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Kirishima pov. (still)

"BAKUGO!!" called out Mina. They started panting as they arrived to our table. "Hey, Bakugo! We're here now and-" she turned and looked at me. "-Kiri?" I nodded. "Denki, look! Look! Kiri's here!"

"Kiri!" yelled Denki. They both started to squeeze me in a hug.

"I missed you guys too." I said, pulling out of their death-squeezing hug. They then grabbed a chair and sat down with us. "How are you guys? How's the Pro hero work and stuff?"

"Oh, they're fine. What have you been doing for the past year? I don't understand why you had to leave us!" cried Mina.

"What have I been doing for the past year?" I had to think of an excuse. "I was at America for the past year. I woke up pretty late so I had to dash to the airport last year on the day I had to leave. I wasn't able to say my quick goodbyes to you guys. I'm sorry! It's not such a manly thing to not being able to say goodbye to their bestfriends."

"Wait- You went to America?! Without us knowing?" said Denki, jaw-dropping. "When did you come back to Japan?"

"A few days ago. Say, this Bloody Riot, when did he first appear?" I asked, even though I already knew when he first appeared.

"Three months ago. He gave us a letter on top of a dead body he killed." said Bakugo.

"Woah, Bakugo, you seem really serious when it comes to the Bloody Riot. What's it all about?" I asked, clearly in confusion.

"I've been assigned the case of the Bloody Riot, the other heroes just have to deal with different stuff. Of course, Deku and Shouto are quite helping with the investigation." said Bakugo. I then understood. We started chatting about some things we know about the Bloody Riot.

"Who wants to go clothes shopping with me?" asked Mina. Me and Denki raised our hands, but Bakugo kept his down. Pretty obvious he would. He always doesn't participate when it comes to these circumstances. "Oh c'mon, Bakugo! It'll be fun!"

"Tch, I'm not joining your stupid fashion sprees." he said.

(A/N)Sorry! Short chapter this time. I'm kinda busy so I just stopped here. I have a lot of homework and I attend a second school (Idk if I should call it a school, I only learn two subjects at this place) so I'm usually pretty tired and don't have much time to write chapters. ;w; But I do try making progress everyday and give ya'll more chapters to satisfy your bored minds.ย  I promise I'll make the next chapter longer. Until next time!
