quickly. What's happening? I saw Deku use probably 5% of One For All at him but- he blocked it?! Even when we would spar and when he would use 5%, he can easily throw me to the back. He cackled.

"IS THAT ALL YOU CAN DO? WEAK." He boasted. I suspect he's using two quirks. I then saw the little girl make eye contact with me.ย 

'Mister?' asked the kid, mouthing at me.ย 

'Yea, kid?' I mouthed back. I'm able to understand what people mouth at me. Seems like she does too.

'He doesn't have two quirks, if you were thinking that. His quirk is Nullification. That's all I can say, mister.' she mouthed. I widened my eyes.ย 

'Wait.' She didn't take her eyes off me when I mouthed it. 'Then how was he able to create bridges using darkness?'

'His quirk is kind of like All For One, but he can only have two options. 1, either nullify the quirk for 3 hours. Or 2, use the quirk and only use it once.'ย 

'But Deku- why is he able to use his quirk still?'

'Is that his name? Well, I don't know about his case. He shouldn't be able to use his quirk for 3 hours. Don't ask me about-' but then she got slapped by Takahashi. I could tell the amount of anger that was emitting from him because of the way he slapped her. I didn't blast him. Now that I know the truth about his quirk, I must think of a way to defeat him.

"COWARD." someone yelled. I looked at who yelled at him. It was Kirishima? But why would he yell that? "YOU'RE A HUGE COWARD." I ran up to him.

"What the hell are you doing, idiot?!" He shushed me.

"I know what I'm doing." he assured me.ย 

"What did you call me?" asked Takahashi

"ARE YOU DEAF? I CALLED YOU A COWARD." I could tell Takahashi was now getting more angry. I saw Kirishima smirk. He then pulled out a knife from his upper gear. He then ran up to him. He didn't even activate his quirk. What the hell was he doing. He was pretty fast. I then saw him put multiple cuts around Takahashi. Wait- did he see my conversation with the little girl? [The moment I put 'girl' I got 666 words B) ]ย  Takahashi kept screaming in pain. I then saw Kiri activating his quirk and landing a final blow on him. Kirishima kept still for awhile. Then, he collapsed.

"KIRI!" I yelled, running up to him. Shishikura were calling the ambulance and the police. I stayed with Kiri in the ambulance going to the hospital. "Please let me be with him!" I urged when we were here.

"I'm sorry Ground Zero, but we must do tests on him. We can call you in when we're done." said the nurse. I nodded. I sat outside, waiting. The doctor and a few nurses then came out.ย 

"So?" I asked.

"He's doing perfectly fine. He just collapsed due to frustration and exhaustion. He should be discharged tonight." said the doctor. My worried face then went to a relieved one. I went into the room where Kiri was sleeping. He looked pretty cute with his hair down. He should really put his hair down more.ย 

"Ngh..." I hear him mumble. I smiled gently at him. I don't know why but I kissed his forehead. I heard his deep, soft snoring. That obviously meant he was asleep. Before I knew it, I slept keeping my head on his bed.ย 
